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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. I went once, I enjoyed myself, but wasn't really there to meet people I was just flying wingman for a friend. I went in with the mentality that I'm going to have a bunch of mini-conversations with these people and I had only one guy that was hard to talk to.
  2. I believe in paying for my part of the meal, usually its not half because I don't eat much. Some guys insist, but I prefer to pay my own way.
  3. Some of my best work as an artist comes to me at times of my most emotional turmoil. Would it be a better life if I never had those times, maybe, but would my life be as vivid with out the starkness I feel and see everything with. My lows are low, but the highs are stellar.
  4. I recommend smelling a few fragrances, picking one, and spraying yourself and walking around the store for a little while, if it still smells good, buy it. Scents in a bottle can change depending on the person wearing it. My Mom and I wear the same perfume, but it smells different on her than it does on me.
  5. Great stuff. Horsey people know the tricks that make life easier. Have you ever used Mane and Tail?
  6. I'd send it all back, unmarked, no return address, and if he calls, hang up.
  7. Why do you immediately assume its your looks that turn them away? You said they all sorta know you, maybe they just don't like you as a person, nothing to do with your face, they may not care for the way you've acted or something you've said. I don't smile at people I don't like, even if have to share a classroom with them.
  8. But that precisely the mentality that makes her feel so self-conscious. If you really didn't care, you wouldn't say something like that. How can she really feel comfortable in her own skin if deep down thats how you really feel.
  9. It sounds like she's just stringing you along. That's not really fair to you to be emotionally ripped up every time she feels the need to cheat. I don't care if it is an open relationship, that's what it is to me, she's asking permission to cheat on you. You don't experience college by snogging every other guy you come accross, thats bunk. I say tell her to stop it or beat it.
  10. Unless she's 5'3" or shorter, she's not overwieght. Besides if she's working out, she'll gain muscle mass, which is hevier than fat, so she'll be trimmer, but weigh more.
  11. What is it that you consider her proper weight?
  12. Why does it really matter, its subjective. Each person has their own opinions as to what they find attractive. Every person has their own characterizations of what they think is best in an individual.
  13. I don't think its a cop out. I think that might be good for her to have clothing she feels comfortable in. When she gets dressed in the morning she's unhappy because she has to feel fat in that outfit all day. Thats depressing and being depressed about something can make things even harder because depression often leads to apathy and self pity and doubt. If you help her find new clothing, just a few things that are better fitted will help. She might even get a little kick in the pants from it, that will make it easier to say no to the sweets.
  14. She doesn't have to do anything with you. And if you pressure her, she's only going to resent you and kick you to the curb. If you want sex find a girl that wants sex too, your GF shouldn't be expected to do things she doesn't want to. So either cool it or go.
  15. If you missed 3 pills it can take up to another month to regain the full protection of the pill. If you stopped you're pills your body will be going through a hormonal change similar to the one you had when you started. Take another pregnancy test and if you are still worried go to your doctor.
  16. It shouldn't be depressing, you're having a baby! Don't let some superficial ideal as to still looking sexy be what drives you're personal care. You're baby's health and your health should be what matters.
  17. Women gain different amounts of weight. It could be a lot of water retention or it could be your body recognizing you were too small to sustain yourself and a baby. It only matters that you are eating right and taking pre-natal vitamins and doing moderate exercise. Your doctor will be the best person to talk to, although some of them can be crazy about women only gaining 20lbs and if you go over they put you on horrible diets.
  18. I don't hate men, I just consider it personally insulting for a man to say he has a better idea of what women want than the women themselves.
  19. He cheated on you? There is no reason to still feel attached to this guy, he's obviously not a good person if he cheats. You deserve someone that respects you and is considerate of you and your relationship. He wrong you and you are free from him, move on to better things.
  20. So you as an all knowing man are going to tell us exactly what women think because you have such a deep an thorough knowledge of how every one will answer and how she just a poor confused creature that really needs a guy to interpret all her opinions and emotions for her. Because you wouldn't want to leave it up to the woman to decide what her own ideas and emotions mean to her.
  21. If they are your ex, then your birthday doesn't matter anymore. Its part of not being together anymore. They aren't required to remember b-days, anniversaries, or any other days that were important while you dated. Expecting them to still act like they care is unreasonable and only going to cause you more hurt.
  22. Not always, unless you chose a cupcake major freshmen year can suck. And if she's upset about not seeing him it can only add to the stress, now add being home sick, needing to make new friends, adjusting to a new setting, relearning how to study, people who don't care if you learn, lots of new things, no one really there to help you, the list goes on as to what all could be stressing her. College isn't always a party, if she's really using her time to make a go at a career its going to be a lot of work and you might not be the top priority any more.
  23. Shouldn't help with the toning, but it might keep you from going bonkers.
  24. No, no and no. No chance, no way, no how. Its Russian roulette only instead of holding the gun to your head you're putting it between your legs.
  25. DING DING DING We have a WINNE R !!! Wow, how many times can women say it.
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