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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. You don't need to explain yourself, she over reacted and blamed you. Don't say a word to her. No contact.
  2. Then have a group meeting of everyone in the house. Get every thing in the open. If things don't change start documenting every thing damaged and contact a lawyer to make sure you're protected agaisnt any charges that may come up from the damage. You can't kick them out just because they're a jerk. As long as he pays rent and the owner doesn't care about what happens to the house there really are no legal actions to be taken.
  3. Maybe you have an attitude problem. Its not hard to tell if a guy is all about face value. If you harp on this subject and feel like this all the time it going to affect the way to are seen by women. Change how you see yourself and how you feel about yourself. Look at what you will have in the future, a pretty face doesn't last for ever, a great mind may get slow, but which do you think would be a more fulfilling aspect of a relationship. The mind or the body?
  4. Well you obviously aren't getting both and you continue to complain, might be there was some change needed. Repeatedly going at a problem the same way over and over again is crazy, you can't get the goal you want, you have to find a new way. You aren't going to change the women, so that means you are going to have to change, either your attitude, your perception, your approach, which ever.
  5. Maybe you should see a dietitian and have them help you gain some weight. I have know several people that had to fight to keep from looking like they were starved. You complain about women not accepting you for your appearance but you just debased Amanda as a possible partner because of her appearance. Maybe you need to reevaluate what is really important in life. Being pleasing to a partners eyes and them to yours or finding someone who will truly care and love you?
  6. What happens when the next friend you really like comes along? Will you ditch the new GF for a new fling? I feel sorry for your ex and I feel sorry for your new GF.
  7. Never OK for any one to hit any one else. It by no means is ever acceptable to resort to violence, no matter which sex does what or who does it first. Eye for an eye would leave the whole world blind.
  8. Wouldn't it be better to try to restrain the person and call the police. I had a friend that had a abusive GF, he had been in the Marines and could easily defend himself. His girlfriend got drunk and started hitting and kicking and threw beer bottles at him. He never hit her, he held her wrists and pushed her into the bathroom and called the cops. How would hitting someone help the situation? It will only escalate the violence and make every thing worse.
  9. She calls 3 times, you text once. Call her, talk to her. Make it a person to person communication.
  10. He probably got badgered by her until he gave in to say they won't be friends with you any more. I don't think what you said was rude, I think she put herself in a situation to get hurt and was being a stupid drunk and didn't like that people laughed at her. She sounds like avery nasty person.
  11. If she pays rent then she should stand up for herself. If he causes damages, take pictures, write down when it happened and talk to the land lord. If the lease is for each person and not as a group your land lord may help you get rid of him.
  12. Sorry to say but if he pays the rent and bills you don't really have any right to say anything to him. My roomies GF got told several times I get hot showers and they get whats left. If you don't like it you need to have you're BF talk to him or go else where. Don't expect people to tolerate interlopers in their home.
  13. Sounds like a drunken admission of how she really feels about you. She probably has only been acting friendly for the sake of your hubbies. I'd say just don't make an effort to avoid or be near her. I personally wouldn't talk to her again unless she apologized for being so flagrantly rude to you specifically when there were 6 other people there. Some people need to be the center of attention, be it negative or positive. She's not worth your energy.
  14. Christian Bale, The Machinist image removed
  15. As long as the guy doesn't look like Christian Bale in The Machinist, I'd say whatever. If he did, I'd offer to take him to the doctor.
  16. You can't expect someone to be loyal to you before you are even dating. People don't magically pop up with out a past, if you want to be with someone you have to take all of them. Why does it bother you that she's been with other men, she wasn't your GF, she may not have even known you? She was doing every thing with in her right and if that meant she slept with other men, so be it, haven't you been with other women?
  17. Its been over 10 years for me and I still have them on occasion. I take Ambien to help sleep, when I don't take it, I have a glass of wine to help (red is best for the anti-oxidants). I try relaxing before bed, avoiding any stimulation from TV or radio, I try to picture positive things and keep my focus on happy images. If I wake up to one, I will get a drink of water and calm myself and again try to focus on happy things. It gets easier, I tend to have a variety of good warm thoughts that I like to think about. Things that really warm your heart.
  18. That right there is the problem. You expect him to be something he's not. If you can't accept him for who he is, then you should just say good bye. Expecting someone to change because of you is not fair to them, they are entitled to be who they are and you share that with them. Making demands that they act this way, come home at this time, and so on starts to get like having a warden and not a partner. Is he in school? If so, that's what should come first, from the sound of your relationship, it doesn't seem like its a long term investment, but and education is something he could use for the rest of his life.
  19. Make sure it says "lubricated" on the condom wrapper. Its also possible that the the condom had spermicide on it, that can cause irritation and some people are really allergic to it.
  20. I never said I was every girl, but as I have a vagina, I am more qualified to answer a question on what WOMEN think than a man. I don't think integrity, intelligence, wit, self-awareness, personal goals, hobbies and such have been drastically influenced by the persons face. All of which are traits I look for, I don't make snap judgments based on someones face value. People are much more dynamic and diverse than the way the lumps of tissue are arranged on their bones.
  21. so the woman is claiming the child is his?
  22. You are not every girl! You're not even a girl! You have only a basic idea how a few women you have come in contact think. I say basic because unless you did extesive questioning of their tastes in men you are only guessing what they think I am a woman and I am telling you what I think, when I look at a man as a potnetial date... Looks are no where near 90% of my attraction, they maybe somewhere in the equation, but my basis for attraction makes looks a secondary feature and not an over all selling point. You
  23. Yep! And the people that looks matter the most (or insecure with their own) but pretend they don't matter are the ones that get the most upset when others say they don't particularly care. There are those who prefer a vapid eye candy partner and those who base their attraction on more cerebral qualities. We are not all cut out with the same cookie cutter, so our views will all differ based on what we hold important to us.
  24. Yeah, and you notice how tall people are always lookin down on you... I think this is a nasty generalization. I've lost 40+ pounds and I'm the same person. I maybe more confident, but less fat doesn't make me rude, it makes me fit in smaller pants and worry less about high blood pressure.
  25. I suggest going with a friend so you have someone to laugh with after ward Just have fun, don't make it in to a big deal.
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