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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. "Babe" was the name of my Mom's old horse, but it still has no animal association for me, I think its more like "hot stuff" for me. "Chick" is annoying, its like calling some one a bird brain or something.
  2. You don't answer his calls and you give the note back to her. Don't say anything, don't acknowlegde him at all. You can do this!
  3. Then move... That's not a hard solution to come up with.
  4. I say pawn all the jewelry give the money to a women's shelter or something and then take yourself to the doctor and get tested for STIs (just to be sure).
  5. If you know what attracts you and what doesn't how can you still say you don't know what you want? Maybe its the men you pick to start with.
  6. Are you looking for reasons to think badly of her? Why does her sexual past matter if she's picked you to marry and commit the rest of her life to? You've admitted to sleeping with someone else, so how big a piece of your heart is gone?
  7. Better yourself and push him out of your life.
  8. It not hard, just stop. You have a backbone, USE IT! You want to see him, do 50 sit ups, or you want to talk to him, take a jog. Do something else, read, draw, do your homework.
  9. Think about yourself! What happens if you get pregnant? Do you think he's going to help you? You are worth more than jewelry and being a second class person. You are not a toy, you are a person. You need to be strong and take your self-respect back. Don't talk him, don't tell him anything, just stop all contact. If he calls, hang up, if he comes to your door, close it in his face. Ignore him, he doesn't exist.
  10. I'd tell him, in front of her, that you are friends with his girl friend and you have no interest in sleeping with him or in him other than he is your friends boy friend. I'd also tell him to stop making rude comments to you because its not funny and its disrespectful to you and his girlfriend.
  11. Either way you are doing both. Even though he won't drop you when his GF has sex with him, do you really want to be seconds. She is his GF, you are his prostitute. Who do you think he really cares about.
  12. So you say no and stop doing that. Its your choice.
  13. Stop being a hooker! You're being payed for him to cheat. Do you really what to be like that?
  14. It might be that when the women reach college they have exposure to a more mature pool of men and find what was once good in high school isn't in college. Maybe the guys called the women chick too much and they decided to kick them to the curb.
  15. If you put a restriction like that on her, then its most likely that she is doing it because she no longer has some one trying to police her body. You may have nothing to do with it, she could have always planned on getting it.
  16. Its always good to be prepared. I started taking birth control for other reasons, but feel most women who are even thinking about sex should be prepared with something. Take the pill and always have condoms, a little bit of planning goes a long way.
  17. Ah, the "I want you, I hate you" complex, felt that before. Aren't hormones GREAT.
  18. Have you tried birth control? I had a lot of mood swings and pain before I started with BC. I'm more careful about getting sleep, eating right and drinking lots of water. My big problem is dehydration can make me cranky.
  19. I think its mostly the shock that he broke up with one lady and was hooked up with another that night. Its not like there's a waiting period, but some might feel its a little insulting to his ex to be hopping from one relationship to the next so soon when his reason for ending it was commitment conflicts. It does seem like he was unloading the ex so that he could be with the new woman.
  20. Your adviser is there for this purpose, they are there to advise you on what your options are. I'm sure they would have a much better idea of what's available to your field than most of the general population. Also, if you do stay in the Anthropology/History area it is going to be very competitive. Money will be hard and you are most likely going to be spending a lot of time writing.
  21. If you'd actually read the post it doesn't sound like a fling. The guy's not putting out enough for her sex drive. Is it a problem if women express their displeasure in the fact they aren't satisfied sexually or is it that women don't keep quiet and bow down to the wishes of every man?
  22. Don't do that, you don't want to sink to her level. No contact and remain stoic, you are being the adult.
  23. And you've never complained about not getting enough sex?
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