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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Why can't you? Like saying "I stalking your MySpace page and I totally hate what you wrote". How about acting like an adult and leave her alone. You do anything and you're the psycho ex that won't go away.
  2. When she becomes sulky, how do you respond? Do you continue to be friendly? Have you talked to your GF about this, voiced your concerns? Maybe both of you working jointly encouraging her to play and be social with you could change her mood.
  3. Think about it. Your "friend" is restricting you from seeing or talking to someone. How is she the authority on who you or he is allowed to socialize with? Have you asked her why its such a big deal now? Think of how this poor guy must feel, you've been hanging out and now you ignore him, its not really fair to treat him so badly on her whim.
  4. My hair is a matted mess every shower, I'm so glad I got it cut short or I'd have my own dreads. Scruff is OK, beards too, I like that facial hair if its clean and trimmed.
  5. If its chilly take a thermos of hot chocolate and a blanket to snuggle under.
  6. I don't like long hair, I'm not really sure why. If a guy wears it pulled back, its fine, or I like black guys with dreads, but otherwise nope, doesn't do anything for me.
  7. Could people please stop calling relationships between different age ADULTS pedophilia! Pedophiles prey on children, not adults. Large age gaps may not be something you would personally do, but DO NOT compare it to a deviate sexual behavior. Adults, even if they are young adults, are still adults, they are capable of making their own choices and can decide to be with whom ever they choose. It is not a sexual predator coercing or forcing a child to preform sex acts, it is two adults consenting to a relationship.
  8. I gone places because I liked the bouncer.
  9. Ignore him, people will probably think he's crazy.
  10. Maybe she hadn't ever thought they were fun until she saw him taking pleasure going to them and thought "why can't I have that kind of fun".
  11. No he wasn't! He doesn't exist! He's nothing.
  12. How is it malicious for her to go with the intent of getting the same feelings he does? She was experiencing something for the pleasure of it, like he does, but because it was an issue of her doing it after him its malicious? Could it be that she wanted to have fun and see naked men with out him around strictly for the purpose of her pleasure. Its not always about getting even. She very well could have wanted to see what it was all about. Women can do things without ulterior motives and yes they do them without care of what men feel or think.
  13. Yeah, but Bent you're 44 yo "I ain't gunna grow up" is so much more interesting and mature that the 25 yo "I ain't gunna grow up". You at least have weathered responsibility and life, they are just so stuck on them selves to find there's a heck of a lot more world past the end of their nose.
  14. She's standing up for what she believes in, those are her convictions and her feelings. Would you really want her to go against her own standards to be with you? She feels this way, its is her choice. Do you think that going to strip clubs is more important than her following her beliefs? Which is more precious a thing to you, that you watch naked women dance or being with someone you know has standards and integrity.
  15. Great Idea! Never go any where alone, even the bathroom. If its gets to the point he won't stop, leave, pretend you're ill, whatever, you don't have to put up with him. If need be make a scene, yell "NO! Take your hands off me", he has no right to force you into anything. You just have to keep saying no.
  16. Would you stop doing it if women said "No its gross"? Who cares, if you enjoy it, keep doing it, you don't need the approval of women or us to think you're hot.
  17. I think that's pretty judgmental. Why is it pathetic for them to seek companions they find desirable and attractive? They are mid-life, but they aren't dead. I was told by an older man, he likes younger women because women his age don't see life the same way, they were still wonderful women, but the lacked the perspective of youth. I think judging some one by their age is wrong. People don't need to be on this planet the same number of years to understand each other or even to have sex with each other. Once a person is old enough or aware enough to care for themselves they have every right to decide with whom the associate and relate.
  18. Stay clear of him, he's just going to try to manipulate you into being his sex toy again. He needs to realize people are not to be bought. You are a human, not a vagina to be used and ignored when he wants to be with his virgin girlfriend. Think about how sleazy this guy really is! He's cheating on his girlfriend because she's not letting him use her the way he's using you. You can do this, just stay strong!
  19. That's not that amazing, he's having someone do the work for him. It shows he's too chicken to actually come face to face with you. If he cared, the moment you stopped talking to him he'd have been at your front door begging you to see him. Instead he sends his sister to mediate with a scrap of paper. He's a loser.
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