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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. I agree with Spugly, the GF should know, but waiting would be the best thing right now. This is a time to break off total contact even with 2nd parties he's involved with. Judging by how he's acted, he's not going to be able to hide his jerk nature much longer. Hopefully the GF sees it sooner rather than later.
  2. No, you're not together, you don't even have a current address. Just forget him, move on.
  3. I hope you burned the flowers or send them back to him.
  4. I would ask your BF's mom to take you to a Planned Parenthood or clinic and get BC right away. You should still use condoms even if you're on the pill so that you have both forms of protection. BC isn't effective for a few weeks so you need to use condoms during that time anyway.
  5. What's the difference between one time and many, the actions are still the same. Is she not just going to enjoy looking at members of the opposite sex, as she still finds other men attractive. You can't decide for her what she will do on her Saturday nights.
  6. There are many "traditions", like the guy wasting a ton of money on a stupid ring, but people don't have to follow traditions to be happy. No person is without insecurities, you can't say you have never had an moment of self doubt. Can you honestly say your significant other lustily watching after another man as he dances naked is totally acceptable and perfectly fine with you?
  7. But they don't have to be at strip clubs either.
  8. I don't think a wedding is on the same scale as a bachelor party. The bachelor party isn't even important, its the marriage that is really the whole point of the celebration.
  9. You made it through!!!! Tears will happen, but look how well you did! You're going to be just fine! You can do it!
  10. I did not have to give a reason, I said I would not go. No explanation was asked for or given. If it is a lie than I sure you are more than aquatinted with doing the same. I do not need to justify actions to my friends they do not feel the need to get a reason for every thing I do or do not do, nor do I feel the need to give them one, such is the basis of trust. They trust me to know I am capable of my own choices and reasons, that I do not do every thing they chose because of my beliefs or views. My old roommate (a woman) went to strip clubs on several occasions, she invited me to come, but I didn't not join her. She did not feel the need to ask why either. For my birthday one of my male friends decided to do an impromptu strip show in my living room, I covered my face, while he danced down to his whitey tighties. It was his choice to do that, I didn't have to ask him to stop since there were other guys present that insisted he stop.
  11. I'm not a lier, I choose to act with class and not make my friend feel guilty for me not going because of the questionable venue. Bachelor parties aren't special when they are debaucheries, it should be a celebration of the coming marriage, not what most people have made them, crass rituals where they act bereft of responsibility because it was their bachelor party. Life doesn't stop because its a particular occasion or party.
  12. I didn't ask them to move the party. I made the choice not to attend. I did not tell my friend it was because it was at the strip club, I just declined the offer to go and took her for a drink later.
  13. You don't have to go to bachelor parties at strip club, my friend had her's at a strip club and I didn't go because I didn't want to go to a stip club.
  14. Have you tried putting condoms on while she's not there. Masturbate and try putting them on. Get used to how it feels, if the size is off get new ones.
  15. You're better off with out him, you are working on this and you're going to make it through.
  16. Then you have no right to criticize women that go to strip clubs after their BF's have, it’s the same thing. It’s the intent of doing it is just to be spiteful. How is that any better? If anything its childish and a passive aggressive act trying to subvert the relationship.
  17. What a jerk! That is a desperate and sickening act. He is such a sleaze. I hope you erase the video. Did he email it? Block his emails, delete them right away, if its a phone video, block his phone number. Push him out of your life.
  18. You did make an agreement, but it doesn't sound like you are getting the rights to paying your share. You should have a key if you are paying for the space. Talk to the management and see what it would entail adding your name to the lease so that you are really on the books.
  19. First take a some deep breaths and try to clear your mind. Cry if you need to, but don't let yourself get sobbing. When I'm really stressed a hot shower is always soothing, I just stand under the water and focus on the feeling of the heat spreading through my body. Try to keep yourself calm, if you feel like its getting to be too much, stop and breath. Controlled breathing helps settle you a lot. I try feel how each breath goes into my body, I focus on my heart and try to will it to beat slower. Focus on yourself and your body. Panic attacks are just over response of the body to stress, you can control them.
  20. Did you ever agree to pay half the rent?
  21. How about "There aren't any guys around here I'd go gay for"
  22. Don't all the people in the porn get paid? In prostitution only one person is getting paid.
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