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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. You should wait a week and take a pregnancy test just to be sure. If you haven't eaten, it could be cramps and gas. How is your liquid intake? If you haven't drank much either, you will be likely to have cramps as well. Drink Gatorade and soup.
  2. I do yoga, use those thermal thingies. When its really bad I lay on the floor on my back with my body in as straight a line as possible and my knees bent at about 90deg. I breathe slow and try to relax all the muscles in my torso. Hot showers are wonderful. Desk chairs are a big deal in back health if you spend time at the computer. You want to get a chair that allows you to sit up straight and not slouch. If I'm having lower back pain, I roll a hand towel and put it in the lumbar area to support my back more. Proper posture helps a lot, when standing or sitting make sure to be aware of how you sit.
  3. When did the friend make this comment? Pre or post dumping?
  4. If he passed your cervix it would have been the most painfull sex you've ever had. What have you been eating, it might be gas.
  5. Stop rationalizing and defending him, he's not a good person, a good person wouldn't sleep with another girl because their partner is waiting for marriage. Look at how he's acted. He was nice to you so that he could have sex with you, you were #2, not his girlfriend.
  6. I totally disagree, giving him that sort of chance will only open you up to more hurt. If he's told people then he's only making himself more of a sleaze. He thought he had a good thing, but you are no longer his toy and like any self centered 2 year old, when his toy is taken away he's going to throw a tantrum. Look at how he's acted. These are not the actions of an adult or even a young adult. He's a selfish, worthless scoundrel, you don't need to do anything for him. You need to care for your own emotions and how you feel. In all the time did you ever feel like you were the real love of his life? Did he ever give you respect and honesty? He's trying to bate you, he's harassing you, he's intimidating you, he's telling private things to others, these are not the actions of a lover, these are the actions of a stalker or an abuser.
  7. The only thing I really notice that is different between my female and male friends, the conversation with the women is more mature.
  8. I like my guys natural I prefer to trim myself, it's comfier and cleaner, sometimes I go bare.
  9. So the player got played, get over it. It sounds like she isn't into you for anything more than a lay. She's told you she's not interested in a relationship, that you're not her type, and doesn't really respond to your prodding, all signs point to "Leave her alone"
  10. I think it sums you up pretty well (you just need to wear a big red bow
  11. Maybe you should resign your positions in all extra curricular activities. Start setting up time lines for yourself. Make goals for what you want to accomplish each day. What did you do today that you weren't productive?
  12. I think there is very little confusion as to what is going to happen. She said friends only and you should leave it at that. Don't hope, don't want anything else. You keep acting like you want more than friendship then she may just dump you as a friend. Women who have told men "you are a friend" are doing the guy a favor, they're telling you "spend your energies else where I'm not interested".
  13. Maybe you need to get the basic math under your belt.... 100-15=85 I'm a grad student in Astro Engr, I can tell you undergrad was very hard. I worked my butt off for every grade I got. I found that working in a study group helped a lot. I also had to relearn how to study the farther I got into my program, light reviews and some sample problems were no longer helpful. I found I needed to derive everything for myself, take everything to the most basic and build on that. I just about went crazy my senior year, I was taking 3 graduate level courses and a major design class, I slept about 4-5 hours on a a good night. I know its sounds stupid, but look to your health, stress can feed itself. I changed my diet, more fruit and healthier foods and that made a difference, drink juice and milk, if you can avoid soda, sugar can make things worse.
  14. I don't think it should be for people over 18, but it should still be case by case for individuals near the line. I know there are vast difference in the maturity of people at any age, so its not easy to say that all 18 year olds are capable of being adults or if all 21 years olds for that matter. If this were imposed it shouldn't be a strict rule, but rather a guideline for evaluation of each situation. Of course that would mean how would you determine the maturity levels of the individuals involved and the nature of the relationship.
  15. You're not being a douchebag (I hate that term)! I think you are being kind to a person who cares for you. The daughter doesn't matter right now. You're showing compassion for a sick woman, that's never a bad thing.
  16. But his break up isn't under consideration, its his relationship with her mother, who obviously still sees him as a friend.
  17. But she didn't tell him bad things, she just mentioned her daughter. Its not really going behind the daughters back. The daughter was how he met the mother, but the daughter isn't the center of the world, there are other relationships that can form outside of his and the daughter's. They may have broken up, but that doesn't neutralize the feelings of every other person involved. This woman genuinely cares about him.
  18. I think the letter sounds like a good idea. It will let her know you still care and that your heart is still with her, but because the memories at the house are so strong it won't be so detrimental to your mental state.
  19. I did that test too and was actually happy to see that there were no matches for me. I did it a few years ago when I was really down and thought so little of myself because I was weird, but then seeing that result didn't make me feel weird, I started to really see that I am unique and maybe the person best for me isn't a match, but rather a compliment of who I am. I try not to look at people as matches, but as what I like about them and how I respond to them. In all honesty, I think if I did find a perfect match, I'd be fighting with them all the time and I don't want that.
  20. I personally would prefer the $330 instead of getting cervical cancer down the line. I also hate pap smears, but I know they are the best way to detect abnormal cells.
  21. When I was shier I would usually smile and try to talk to the guys when I could get the nerve. A coffee date would be good, take her to a nice little cafe that isn't too crowded and you're not on a serious dinner date so its not so much pressure.
  22. Depends, most of my friends say come, have fun, no gifts. Some people might expect gifts.
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