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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Tell him your plans. You would have to give up a lot of time in your career to have and care for children. If you don't feel this is the right thing, then it probably isn't. See what he wants to do.
  2. I don't believe in debasing my self for the purpose of sex. If the man I'm with doesn't understand that, then its not a question of what I'm wearing. Women have a right to make personal choices on what they feel comfortable wearing and any man that would ask a woman to feel trashy so he can get off is being self centered. I would never ask my BF to put on something he thought looked trashy because I thought it was hot. Its a question of respect for their person feelings, individual taste and wanting them to feel good about themselves.
  3. Send it back to him. Put it in another envolope, write his address and toss it in the post. Don't put a return address, don't write anything, return without comment.
  4. I appreciate things done for me by anyone, including strangers and even the smallest gestures are meaningful. Nope, I think someone's a jerk, male or female, I don't put up with it. I have. Respects me for who I am. Understands I am not perfect. Is caring of my feelings. Doesn't expect me to change. He should either finish last or save enough energy to make sure I am satisfied. Nope
  5. He was yelling at you from accross the street, how it that not deliberate? Read that site,
  6. Wearing lingerie isn't all about making a guy go crazy, its also about feeling sexy yourself. If the lady thinks its trashy, she won't feel sexy in it, she'll feel trashy.
  7. Nice, so she's just a good distraction, I'm sure that would really improve her perception of you.
  8. If you are this upset, you need to do it when you feel upset. Don't wait, it will only make things worse. Talk to him, sit him down and say "I feel that there is something wrong". He needs to know.
  9. After looking through the VS catalog this season, I think most of the stuff is pretty trashy too. The silk baby doll is about the only classy looking lingerie. The pajamas are cute, but not flannel, the satin is much more luxurious and I think they have a promo right now that you get matching slippers for free. I would say if you want to go this route stick to satin or silk, the other stuff is cheap looking and doesn't feel as good on.
  10. You stopped his supply of free sex. You were sex without commitment, so of course he's mad. Now he might have to try to get sex. He treated you like crap, so that's his tough luck. I say you gave him a chance and he blew it, hope you do better with the friend.
  11. That alone would tick me off. You don't ditch a pregnant lady for a good time like that. Have you told him? Sit down with him and talk it all out. Tell him exactly how you feel. If he won't listen its a good sign of his respect.
  12. After reading that site, this to me stands out as one of the most sure signs of this guy...
  13. Its just marriage with out the papers. If you can be together 2 years as a commited couple then marriage won't be much different. You don't need to be married to be devoted and honorable partners.
  14. How much do you drink? That's empty calories that can build up fat in no time, ie beer belly. Do you drink at a bar?
  15. It generally sounds like you're out of shape. I know an avid soccer player that is more out of breath than me when we walk up a couple flights. As for the reflux, Penn Station isn't exactly health food, greasy foods can cause reflux. If you really feel you aren't right, go to the doctor. They can listen to your heart and run some blood tests. Do you smoke, even a little or have friends that do? Smoking greatly reduces the ability of blood to carry oxygen so it makes you need to move more air through your lungs and your heart to work harder to get blood to your body. It may not even be heart related, it could be a lung deficiency, like asthma.
  16. You are better off with out him. What's there to go back to? Being a sex toy to a selfish jerk, that's not going to do anything but hurt you more.
  17. Lets see, ahhhh, yep! Thats what I said! You want to judge someone by their sex life then you have a small mind as to what really constitutes a person. If a guy told me "you're not a virgin so you're not worthy of me", I'd tell him "stick it in your ear".
  18. I get those every now and then, usually when I've been wearing my contacts too long. The worst I got was when I used to wear make-up. The bacteria live in the mascara and each time you use it you put it back on your lashes. I stopped using it. You should stop all make-up use for a few days and toss any mascara that you've used recently as it will most likely be contaminated. I keep it clean and watch it, if it doesn't get better after a few days call the doctor.
  19. It was a lie. If he was hurt he wouldn't have treated you like this.
  20. I'm sorry this happened. Maybe she felt you weren't meeting her needs? It might be that she thinks being with someone else is better for her. It may very well be she was being self centered and didn't really care about you or your son. Any answers here are just speculation, if you really want to know you'll have to ask her. But I think you should spend your energy helping your son, making sure he know you still love him and that it not his fault what ever the reason maybe.
  21. If it was his friend, its most likely something he told his friend to say to you. He's already had his sister run his errands, why wouldn't he have his friend say something. You need to be strong. Push away all feelings you have for him he's never going to be good for you. Even if he broke up with his GF and really asked you to date him, could you ever trust him? How could you ever feel he would be totally honest and loyal to you?
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