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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Bra's are such a pain. I finally found racerbacks in my size. The strap slip drives me nuts, even my best fit bras slip on occasion. I'm very careful about my bra's as a good bra can disappear during the day and help reduce the strain on my back. Bra straps are important to the actual lift of the bra too, but so many designers are going to pretty things without much function.
  2. You need a separate place for your baby to sleep. Too many babies have been suffocated by their sleeping parents rolling onto them while they sleep. Don't make this mistake, buy a baby crib, please.
  3. Not like the other girl? There's not much to go on here, like how does your GF treat you? If you love her, why would liking someone else be such a big deal?
  4. He is a CHEATER! He will never treat you with respect. Look at what he has done to you and his girlfriend, he doesn't respect women. You deserve more than this.
  5. YOU DON'T NEED HIM! He cheated on his girlfriend with you. He is not a trustworthy person.
  6. Its good you left. She's probably very hurt that he's played both of you and saw you as the one who is at fault.
  7. I would say it should go both ways. You should tell her when you're going out even if she's working, but then she should also keep you informed as to her hours and the changes. After the change in her work time on that night, if she had wanted to go she should have called you and told you she no longer had to work. On other occasions you can still say, I'm going out, if your work time changes you can call me and join up.
  8. The water will be good to keep you hydrated, the lemon a nice flavor, the bee vomit is all sugar so it won't do anything but be a sugar. I hope that's not an all day diet idea because that is insane. Rapid weight loss is unhealthy and dangerous. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to modify your life style by eating a more balanced diet and exercising more. Fad diets are good for making some one rich and damaging your body.
  9. Nope, its a shallow reason to date someone or to stay with them.
  10. He's the one that's going to be in trouble, she's going to find out what he's been doing behind her back. How awful he's treated you and how disrespectful he was of their relationship. Try to keep you're emotions in control. Tell her what you want to tell her. Answer her questions as best you can, but don't let it become a fight. If he shows up, leave. This is between you and her, he has been treating you both badly and its about time he learned women aren't toys.
  11. I don't have sex, but I take BC, it was a health choice. I took it to regulate my periods. Sex isn't a side effect of BC.
  12. He knows he's going to be dumped when she finds out he's a jerk. This is the sound of his little sick world crashing down.
  13. I think we need a bisexuals opinion really, someone who's tasted both.
  14. I would definitely show her the video, that would be very convincing evidence of how sick he is.
  15. There are a lot of men that use friendship as a means for getting closer to women so they can have more serious relationships. Its not an unreasonable question. You should be prepared for anything that might happen. Being smart about how you act, anticipating what might happen and planning ahead what you might do are only smart tactics to keep you safe.
  16. If I could give them to you I'd gladly split them with ya. Mine got perkier when I lost weight, they didn't shrink, I so wanted them to.
  17. Big, little, its just blobs of fat plastered to your chest. Mine get in the way.
  18. Money wouldn't even be a factor in my choice. You decide on job offers based on money, not life mates.
  19. You could put some flavored lube on your penis too. There are a bunch of fruity flavors or use a flavor condom so she doesn't have any go in her mouth at all.
  20. Then take friends, have them keep their distance if she's being reasonable, but make sure they're around if she goes too far.
  21. I would be mad at both of them. Mostly him though, especially if the other woman is single, as he is the one betraying the relationship. To me the betrayal he committed would be far worse than being the second party in an affair. If she doesn't want to see that he is as much, if not more, responsible, then she is being willfully ignorant to the horrible nature of her BF. I'm not a violent person, so physical attacks are not something I would consider. Even though one is not willing to use a sword does not mean one can not die by one. Be prepared, take pepper spray with you and if she attacks you spray her. She has no right to physically attack you.
  22. By the way, I know its not Bi-Polar, because I'm Bi-Polar. I have rapid cycling manic-depressive bouts. They don't mean I fly off the handle in anger, it means I get highly energized, can't sleep, can't focus, and can make bad decisions then I get to feel like crap always tired, no desire to do anything, and my anxieties are amplified. During the mood swings I can be cranky and snappish, but I have never been in a blind rage like what you describe.
  23. I hope she realizes what a supreme jerk this guy is and how he's been using both of you. If she wants to talk, talk to her. Don't let her attack you though. If she starts going off on you, break it off. You are not the person to be yelling at. Tell her that her BF is a sleaze and has been stalking you since you dumped him. Make the point of telling her you ended it.
  24. This isn't bi-polar, this is poor anger management skills. You need to see someone NOW!. You are not going to just stop being like this, it will get worse and worse, and one day you may beat your GF to a bloody pulp. Go to a counselor NOW!
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