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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. I would say limit your simple sugars, like refined white flour, canned fruits or sweet or processed foods. Complex sugars, wheat flour, fresh fruit with the skins, starchy vegs are digested slower releasing the glucose into your blood over a longer period of time. When you digest any sugar your pancreas will release insulin so the body can use the sugar, but if you eat processed carbs (which are digested quickly) the pancreas spikes the insulin production to protect the body from the glucose spike. The insulin immediately starts storing the sugar, getting it out of the blood stream causing low blood sugar, which makes you hungry. Low carb diets limit the glucose production or they try to say the create a level blood sugar during the day. The only problem is that its a lower level than most people need to function at their best. If any thing I think the best way to go would be LOWER carb, but not as low as the levels in the diet plans. Read package labels, there are hidden sugar in a lot of things. Sucrose, glucose, fructose, and all are your main sugars. A small list of added sweeteners: Corn syrup: its dextrose, sugar. High fructose corn syrup: its often used in soda, very bad, its only partly fructose (fruit sugar), its very similar to refined sugar. Sucralose: similar to sugar, but sweeter, so less is needed. Saccharin: sugar free Aspartame: amino acid based, non-sugar Acesulfame K: non-sugar
  2. No carb diets give you results that don't last. I hated it because I was always tired and the one thing I love (fruit) was off limits. I'm happier eating a balanced diet where I keep track of calories and avoid fried foods, cream, butter and the like. Low carb diets are very harsh on the body, its restricting your body from having a readily usage energy source. Another thing with carb diets that people don't mention is your blood work can go to crap since you're body is using only fat as its energy, so your blood born fat can go up. You can have increased heart rate, bad breath and a myriad of signs of poor health. Oh you lose weight and even though you don't feel like you're starving, you are.
  3. I had a friend that was having a similar time with his GF, he was going to propose while they were with her family for Hanukkah, but he was still uncomfortable and needed time. He waited a couple months and was very happy by the time he did propose.
  4. I think Jane needs to grow up and let other people be happy. Tell her that you are dating Amelia, you like her only as a friend and that its not fair to her to make Amelia decide who to keep. Jane needs to get over herself.
  5. I think you are completely right by waiting. You need to be happy with the relationship just as much as she does and trust issues are a big part of how you feel. I agree that its very odd that she is always talking to him and if I had been on a date where I was blown off for a call from the ex, I would have walked. I think waiting a little longer isn't going to hurt anything at all, at best it will give you time to really resolve this problem. Especially with the holidays coming up, you'll have a good indication of how you stand by how she acts toward the ex during that time.
  6. I've seen a lot of guys get complacent in a relationship, where they get too comfortable and just go with a routine. They don't make much effort any more and the women get fed up and leave. The comfort area is totally gone and the person that would have been good support for them in a time like this just left.
  7. I agree with Spugly, he may have learned a lesson from all of this, but don't rush back into things. Stay away for a while, at least a few months, to see how he acts. If you ever talk to him again, make sure he knows you will walk at the first sign of him acting like he did. Don't let him use you again.
  8. Why don't male strippers dance in boxers, I like the way those look more than the g-strings. G-strings just look like butt floss.
  9. Ooooh, we need to start a new thread... Dako's Strip Tease
  10. How bout a bus trip to the Dako Estate?
  11. If you go to see this other girl, break up with your girlfriend first. She doesn't deserve to have a cheating boyfriend. If you cheat what good are you to either of them? What happens the next time you meet a girl that you think might even be better? Don't cheat. Make a choice and tell the other girl to go away. Don't string them both along.
  12. I can say from experience that its very hard to balance having a partner and working on graduate degree. I'm writing a thesis in aerospace engineering, my work is incrediably time consuming because it may take a whole day to work through a problem. I've spent over a month stuck on something, picking away at it every day, researching and working. Its very hard for me to give my BF time and I feel guilty when he's not my focus. This isn't going to be the rest of my life though. I'm finishing my degree in May and a PhD might be the next step. Either way, I make time when I can. School is not easy on either person in a realtionship. I try to make dates, but some days I'm exhausted, I know I would be a horrible conversationlist. I don't understand why people get so upset for someone working hard to do well in school. Especially if you've paid tuition, if you don't study and get good marks, it really is a waste of money.
  13. That was a preemptive dumping. He didn't want her to have the power to kick him to the curb. What a jerk.
  14. But does the sex of the 2 year old throwing the temper tantrum really matter? Or is getting it to shut the %&*@ up matter most?
  15. And you can fit into that small sized straight jacket.
  16. I know from watching my brother and his group of friends, they've all had a rough time with women at one time or another. My brother, machismo grande, has moped for YEARS over a girl he dated for only a few months. But most of these guys are really good guys, they aren't players or users. The guys that don't really care about the relationship to begin with won't have much trouble getting over it.
  17. I plan a little, but I don't write anything down with the exception of school deadlines. I like to have a rough idea of what I'm doing, but I refuse to be rigid (only thing I'm rigid with ).
  18. If your not bleeding then its probably Braxton-Hicks, false labor, many women feel contractions through out the pregnancy. If you do spot at all go to the ER right away. link removed
  19. 5 MONTHS?!?! Please leave the girl alone. You need to find something better to do with your time. This isn't healthy. Think about how you are so hung up on this. If she is saying one thing to you and something else to her friends, then she's just stringing you along and you're letting her. Move on.
  20. I thought the place was called MySpace for a reason, ie, it is THEIR space to post what ever they want. You are out of the picture, get over it, they don't have to give a hoot about you any more if you are an EX. Not everything is about you, they very well can move on and have new relationships with new people and they want to tell their friends that they talk to via those websites. STOP CHECKING THEIR PAGE!
  21. I don't agree with this at all! Just because a woman is less visually pleasing to others does not make her willing to be abused. This is a horrible generalization.
  22. Tip #1 DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY! Diet pills are not going to do anything. Eat healthy and exercise, the only proven way to lose weight.
  23. Its pretty much saying, "we gave it a try and it didn't work". It doesn't have to be either of you, it could very well be that you aren't right for each other.
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