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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Agent, I think you mean 12mm, 12cm would be most of the penis.
  2. If I was having sex with someone and they said they wanted to have sex with someone else, that would be a show stopper. I'd be out of bed, dressed, and out the door. That's like saying someone else's name in bed.
  3. I was reading up on things for my hands, that's where my worst eczema is, and read that fish oil can improve the condition of your skin. It works from the inside, actually improving the cell structure with the omega-3 fatty acids. I'm more inclined to try that, as topical creams are not really doing as much for the overall improvement but just treating the symptoms.
  4. You like the guy that treats you like a hooker?
  5. Actually it would make you more open, because one isn't discriminating against someone before one has even dated them. If you choose to only date educated men, for what ever reason, that is not being open to the possibility that there are just as good of men that never went to college. It wouldn't be a theory, it would be a hypothesis. Don't confuse the two.
  6. How can you be all for it, if you don't agree to being open to it? That's rather confusing. You chide someone for expressing what worked for them and then tell exactly what worked for you, how are you being any different? What worked for you obviously hasn't worked for her and it may very well not work for many other people, but she offered another view point.
  7. Oh the horror, someone expressed an opinion and encourage people to date outside their regular social circle. You chide someone for being tolerant to differences, is that what education teaches?
  8. Actually your post reads like you've discounted the value of her partner because he doesn't have the degrees yours does. And you didn't say your BF was a "real man" you said "real person", so does that mean a "real man" isn't a "real person"?
  9. Have you had any dryness or discomfort? Do you know if you have any sores? Get a mirror and take a look. You could find a scab or sore that it came from.
  10. Right.... So, why do you need to mention the multiply degrees if its not what makes him a "real person"? Maybe she considers him a real man because of his ability to ask questions. The fact that he shows curiosity, maybe.
  11. What kind of guy says he likes a girl, sleeps with her and dates someone else? Sounds like a real prince. He CHEATED! He's a CHEATER! It doesn't matter if he thought you didn't like him, he still had sex with you when he was in a relationship with someone else. Why are his feelings so important? He messed around with 2 women and all he thinks about is how you never showed you liked him. Why is that so important?
  12. When you think about thst BC is using hormones to trick your body into thinking its pregnant. You don't have periods for 9 months when your pregnant because you no longer ovulate, the cervix thickens and closes so that the amniotic fluid and baby don't come out either. When you're on BC, you are no longer ovulating, so the natural response to ovulation, the thickening of the walls of the uterus preparing for egg implantation, is not going to happen. The dual hormone BC, has estrogen, prevents ovulation, and progestin, thickens cervix and hampers development of the uterus walls. The lack of blood on the walls of the uterus will also mean that a fertilized egg won't be able to implant. When on BC, the light periods are because your body doesn't produce the same amount of lining.
  13. You might have eczema. Try some sensitive skin lotion for faces on the area. If it doesn't get better after a week or so you should see a doctor.
  14. Its called placebo. Its a psychological benefit, but no actual physiological effect. Anti-depressants do not work that fast.
  15. I spent my senior year in a perpetual state of tired. I don't know how many nights I was up. I went 2 nights without sleep, after a point I stopped being tired. Coffee, good food, and cold showers.
  16. When you make major diet changes the body often will have drop in water weight, its not fat and will only happen for a few days. Once you get used to the new diet the "weight loss" will even out. More than 3 lbs a week is really not safe and you should be careful that you don't get discouraged when you don't get the same results. Also, some people can diet like crazy and not go below a certain weight, even gastric bypass patients will level off at some point.
  17. I think you should drop it. Otherwise be flirty and just let her decide how far she wants to go.
  18. Its called playing, having fun, teasing. You were playing a game and when you insisted on following through it sounds like she wasn't really into it. It's one thing to be playful on the phone and talking about sex, to actually having sex or doing anything sexual. You shouldn't insist or pressure her into doing anything. By the way, I'll let you in on a little secret, when men start writing things off as being her period, PMS, or such, it just makes the man look like an insensitive twerp. Women have feelings; lust, desire, without being hormonal.
  19. I noticed you mentioned peanut butter, that is one thing you need to read the label on. Most processed peanut butter has added hydrogenated oils and sugar, two things that are bad for you. The sugar for obvious reason and the the hydrogenated oils because it increases the saturated fat content. The fat chains are modified in such a way that when bonding with your body the reactionary end of the chain (which would normally be good for taking in fat soluble vitamins and such) has been so distorted that it can not do its job. Your body still takes in the fat, but it doesn't do what it should and only makes you fatter. If you got organic or natural peanut butter it won't have any hydrogenated oils. The ingredients should be Peanuts and salt, after that its all trash. Nuts are a great addition to any diet for the amount of protein, good fat, and fiber you get from them. They are calorically expensive but taste and benefits make them worth it. Walnuts and almonds are the best health benefiting nuts. I avoid hydrogenated oils at all cost. Its cheap for manufacturers, but very hard on your body. In particular, partially hydrogenated soy bean oil. Soy is great until its hydrogenated then its a nasty substance that has been linked to thyroid depression, where you feel less active and have less energy. Hydrogenated oils are in so many products it can be hard to find stuff, but the things I'm limited to are really the best foods anyway, fruit, vegetables, fresh meat, whole grains. Now that there are more organic food sellers its easier to get a lot of great food with out all the add junk processed food usually has. Some places are actually less costly than the regular super market.
  20. If its been up for a year and neither of you have done anything, then I say leave it. She did do that music too, so if anything she should have a say in whether or not it was deleted, so at best error on the side of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
  21. I would say you can shouldn't do anything serious beside just seeing if he's still a jerk for a several months. Maintain strict NC for at least 3-4 months. Even then it should be talking as a acquaintance or someone you don't really know. I frankly don't think you should ever get more serious than that with him even in a year. He's poison. Look at how he's mistreated you. A few nice words from time to time or when you ended it aren't enough to cover up the fact that he has disrespected you and treated you like a sex toy.
  22. The US Army has actually done research on caffeine effects and have shown that it will bring a sleep deprived person back to normal response and mental function for a period of time.
  23. Please don't do Atkins. Its horrible for the body because it doesn't encourage lean meat. South Beach is better. The diet has lean meat, low fat cheese products (in small amounts since lactose is a sugar) and loads of vegetables. I liked broccoli its great for filling you up and is one of the best nutrient packed foods you can get. Carrots are a close second, but their starch level is too high for the lower carb diets. One of the things that I found for a sweet fix was making cakes with almond meal. Diabetic recipes are great!
  24. Who really cares how he feels. You worry about you! Move on to other things, find a new guy that treats you right. If you ever see this guy again, let it only be as an acquaintance and not a bed buddy.
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