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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. As soon as she says stop and he doesn't, it is rape. She has every right to say No at any time.
  2. My roomie and I did the 1am work outs (insomnia has perks) and there were still guys that would look at us in our sweats, but I prefer yoga. I like the overall concept of personal meditation and flow. Swimming with elderly ladies can be fun, they have some wicked senses of humor!
  3. Evil. Such blatant disregard for the people who gave him so much. Stupidity implies there would be no idea what these action can result in. This person seems to deliberately and heartlessly treated 2 people like trash. Evil is too small a word for this person.
  4. They think its cool and that they are better because the are "experienced". I commend you on your values! You don't have to do anything because everyone else is, it shows that you respect your choices and what you feel is right for you. You're friend was wrong to make that kind of a comment, it was really mean to say it that way. Having sex doesn't give you any more understanding than not having sex, you don't become enlightened. If normal means having sex too early to be fully responsible for all that comes with it, I'M GLAD YOU AREN'T NORMAL. I'm not normal either, I went through HS without sex, I'm 25 a grad student at college and happily no sex. I decided a long time ago to make my future the priority of my time at school. Abstinence is the only proven birth control and sex is such a small part of life.
  5. I love the people on on campus that wear their pajamas out to class. I know guys that wear their clothes to bed so they can just pull on their shoes in the morning to go to class. Oh SWOON!
  6. First thing: Hold your tongue! Stop yourself from saying what pops in your head. Really consider your words and think things through, make choices as to what you will say. Second: Listen. While you are being quiet, be open to what they are saying. Third: Think about how what you say may be taken by the other person. Consider if what you are saying is going to hurt them and whether it really reflects how you feel.
  7. I would say its depends on the situation. If the guy I'm with is my boyfriend, then I would do none of those things. If the guy is someone I've only seen a couple times and we are only dating each other then I would be open to seeing other people. I think it really depends on the state of the relationship, some people need to be told that its exclusive, others will just do it on their own.
  8. It could be a hormonal imbalance. You mentioned mood swings, does she take birth control or any mood altering medications? I know BC can effect my mood and anti-depressants are very hard on the sexual drive. It could be untreated depression, its very common for depressed people to have no desire for sex. Or she could have been sexually abused as a child and sex is very hard for her. You need to sit down and really talk about this, don't yell, raise your voice or do anything but try to keep her calm so you can talk. Ask questions about how she feels and what may have made sex so unpleasant for her. You can keep it in control by maintaining an even tone with minimal hand gestures and always making her feel you support her. This isn't a confrontation, its an attempt to find out why she feels this way.
  9. I don't have much trouble with my BF finding out, if my prof did that would be weird.
  10. Who does her mother have? I can see why she might pick her Mom over you if she's going to be alone while you are obviously going to have lots of people around.
  11. I wouldn't see him at all, a shallow guy may find depth and eventually love, but I think its far more likely in a few years or months he'll find some "flaw" and trade in for a more "perfect" woman.
  12. I think using your skills for the over all betterment of mankind is a valid and good use. I know a lot of people feel that doing something small is good and I agree, but some people have the abilities to make a greater impact using their knowledge in less direct ways. I know academics are seen as stuffy or self-important at times, but when you consider that those same people are the ones that find cheaper and better methods of health care or more durable cars or new cleaner power, they are far from self-centered.
  13. Pizza with a lot of garlic will change your smell, spices, vegetables, any thing you eat will effect it, some more than others. Cranberry juice is a good all around body cleansing substance, it's acidic so it balances the pH in the vagina and it's a fruit so it can help with flavoring the juices. 8 ounces once a day, it takes a few days for it to take full effect, but its great for your body.
  14. I think its a sign of the man's skill if he can pleasure his partner. If he leaves her unsatisfied, he's really just a teenager in the sheets. Any boy can finish and go, a man will make it a good time for all.
  15. A job is a job, I'm not my job, just as I am not my degree, or my research. Nor would I want to date someone who is their job or a degree. A person can't be defined by degrees, they are individuals with ideas, minds, and emotions all their own, they have loves and joys. Pigeon hole people based on any one aspect of their person and the result is missing the vast differences that make up each person. Every person has the own facets that we can or can not see by the little we know of them, the only way you can find out who they truly are is take in every thing about them and look at the whole and not each little flaw or brilliance. No one will ever be perfect or have the same advantages as others. College is not cheap and there are many people in this world that want to go to college and could do so much at college, but because of money, family, culture, which ever they can not go. They are still amazing and wonderful people.
  16. I don't drink much when I go out, I only drink 1 drink to every 2-3 the others have and water on the off ones. Drinking the water between the other drinks will keep you hydrated so the alcohol won't hit as hard. Dehydration makes the alcoholic effect stronger and the alcohol itself will make you dehydrated.
  17. Just because a person hasn't gotten a higher education does not mean they don't value it. I'm from a farming community where there are many people in the two-three generations before mine that don't have high school or college educations, they; however, vehemently want their children to have all the education they can get. They worked themselves to death practically in factories and on the farm trying to make the money to send their children to a good college. There are more than a few cupcake majors that are nearly useless in the real world. The people in college taking nothing classes earning a degree that shows they spent a bunch of money to party and really do nothing should have no more advantage in life than the people who spend those 4 years working like crazy to pay the bills.
  18. If a guy is interested in a girl, attacking her for discussing other men isn't a good way to endear him to that girl. It says "I can't handle the fact that I'm not the center of your world" not what he should be saying "I like you, those guys aren't any good, lets go out"
  19. What do you expect a girl to do in return for a bunch of flowers? Really think about it... You aren't dating, she's with other men, and picking up flowers isn't that big a feat. She said "thank you", what else can she do?
  20. I'd be going for the towel and finding a hair brush to throw at the intruder.
  21. I don't know where my BS diploma is right now (where ever it is, it's probably dusty). As an engineering grad student I happen to know that there are quit a few idiots that have degrees. Education means nothing if you don't use it for something worth while and I don't consider making money worth while. I don't care what a guy does as long as he's a caring, considerate and loves life. I'm going to have a PhD in a couple years, sure there might be lots of guys that have PhDs, but that doesn't make them special in my book.
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