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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. When he's not in the house pack up all his stuff, put it on the front lawn, change the locks and tell him he is no longer welcome. You have given him more than enough time to recoup and find his own space, but it sounds like he's just using your goodwill against you. If he tries anything call the police and have him arrested for trespassing.
  2. You can pretty much get any STI from oral sex that you can from regular sex. If you use a condom for regular sex, use one for oral. Its your body and you have the right to protect yourself. If a guy won't wear a condom then he doesn't respect you.
  3. If its clean its fine. I happen to enjoy fuzzy stuff on a guy, makes him more teddy bearish.
  4. She's developing a new relationship, you're not a date, so you are not as important a person. If you don't like it tell her, but don't expect her to change because its annoying to you, her EX. If you can't stand only being scenery in her life now, then you need to do yourself a favor and leave her alone.
  5. I think it was really responsible for her to tell you how she felt. It shows she respects that you and that you can chose not going through a relationship and finding out she won't sleep with you.
  6. Yep, and its really sad because there is so much more to life than making money. I'm happiest when I'm doing nothing related to my research. My favorite saying "Stop and smell the roses"
  7. The best idea! Don't worry about it, if you're not even dating and are already asking "will we get married" its not going to be much fun for you. Don't worry about sex, its only one part of a relationship and you don't have to have sex for you to have a relationship.
  8. If you really want to meet this girl make sure its a public place like a coffee shop or restaurant, you don't have to pay or anything. It would be really suspect if she wants to meet alone right off the back. It could be a set up where "she" lures you in and some guy beats the crap out of you and robs you.
  9. If you like her, date her, sex may or may not happen. Let the relationship do what it will. People change and if she's been hurt bad enough in the past then it might just be she needs a good guy around to show her sex can be a really fun part of the relationship. If you spend the whole time thinking about sex you're going to miss a lot of life that you can experience with someone special.
  10. I had a hard time with one guy, but it wasn't till I was passed all the depression and moved on that I cut my hair. Got a good 6 inches taken off. I felt great, I thought it refreshed me.
  11. Have you looked at what schools you might go to? It might be a good idea to look for a school that has an affordable location and somewhere you can both get jobs. You live there a few years and then go back to school after you've established residency in that state so tuition will be cheaper. It might work out that you both move somewhere together for that period of time and then once you've finished school look at a new place you plan to settle. What are you going to school for?
  12. She's worthless and your brother is better off with out her. If she's like this so soon in a marriage, what's it going to be like in 10 years? I'd encourage my brother to ditch any woman that treated him like that. He should cut her off, get a great lawyer and take her all she's worth.
  13. Not really, although it is nice that I can think at my own pace and not have to worry about people staring at me when I don't respond right away.
  14. I was going to read your message, but I'll finish it later...
  15. If the area's job market is saturated then it might be wise for him to seek employment in other places. What about where you live? Are there jobs in your area? He could move to you instead.
  16. Make sure you have all his medication in order and plenty for the trip and a couple weeks so you can get him set up with a new doctor and not worry about running out. Fly with him and leave all the stuff to the movers. Take clothing for a couple weeks and get his favorite personal items. Make sure the airline knows he's elderly or if he has any medical problems. Hydration can be a big issue for elderly people on long trips, make sure the airline will provide adequate water or sports drinks (they don't allow you to bring stuff on any more and they can be stingy on the plane).
  17. If you push it and it hurts, STOP PUSHING ON IT! Headaches can often occur in the same spot, especially for migraines. What you say sounds like you've gotten a good knock on the head and its bruised. If you really think its a tumor go to the doctor and tell them about how you feel. An MRI of CT can clear up any question of tumors.
  18. Its would not be her fault if she told him to put on a condom and he didn't. That would be his lack of self control and disrespect for her wishes to have protected sex.
  19. Then he's long over do for a good dose of being an adult. GROW UP! A 30 year old boy is sad and pathetic. Who cares if he has no one to count on, his parents obviously didn't have anyone to count on. I think the only person that can give forgiveness is the father. The son needs to spend all the money he can to make what life his father has better.
  20. She is an older woman so arousal can take longer. You can't just flip a switch as a woman gets older, the estrogen levels just aren't there. Estrogen will decrease as women approach menopause so their sexual desire will decrease. Start with caresses and kissing. Maybe some playfulness, but don't just announce or demand sex, finesse will take you a lot further than forcing the issue.
  21. I met a great guy who came to the US on an exchange program. He and I were close, but when he left he disappeared. It was sad, but I figured if he had really cared he would have sent me an email, letter or something. He didn't, I moved on. This guy sounds the same. He only acted like he cared when you were right in front of him and the rest of the time you were an after thought if that. When you love someone they are on your mind all day long.
  22. I'll have a PhD and a good job. I will spend my off hours doing art and maybe get some stuff in a gallery.
  23. Mood swings can be tough. Its all the hormonal fluctuations and some crabbiness from cramps and bloating. Diet can help with a lot of women, salt intake should be watch to avoid too much as that adds to the water retention. Avoid binge eating, try to eat smaller meals 4-5 times a day. 100-200mg of vitamin B6 daily has been shown to help. Stress management can help too, try meditation and calming exercises.
  24. Do you always ask for sex like its on tap or attempt to make it part of the evening by suggestive touching and turning her on?
  25. A court may not consider it rape, but that won't change how violated she feels.
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