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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Wouldn't do either. Meaningless sex is just that, meaningless, why sleep with some random person and put myself at risk for HIV or something else? And sleeping with an ex isn't much better, they're an ex, sleeping with them will only make a situation that can have emotional fallout that will just make a break up worse.
  2. Did guy B know about your boyfriend? If he did, he may not have anything to do with you again since he knows you to be a cheater. As for guy A, leave him alone, he deserves to be treated better then lied to and cheated on.
  3. How many women have you been with though? Does your number count to you as an marker of your well being and not some trumped up idea of ego?
  4. Sounds like you smashed it, the purple is probably bruising. Did you drop anything on it lately? If the fluid that came out was clear or blood, it's probably not infected, if the stuff that came out was white or opaque, its likely to be infected. Take some ibuprofen and elevate your foot. If the swelling doesn't get better, you should go to the doctor. If you have any red streaks on your foot or leg its likely to be infected and you should see a doctor. PS: Do not lance a wound (stick a needle in it) unless your doctor has told you too. You can cause yourself more harm than good and introduce infection to a clean wound (no puncture or broken skin)
  5. I think it has a lot to do with maturity. You have to realize that before you were together, the person you dated had a life of their own and had choices and situations that didn't involve you. They had no responsibility for your emotions or loyalties to you.
  6. Why does it matter how many people she's been with? If she's clean there's no problem.
  7. Verbal diarrhea of how sweet he is, how much I care about him, all our common interests, how much fun I had on vacation with him, you know, gushing.
  8. I talk about how sweet he is and how well we get along. I'm not sure waht all I say exactly, I tend to gush
  9. Firstly: Stop sleeping with her. Then: break up and Never sleep with her again. You need to move on, if you don't want to be with her, then you can't act like she owes you any loyalty. You break up and that's it, you have nothing to say about who she sees or sleeps with.
  10. If your wife makes it clear to her friend that you are trying to get back together and work thing out, the friend might take a step back. But if the friend continues to be negative it will be hard. Its a sticky situation as to what would be acceptable. I personally would not say anything to the friend, but would mention my concern to my SO that the friend is not being helpful.
  11. This is his fault, you are not a doll, you a living breathing person and have a right to decide how to wear your hair and how you want to look. His has no right to dictate those things. He sounds like a controlling person. For all the suggestions he makes for you do you ever question them? Do you ever think he needs to accept you?
  12. I wouldn't not be very happy of her friend's opinion meaning so much. This is your relationship, not the friends, she should only be support and not a deciding factor. It sounds like the friend might have poisoned your wife's ear with negativity. I don't think you should ask your wife to not talk to her friend, but ask her to take her friends opinion with a grain of salt. Mention the fact that she is divorced and depressed and make it clear to your wife these things are most likely tempering her friends advice.
  13. Have you told him you consider it inappropriate? If you don't tell him when he's doing it, then he will continue to do it. If he expects you to be demure and never look at men then he should do the same with women. Otherwise its a case of "do as I say, not as I do". He's trying to control you in a not too subtle way and blatantly disrespecting you in public. Glancing at another woman is not a big deal, he's married, not dead, but the exchange of visual contact he had with that woman is not right.
  14. If it were my bf, thats great, but some random guy putting his grubby paws on my locks, NO WAY. And if he said "I like your hair this way..." I'd think what controlling freak.
  15. I've had 2 of the 3 shots. They hurt like hell, both were covered by my insurance (which is kinda crappy). Most insurances will cover the cost of the shot up 26 years old, after that point I think you will need to pay. The reason being most people will have had enough sexual activity that will have already been exposed to the viruses. If you are a virgin then you risk is less.
  16. It doesn't matter who started it. You should not be together. Leave him and move on to a relationship where violence isn't part of it.
  17. That's probably the case right there. She probably has no trust for you since you have a habit of loving and leaving. Sex is about trust, and if there isn't trust in the relationship the sex won't be there.
  18. My friend and her husband are 5'2" 110ish and he's 6'3" 240. They are happily married because their personalities are good for each other, not because the fit like lego blocks.
  19. Weight in metric and US 15.5 Stone = 98.4 kg = 217 lbs 2 lbs a week is a good pass to go. I lost about 30 lbs over a year. It takes at least 6 weeks to get a noticeable change, but for me the first thing I noticed was my pants were having trouble staying up. When you sit down and they are always trying to fall off when you get up, time to but on the belt. When your pants get so gathered with the belt then get new pants. I would shop at thrift stores or really cheap retail so that you don't waste a lot of money on in between sizes. When you get to your target weight, then take yourself on a shopping spree and get clothes for the new you.
  20. If I'm going out, even without having eaten I brush. I brush after breakfast and dinner (lunch I don't have my brush) and sometime if I ate something sugary I brush or rinse with mouth wash. I use Listerine pocket packs or mist when i can't brush or will wash my mouth out in a restroom.
  21. Use pillows to prop your hands up. I had CTS and this isn't CTS, this is positional issues with constricted blood flow to your arm. Sleeping so that you aren't sitting up, but not laying flat will help alleviate the problem. Use lots of pillows to force yourself to sleep in one position.
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