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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. After saying that in front of her, do you really need to ask?
  2. Some people take exams poorly, I know I do. But I found the best thing to do (even for practice exams), is trying to calm down, not stress, and focus. You should go somewhere quiet and secluded, I like libraries that have basements, I go to the most remote corner. Make an outline of the material you want to study. When you feel you understand a part check it off. A good thing to help studying is the practice exams. When you get something wrong, reread the questions look for the logic that would produce the answer. If you can, find sources that are specific for the questions you missed and read up on the subject.
  3. Yes, the gender of the other person doesn't matter, sex with anyone but your partner is cheating.
  4. Is working so bad, I think being broke is worse.
  5. It really doesn't matter if he's moved on, the real thing you should be worried about is healing and moving on yourself. Put him out of your mind, if he comes back, so what, you've got better things to do then worry if the person you trust isn't really trust worthy. He will probably try to get you back, but you need to stop the cycle, take care of yourself and protect yourself from being abused. I think you might benefit from seeing a counselor for women from abusive relationships.
  6. Your vagina is only a few inches deep, you can remove the tampon with your fingers. But I have NEVER heard of the string breaking.
  7. If you do wear a tampon be careful to tuck in the string a little, it would be kinda embarrassing if it was peeking out
  8. I agree, it can be hard to up hold your ideals especially when you feel pressured or conflicted. If you don't like the idea, don't expect her to change because you don't like it. If you pressure or guilt her with the past sex act she will only resent you and the relationship will fall apart. If you can't handle being respectful of her beliefs then I think it best for her that you leave.
  9. So you're not willing to explore a relationship based on her personality?
  10. Being young doesn't mean you have to date and be uncommitted. Its your choice as to how you feel. Society is accepting of people getting married later and later in life and allowing for oat sewing, but it really doesn't matter what others think, its how you feel and how you want your life to be. You sound like you are well established and are being a responsible adult, being involved with an older person will bring different issues than someone who is at the same point in life. But those issues don't have to destroy a meaningful and fulfilling relationship. Talk to her, ask her what she expects from dating you. Discuss being together in a "See what happens" relationship, you don't make serious long term goals, just short term things like vacations, dates, time together and spend your time together just enjoying each other and caring for each other. It is possible to be in a relationship that doesn't lead to marriage, children and a life in the burbs, it can lead to feeling loved, sharing the world with a kindred spirit and enjoying life.
  11. She sounds very clinging and lonely. It can also be a difference in culture, some Asian culture teach women that they are of no value unless married and giving sons to their husbands. It's not a healthy situation for you to be in if she is so obsessed with you. You might suggest she seeks help immediately, it could be she is severely depressed because of the distance. I'm in an LDR and get very depressed at times, it helps to have a supportive partner or counselor to help thru the bad spots.
  12. Send undies with your perfume (if you're that intimate). Or take a naughty photo and make it into a puzzle with heart shaped pieces and such. A little "I love You" recording would be good too, then he can hear your voice.
  13. Luke I really think you need to see a therapist! Look at how you're arranging your dating life, you're basing communication on sugar intake. How is that logical? How is that going to help you grow and develop as a person? Do you even have any risk factors for adult onset diabetes? Like... overweight over the age 45 family members with diabetes (parent or sibling) ethnically Alaska Native, American Indian, African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian American, or Pacific Islander had a baby weighing over 9 pounds (that I know you haven't done) have high blood pressure have high cholesterol don't exercise have glucose intolerance have insulin resistance have a history of cardiovascular diseaseAre you really doing yourself any good with these games you play? Granted no one likes being 2nd choice, but you weren't even up to bat yet.
  14. I might add a dollop of bee vomit for flavor and sweet, but I tend o use splenda no as its sugar like flavor holds up in the heat unlike other sweetener subs.
  15. I think I'm over due for a cuppa, I don't do milk at night, reflux...
  16. The research group was really too small to make it a broad observation. But my question would be the change to goat's milk was used instead of cow. Goat's milk has been shown to be much better for human consumption as the proteins are a better shape for our digestive system.
  17. Maybe she does need to be alone, not everyone needs a partner to be happy. If she's recovering from a bad relationship, she may need a long time to feel herself again, especially if it was an abusive relationship. Best for you not to push, just support her choices and respect her space. Be considerate and show her you care and she may come around.
  18. You're doing fine! Her question just reflects her immaturity. She's still a kid and needs to learn a few things about the variety of men in the world. Men aren't all sex crazy, always horny or like rough play. You keep up with what you feel is good to you. If she feels the need to force you into things then maybe she's not right for you.
  19. I think you should back off. You're sound like you're backing her into a corner over this and its only going to make her feel pressured and uncomfortable. If it is a question of sexuality, you have no right to be up in her face about it. If she wants to tell you she will. IN HER OWN TIME.
  20. Cheating is cheating, to me a virgin cheating is no worse than a non-virgin, you want bad cheating, a spouse having sex while their partner is sick, that is ten times worse. Why worry about a little flap of skin on a woman, there are so many more things in life more important to invest your energy on.
  21. The cheat and they're gone. There is no hope for a reconciliation. That bridge is not only burnt, but it's foundations are obliterated with dynamite.
  22. I would only dump them for the reason they cheated. The whole gift thing is crap in my book.
  23. If you need to ask, then Yes its too soon. This should be a question you can answer your self in a heart beat. Its not something someone else can decide for you.
  24. You can start the pill any day of the week. I'm restarting mine on Friday so I don't have cramps on a weekday like I did before when I started on a Sunday. Pretty much you can start it which ever day you want past the start of your period. If you want a Sunday start and you've started your period take your dose the very next Sunday, unless you started your period on a Sunday, then you take it that day.
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