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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Stari, maybe she rejected you because you acted like you were a gift and that her plainness was a flaw that would drive away men. She obviously was a great person but your hang ups on physical appearance still tempered your attitude.
  2. If a all interracial breeding program started the result would be brown. The fair skins and hair colors will be genetically inferior to the dark dominate traits of black or brown people. The eventual averaging will result in a brown skin tone with brown eyes, and dark hair.
  3. Is this the same group that produced he lunar landing footage or the group that knows where Jimmy Hoffa's buried.
  4. Most of my family is dark, my brother however is blond and blue eyed. He's still my brother, I could care less what color he is. I used to be mistaken as being Mexican, I didn't care, I'm a brilliant woman and I happen to have some natural skin color. My friend is Palestinian, he's always stopped in the airports, do they know he was a founder of a campus organization to promote peace in the middle east? No, they just see him as a color, but he doesn't care because he knows that it keeps him safe. You think being white will solve all your trouble, it won't my blond, blue eyed brother is a community college drop out and has been arrested several times. Me, the darker child, has a BS in engineering and almost done with my MS. Hmm, wonder how that happened.
  5. I think X needs to be the one to decide if his old friend should be able to come. It sounds like Y is just being a jerk and can't handle that X and Z are friends.
  6. The nipples are the most sensitive part so touching and sucking, with gentle nipping or squeezes can be nice. When sucking play with the nipple with your tongue. Think of it like giving a little BJ to her nipple.
  7. You're ex is not all of woman-kind, please don't generalize.
  8. Here here! This is just about what I was thinking. To the poster: I think therapy would be a good start and really looking at the relationship as a whole. It sounds like you have some problems too if you expect someone else to make you happy, you need get help too. Your wife isn't there for your entertainment, its a group effort, you both need to want it to work.
  9. Just leave her alone! Can't you see that your torturing her more. Don't call, don't right, just LEAVE HER ALONE! You don't respect what she says at all, she tells you something and you comment "she didn't mean it..." or "I felt she meant this...", listen to what she's telling you, WORD FOR WORD. It doesn't matter if she said "a little bit" or a lot, she asked you to leave her alone, respect that, you don't have any control over this, SHE DECIDES, not YOU.
  10. The thing that comes to mind is "If every one jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?". Why can't you just be happy for others? You're young, you've got a boyfriend and he obviously cares about you. You don't sound happy that you even got the ring, which isn't even important, its just a chunk of metal. You should be thinking about how you feel about spending your life with this person. Maybe you should calm down the whole ring thing and focus on your relationship. Sit down and talk with your guy about how he feels about all this, tell him your doubts and worries, he may have some too. Stop comparing yourself to everyone else, you are not them, you are you. We are not alike, our lives will all be different, don't define yourself by marriage or what you don't have. Enjoy life and be thankful for what you do.
  11. You knew he was not helping, but you continued to go. Did you tell her that you were getting help, even when you felt it was not help?
  12. Maybe its her way of punishing him. Seeing that he feels guilty and laughing in his face at his apparent pain.
  13. Nope, I speak my mind no matter my alcohol consumption.
  14. I'm not painting you to be a monster. You're actions have done that. You have mistreated her and when she said enough you persist to badger and disrespect her wishes. It doesn't matter how much remorse you feel, a man who murders his wife can be sorry, but she's still dead. Being sorry doesn't erase the pain and wrongs you have done. Why would you go to a therapist for a year if it wasn't helping, you had to be slapped in the face before you really did anything. So how is it any different? You aren't any different if you still act like this, but you didn't care at all until she got away, until she broke your control. Now that she's out of your control you're scared to death because now you see how your faking treatment didn't pass and how you can't make her do what you want.
  15. Why don't you have any control of yourself? Why do you think that you can control her (which you have very much been doing), but are totally out of control yourself? When do you got to therapy? What do you talk about with your therapist? What exercises do you do to help fix this? It may take you a very long time to get better, do you really feel that it would be good for anyone to be with you while you are uncontrollable? Do you think it would be a healthy and constructive relationship for a person who has been the victim of you rage to continue to put them self in the position to be that victim again?
  16. Nope, browned grass. The big version image removed
  17. Thanx, its a bird I photographed in the desert on my recent vaca.
  18. Sounds like a setup. I've had phone calls that said, oh we'd like to buy some of your work... yadda yadda, we need $ or info. BS! You want my work You kiss the south side of a north bound me.
  19. You really need to chill man. This is getting to the stalker ex levels. LEAVE HER ALONE! No emails, no calls, no visits, nothing. If she wants you back it is her choice, you keep badgering her with supposed support and all it will look like is desperation and clawing to get her back. Step back and leave her to heal.
  20. I don't think she should be alone with you. If she wants someone with her you should accept that, she doesn't want to talk to you with more than emails, why would she feel comfortable with a face to face. Let her decide, her Dad is probably there for support as much as anything. I think the saying "If you love something, let it go" applies to this situation very much. If you really love her, you will let her heal and do as she wants. If you make it so she comes alone, that's just a manipulation to get her to talk to you and "see the real you". She may not be ready for that, but she is the only one who can judge that.
  21. This right here is a big issue for me. She didn't bring it out, she is not responsible for how you acted. You are. You did that to her. You need to get treatment, not just anger management, but see a counselor too. Yelling and acting like you did could lead to worse things like hitting and serious emotional abuse. It sounds like you already emotional abused her as is. You have to give up control. She gets to decide where things will go. Talk in the emails, don't push for anything beyond that, and she will decide what to do. Until then go to therapy.
  22. A part of me says tell her, let her know that he's a serial cheater. This guy is bad news, what if he marries her and still cheats. A different part of me says just keep up the NC, don't let him in your bed ever again. This guy sounds like a real turd and needs to be cut out of your life. If he tries to have sex with you again, DO NOT SLEEP WITH HIM!
  23. If I read that I'd not be enticed. You don't tell much about yourself, but that you have a sense of humor. Why not try a serious one since the funny stuff isn't cutting it. Include your interests and goals and see if you can get more women with that.
  24. Cheating, hitting, emotional abuse, manipulation, games, lying, not respecting me, mostly the basic stuff.
  25. Why do you want to be a doctor? Tell us in the most basic way you can. Start simple, you can always add more.
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