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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Maybe she felt she had to keep it secret because of the way you acted toward her and her friends. Did you expect to be with her if she went out with friends?
  2. Not all girls cheat, just ones that don't respect the person their with. You shouldn't have to deal with that.
  3. But when you were together did she feel that she could do that or did you discourage her from being with others then.
  4. How is that not just manipulating the system so you don't have to deal with a real confrontation?
  5. Is it wrong that she wants to be with people? Friends are a support system that you didn't give her. She needs people she feels safe and comfortable with. Did you prevent her from having a facebook profile or going out with her friends?
  6. If you tell her you've been monitoring her actions, she will probably never want to see you again. That send up a huge red flag. Leave her alone.
  7. Snooping is bad. That said, why would you want to be the only guy that's been nice to her and then dump her because she's had a rough past. You could very well be the guy she's been hoping for, someone who cares about her and not just the sex she can give them. Look at the person you're with NOW. Is she the same as the person who wrote those things or is she trying to find a happy stable relationship?
  8. That really is a cultural thing though. Some countries it is acceptable for male children to live with their parents well into adulthood. I know my Italian friend moved to the US with his mother, she wanted to make sure he adjusted to his new home. She lived with him a year or so and went back to Italy.
  9. BTW, don't do this. It's not going to come accross well. Think about how you would tell your girlfriends "I slept with her so I could be equal to you". It won't make her think "Wow, he's a stud, sleeping with other women just for us". You're not going to be enlightened or gain any magical experience by being with someone else. What your GF likes could be completely opposite of what the woman you sleep with likes, then what will that have gained you, a hurt GF that thinks you're a cheat.
  10. Stop giving until you start receiving. Flat out, no more. He asks for a quick hummer before work tell him to go stand by the washing machine
  11. I don't understand the need to have the same number of past sex partners as you SO. Why does it matter so much? If you didn't satisfy her needs she wouldn't be with you. The only thing you need to know about past sexual experience is if they were protected or have been tested for STI's. Sex is not a reason some one would be willing to sustain abuse. Abuse victims are brainwashed into believing they are worthless and they won't be able to survive without their abuser.
  12. I don't think its all women that over react. Women may cry or get up set, but I see a lot of guys over react by becoming violent or angry. I think it might be the individual has poor self control or there are other deeper issues. But its not only a female problem, men do it just as much.
  13. How is a woman with a child a dead-end relationship? Because she's had a child that makes her incapable of being a partner? She can have more children, she can get married, she can be a good person. How does being a mother negate any of that?
  14. NC is not a tool for manipulation, its a way to distance yourself from the relationship and respect the other person desire to not be with you. By mailing her that poem you will be manipulating her, using her feelings against her better judgment. You may get an emotional response, but what's to say that in the future her head will over rule her heart once more. From the sound of things she got out because her head told her you were bad for her and she's ignoring her heart. If you try to play games with her by aiming things at her that will make her feel sorry for you or bring up unwanted emotions, she is not going to love, she'll end up resenting you. If you don't leave her alone until she contacts you, it could very well mean a restraining order against you. If any of my friends told me their ex was acting like you have, I would offer to drive them to the police so they can file a report.
  15. You're a sweet and kind person that I think will make a great teacher. You have a beautiful smile and a wonderful character.
  16. Have you thought about moving out and getting away from your parents? Taking time to let yourself grow into the person you want to be and not the person they expect you to be?
  17. Why wait till your 18, move out now and find out what its like to have to support yourself and take care of bills and a job and being in charge of yourself all the time. You'll find out pretty quick that the gangsta lifestyle is really great on TV, but when you have a gun pointed at your face it will be a whole new perspective.
  18. I take Maxalt, its worked well. I drink chamomile tea and cover my face with a warm damp cloth in a dark room. I try to limit the sound as much as I can. I take 800mg of ibuprofen, I don't recommend doing this without talking to your doc first (mine gave me the OK).
  19. I know someone who was skinny for metabolic reasons, she was 88lbs dripping wet and she hated being like that. Run-way models are skinny because they have weigh ins and measuring at photo shoots.
  20. I would be insulted if I was compare to them, I happen to find the rib counting looks very unhealthy. Its down right hard on my eyes to see anyones ribs and for a whole catalog, yikes, I like their undies but if I could find a different source that had the same stuff I'd go there. I don't like their models at all. (and none of them seem to be able to close their mouths)
  21. I've not had that situation per say, but my guy friends are all going on about women in front of me saying all these horrible things about being over weight and such. I'm size 14/16, overweight and short, I hear all the crap they say and its like "AM I INVISIBLE", do they realize they are insulting me by insulting the girl that walks by with the same shape? I call them on it and the immediately get defense, "Its not about you" "You don't look like that", and on and on. I have a mirror, I also have two eyes, I know what I look like and I know exactly what they are talking about. Maybe people need to get off the whole body typing as a judge of a persons worth...
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