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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Call. ask her on a pseudo date, coffee and such. See if she likes it, if that goes well, go for the real date.
  2. Yep, and the sexy stuff is how you get warmed back up
  3. Mountain top meadow with only nature to watch our passionate act. Sharing a tent and keeping each other warm.
  4. Ditch digging, lawn mowing, tree removal, farming, cowboy, meter maid, post delivery.
  5. You're still young, so I'll give you a big hint: Looks fade! There are a lot of people around that may not be "hot", but they are wonderful people. You would never know because you only see their face. I see a lot of guys that have trouble with approaching women because they put so much value on a face and body and totally miss out on the fact that they are looking at a person. Every person you look at and rate poorly on their physical appearance and throw out as a date, you've just limited yourself. You limit yourself with each excuse you make to justify it.
  6. Because one could only have a meaningful relationship with a "hot" person.
  7. I worked as a grader for several semesters my first years of grad school, I avoided too much involvement with the students to avoid it looking like I was giving any favor to one or another. There was a few guys that would flirt with me a lot, but I kept my distance.
  8. Can you wait until the project is finished and you are no longer "professionally" associated and then try dating. The age gap isn't so bad if you get along and there isn't a big difference in maturity
  9. How do you approach women? Have you tried chatting with female students in your classes? Maybe you could ask them out to coffee or for a quick lunch.
  10. Then school won't be starting for you.
  11. I could care less about the guys height as long as he's a good person.
  12. So did you lie to them for the purpose of getting them to sleep with you?
  13. You attitude could be tempering these rejections not your color. A woman of any skin color won't date a guy she knows is only going to be drama and anger, who would want to, that's no fun. And in jobs if you act like you have a crappy job and don't put any effort of course you'll be passed over, someone showing more effort and care for their job that obviously wants to move up. But if you continue to be snide and rude to people about skin color and insult a great portion of the population, you are not going to get any where, you're only going to drive yourself further into your hole.
  14. If you are simply trying to procreate why does his relationship with his wife matter so much? Business partners don't involve spouses.
  15. What if she decides that's how its going to be? That her dad comes and helps her move out?
  16. Why is she to blame for her husbands misdeeds. She could TRUST him and that trust makes her feel she does not need to question him. When you marry someone they vow to honor you, they vow to forsake all others. He took those vows when he married her and she believed him, however, he has broken his vows and her trust. Don't you blame her for his lack of integrity. She didn't sleep around, he did. Why didn't he go with her on vacation? Did he have work that he lied about so he could stay home alone and sneak off with you? How do you know he's being honest with you? HOW? He's not got a record for being honest if he's a cheat.
  17. It shouldn't be a chore. It should be something you would like to do and not something you feel obligated to do.
  18. Or it could be he's calling them chubby. Or it could be women aren't meat to be evaluated as acceptable by fat content Or it could be the whole don't judge a book by it cover. Why not say, I want to meet a girl with a great mind, instead of something as stupid and variable and weight.
  19. How can it be so beautiful if it is such a big secret? He cheated on his wife, that's not beautiful, that's down right sad. So she can't have kids, families adopt, they don't go to the neighbor and ask to borrow a womb.
  20. 5'10" 160 is a healthy body weight. By no means chubby.
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