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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Or maybe the women want to have sex and those men just happen to get picked. So you know the majority of womens' minds? You've spoken with the roughly 3 billion female residence of this planet and the majority have said "Oh I love a man whose slept with multiple women, he's got the best chance of giving me an STD and being gone when I wake up".
  2. The sheep says Baaaah. I loved that toy growing up.
  3. Ah, no I'm not. I happen to find men that sleep around incapable of higher brain function.
  4. I think its a phase some men feel they need to go through, like hiding porn under their beds and masturbating when their folks aren't home.
  5. Since the invention of birth control and women leaving the home, there really is no need for dehumanization of women who enjoy sex. We can be take care of ourselves with out the need of men. I think that's why its become so much of an issue, before it was make sure the women were bred to one man, now women make the choice and men don't like it. Innocence based on the virginity or lack of sexual experience is a foolish ideal. A woman that could have slept with a husband a thousand times with no enjoyment or fulfillment is no less enlightened or sexually aware of herself than a virgin.
  6. Don't sleep with her if you've broken up. That's just using her even more.
  7. Men are called names far less when it comes to promiscuity. Are there any names that relate to a woman being a skilled or experienced lover that don't have a bad connotation? There are many that men are called, stud, lady killer, playboy, Casanova, don Juan, ladies' man.... and so on.
  8. As seen from the guy's perspective. I've seen many a guy call a girl dirty names because she'd been with a few men. Men carry it along just as much. I'm usually the only girl in a group of guys, they are just as "catty".
  9. Women are also supposed to be quiet, respectful and stay at home with the children. Its a antiquated tradition that needs open minds to change. It woman that makes a point not to be a doormat to men helps it further along.
  10. That's not a valid statement by any means, that's like saying all women who like chocolate ice cream are fat, its a matter of personal preference. How is there any less pressure on women to be tight, you even mention the largeness of your GF's vagina, how's that any different?
  11. I notice a guys eyes and his attitude. C0ckiness puts me off right away, but more demure and introverted men are a real turn on.
  12. Something about men needing to pay for pleasure for any reason is a turn off for me, too. Its pathetic and not very inspiring of respect for their male "prowess".
  13. You're not selfish. You're concern for your body and future are very important. Any man who would consider a request of using a condom an act of selfishness is a moron. The condom is a protection for you both, it prevents the spread of disease and protects both of you from unwanted children, in this day men are only a paternity test away from being financially responsible.
  14. Granted she should be more respectful of herself, but it does not mean that she is responsible for how you treat her. Just because she lets you do it is by no means right for you to act that way. You should show her respect and then she may respect herself more. This sounds like an mentally abusive relationship, you continue to tear her down so it makes it harder and harder for her to want to feel anything good about herself. You most likely make her feel guilty for any dating or sex she's had that hasn't been with you, probably from even before she met you. You turn each things she's done into a big deal and pull it all apart. She may very well think that being quiet and unassuming is the best way to avoid more pain from you.
  15. Who told you to accept racism? We've been telling you to accept your race. Not the same things.
  16. He may say he wants to be with you, but he's shown that he wanted to be with her (at least enough to make a baby). This guy is only going to be more drama and stress for you. Imagine what its going to be like when there is a baby, you'll have to share him with the child. As a father he will be on call of the mother, who may feel she's entitled to his time since its his baby too. Its not going to be easy.
  17. Red wine might effect your breathing, so I'd go with a white.
  18. 4?!?! Bad! Advil, just pickles the liver and not fry the brain so much.
  19. Any job application will need that, its so they can get the tax stuff set up and make sure you're legal. No offense, but after my last trip to VS, you'll be fine, you can construct full thoughts and sentences, not so true with the girl who was "helping" me.
  20. BTW, it would take about 80 cups of coffee to get the caffeine for an adult to OD. One Excedrin tab is about the same caffeine as a cup of coffee.
  21. Caffeine will clear from the system in about 24 hours. How much did you take?
  22. I think completely ignoring him will be the best tactic. He feeds of any contact you give him, so stop feeding him. He calls, hang up. If it gets to the point he doesn't stop get the cops involved.
  23. I think you need therapy. Not as a couple, just you. These are serious issues and if you don't see someone its not going to get better.
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