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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Luke that's not the point. His current relationship is.
  2. Shouldn't you have been waiting for him and not just a question? He asked you to marry him! That's what matters, not how it happened, he wants to marry you and spend his life with you. Seeing it as being some silly little scene that didn't goes as you wanted it to is so nearsighted, look at the big picture here, this guy loves you. Is he really the guy you want to grow old with or just the guy that will put a ring on your finger?
  3. Softiron, Its nothing to be ashamed of, by far it shows you have integrity that you wouldn't have sex with women that weren't in a committed relationship with you. I think you should continue to demonstrate that integrity and be honest with her. If she can't accept that as part of you, do you really want to continue a relationship with her? A person who cares about, won't care about you being a virgin.
  4. And because it was written on the internet makes it true? That by far is the least credible of sources, any person with a computer and access can write down any thing they want and it can all be pure works of fiction.
  5. Good letter, states all you need to say. I think you need to worry about you, but you are being considerate. Its sad to say, but this is the business of breaking up. For all the emotional wreckage that is involved the financial and property stuff do need to be dealt with.
  6. So because I don't do those things either does that make me a hooker or not a GF?
  7. And how many of those false cases became "false" because of pressure on the reporting party? How many were the male police officers ignoring evidence or testimonies because it was rumored or alleged the women "wanted it"? (I'd also like to point out that women are purported to not be inclined to sex so its only convenient for them to be sexual creatures when it gets a guy off the hook as a rapist)
  8. Like any medication changing can be very difficult. As a long time user of anti-depressants I know that some do nothing for me at all. Yes sex can be a big issue, but day to day functioning is a much bigger thing for some depressed individuals. Anti-d's take up to 6 weeks to take effect, the with drawl from stopping some are serious, and the so called lower risk of sexual side effects is not guaranteed. The best thing is to be informed as to your options, talking to a doctor would do this, but you have to decide what matters, being able to get out of bed and face the day or getting off. You did say this has only been happening for a week. I think you should take a week off from trying, relax, and put the idea out of your mind. Keep on your meds and then try again. It could be your mind was saying I'm in the mood, but your body wasn't.
  9. What events are you in Science O? I did that too in HS and it was time consuming. I didn't have a BF at the time, but I was at a point in my life where he probably would have been back burner anyway. I ramble, any way the point being, you're young, they're young, dating at this time of life isn't always a long term issue. Enjoy being with them when you can, don't put too much stress into it and have fun. You are only young once and do you really think this is the person you will marry?
  10. I understand things like family or school, but video games. If a guy placed me below video games I'd walk.
  11. And what if the root of the problem is a chemical imbalance and not a emotional issue at all. Medication is the only way change that, no amount of talk therapy will change a physical alliment.
  12. Its a problem with anti-d meds. I have trouble myself. I've also had problems with no sex drive if I don't take birth control. I'd rather have the stability of the drugs, but it can be frustrating. I got a toy, that helps a lot. I just relax, get comfy in a warm place and enjoy myself. I catch myself trying to will it to happen and I stop and try to relax again.
  13. I'm asking because I would not pay for a place I wasn't living. And I'd demand my stuff back as well. Did you purchase the dog? If you did then its your property and she's with holding it illegally.
  14. Are you willing to let the break of lease go on your credit? Have you looked at what it entails to break a lease with your landlord.
  15. There's no skill required to have sex with any one. If sex were such a lofty feat that required noteworthy ability would there really be so many people on this planet?
  16. If you look at any period of time, who can have more sex: A man is able to have several ejaculations, physically he will reach a point when he can not maintain an erection. A woman, even pregnant, can have sex as many times as she has energy to go on. Women may not feel the need to have sex as often as men, but that does not mean they are incapable of having sex. Many women have higher sex drives than men, but since the accepted practice is for them not to act, they go unnoticed. Facts require support, saying it just is, does not support it. Most people base their so called "facts" on concepts they find in popular media, which really is a propaganda machine out for its own self sustaining purposes, they create drama, they do so to make money not advance the world. And if it were true, how does emotional attachment via sex make sleeping with more men worse? The woman would feel more intimate and aware of her partner. It wouldn't be a random act of pleasure, but a full enjoyable experience. Emotional attachment does not dictate exclusivity, a woman can have feeling for many men (and women) and enjoy sex equally with all of them. The idea that men have no attachment to anything beyond the sex act is much worse than the woman having emotional involvement. He's using all those women for sexual gratification, she is sharing a intimate act with each person she encounters. So is it truly worse that a woman makes more of sex if she feels something other than physical pleasure?
  17. A guy can file charges just as much as a woman. He has every right to say he was violated or assaulted.
  18. If she has her period she's not going to be pregnant. When a women gets pregnant the cervix thickens and prevents any fluids from leaving the uterus.
  19. Because they don't complain makes it any less true? It's not impossible.
  20. I don't feel I own my partner. I feel we share the world together, enjoying things as a couple, being together with love and care.
  21. Its biological that women can have sex many many more times than a man can. Teen age males might ejaculate a dozen times a day, an older man less. A man needs an erection to have sex and physiologically it is impossible for him to be constantly erect or responsive. A woman can have sex as much as she wants with out need of erection, she can use man after man and still have sex. Biology ensures the female can engage in sex more often so that she can become pregnant. One sex act may not be enough to produce a viable fetus, so several males are needed to be sure. Biology is statistics and statistically the more sperm the better chance of continuation of the species.
  22. Confidence is shown in many ways. Sexual promiscuity is only one indication of a singular type of confidence, if it could even be considered that. Having sex with another person is not a big deal, millions of people do it every day. The man who thinks he is accomplished for doing such is deluded. Those who support such ideals are as equally deluded.
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