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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Imagine how it would have been if he screamed in your ear... Every one is different and even they can have different moods where they go from yelling to the moon to not a peep.
  2. You admit you felt she was baggage for you because you were missing out on the single life; she probably doesn't appreciate that you would drop her like that. It's most likely brought into question your commitment to the relationship. She probably questions what will happen next summer, will you dump her again for the single life?
  3. I would never even consider a man who had EVER been with a prostitute or visited a brothel. Does that make me insecure? No, its something I strongly believe in and it is my choice.
  4. I'm not talking about just fitness, I'm talking about gross over use of gyms. The people that pay to have their house work done and then pay to go to a gym. The get fit paying to run in place when they could use the same amount of energy cleaning their house. Being fit is good. It does keep you healthy and better equipped for the world, but how do over sized muscles benefit any one?
  5. I have nothing against being fit. I just don't see sports as a useful means of energy expenditures. When you exercise you burn calories, what calories you intake will determine if you get fat, so you need to sustain a balance of the energy in and the energy out, this will keep you fit. Beyond that, when people expend massive amounts of calories for nothing more than moving weights around in a gym they are burning energy that some starving person could have utilized to maintain a healthy state. Staying fit is one thing, but obsessive amounts of time wasted for nothing is using viable energy that could have gone to something else. Its a basic thermodynamic system.
  6. Its a waste of energy because it does nothing for the greater good. You may stay fit, but what have you accomplished? There is nothing done by it beyond the sphere of you. If I'm going to use my energy to do something its going to be effecting the world outside of me. Thats my point. The use of the energy.
  7. I think that at guys that spend too much time at the gym look false. I've grown up knowing men that had muscles because they used them to work, they got it through honest hard work and not being in a hygienic, air condition environment. Men that pump iron are wasting their time and energy, why not doing something worth while to get that look.
  8. I prefer the guy that has a mind and knows how to use it, the body is only a means of moving it from place to place.
  9. It has nothing to do with insecurities; it’s an issue of morality and conviction. Something I would never ask my partner to put aside.
  10. Because of all the things I do in the world passing judgement on others is a thrill above all else.
  11. It really is a tacky practice and I would call off a wedding if I knew my supposedly loyal and loving spouse-to-be did that. It really does cheapen the meaning of marriage. Getting married isn't an excuse to act uncouth and pay for sexual acts (stripping is a sexual act). Its a celebration of love and a commitment to your partner, people who would feel entitled to act thusly as a bachelor party are not respectable candidates for marriage (might be why the divorce rate is so high and usually in the first years of marriage).
  12. Unless the virgin is inept enough not to know which hole it goes in....
  13. And that single case is going to constitute the entire female mentality of the world? All women think like that? The mouth of the alleged victim could have DNA in it as forcing oral sex is rape as well.
  14. Saying you are a virgin does not immediately imply you need some one to deflower you.
  15. Women aren't pawns and isn't a game, if you have to persuade someone to have sex with you that means they don't want to, but you've tricked them with what ever you think are your skills.
  16. I think most guys dress rather slovenly, you, however, sound like there effort and care. That is always a plus! I think you are doing a good job.
  17. This is why you don't date 2 girls at once.
  18. I don't think you should stay with either girl until you realize you need to treat them with respect and not lie to them.
  19. Maybe people were more inclined to help the guy that wasn't mean when they told him things he didn't like. By the way, you were one of the people that told him to lie, most people encouraged him to not tell her or to tell her, not out and out lie.
  20. but having sex with them doesn't make them love you back, or if you pay them for it even less since it just business
  21. I'd never pay for sex, no matter the person.
  22. Male hookers are gross and just breeding grounds for STDs. No thank you.
  23. So you tell a girl she's being cheated on, just to cheat on her and your girlfriend. Don't you think you should tell your own girlfriend you're a cheater. You at least know that with out a shadow of a doubt as its not some partly over heard convo on a phone.
  24. Did you tell her just to get with her or did you tell her because you felt you knew he was cheating and she needed to know?
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