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Posts posted by ElektraHere

  1. i made the mistake of not keeping them...it came to a point where he bombarded my inbox with so many of them i just deleted them without reading them. i blocked him after i got my exam results just there.


    Sometimes you can still recover deleted emails if you havent cleared out your trash can. Check and see. Or if you responded to any of his emails check your sent box. You would have his emails in there too.

  2. Dear this is horrible. Especially because he is a police officer. What you may need to do is go to his Chief or even to internal affairs and report this. He is terrorizing you and this needs to stop immediately.


    Who cares if it tarnishes his career. He is supposed to be an upstanding citizen and protect the welfare of his community. He is doing neither right now. He is abusing you and the power that he has.


    If you still have any texts, phone messages, or emails SAVE THEM... You must stop this NOW before something horrible happens.

  3. I can give you my feedback on your first question.


    I had a friend notice the word "had." She was a very nice gal. She was pretty, funny, smart, etc. The one thing she didn't have were many girlfriends. I asked her "why is it you don't have lots of gal pals?" She told me it ws because she didn't get along with women all that much. She got on better with men. Well the more I got to know her the more I could see why. She had to be the spotlight and did NOT like to share it whatsoever. She flirted with every guy she was friends with some made adances and of course she shot them down. She bathed in the attention. After awhile it got hard to be her friend because it was all about her and her spotlight and not her as a person. In the 3 years I was friends with her I can't tell you anything about her. She never really let anyone in.


    So I would say it possibly is for that "spotlight" factor and the attention that is lavished on them. Its safe for them because they don't have to open up and really let anyone in. They just like the superficial part of it.


    Just my two cents.

  4. One pointer for you......get out! This is not a great place you have put yourself in. If you have read any stories of relationships that start as an affairs are the same story different people. You will always be third do you like that spot? His wife and child come before you and always will. How for sure are you he is unhappy? That he really looked into divorce proceedings? If he can cheat because he is "unhappy" what happens when he gets "unhappy" with you???


    If you enjoy the emotional turmoil and ups and downs then stay with it. If you respect yourself then you will turn on your heels and walk the other way.

  5. Is it the attention you are craving? Because if you really didnt give a flip about what anyone said you would keep this all to yourself. Instead you are announcing it as to say "Hey look at me I hate myself and look at the crappy things I can do to my body and still live to tell about it."


    Come on ALS is this the way you want to live your life? It will really make for one long and painful one.

  6. ALS


    Can I ask you a question? Why is it you post on something that you know will get the responses your not really looking for? I know you are an intelligent gal you just have some issues as we all do here. You have problems with food and this is known but why post something like this and finish it up with "this is a form of self harm." Do you really dislike your life and yourself that much?


    I hope that you care a little about yourself to at least nourish your body. There are many out there right now who wish they had a healthy body on their side or even food to eat. Open the paper and you will see that deprevaty. Take care of you! Mind, body, and soul.

  7. Obviously your body is telling you something. STOP THE FAST! I know people who fast to "cleanse" once in awhile. However you have to prepare your body for the fast. Have you done that? Meaning do you take vitamins? What do you eat all the time? What is your purpose for fasting? Is it health wise or is it for weight reasons?


    I would say stop right now.

  8. EK


    Take it from someone who lets negative thoughts consume me at times. Its a insecurity within yourself that you cant trust who you are as a person. Your b/f will have friends male and female be it in college, afterwards, and when he is old and gray. You must accept what he says when he says trust him. If he has never led you astray before then you cant not trust him.


    Ok so this gal likes him and has made it known. Well he's told you and made you aware that he is NOT interested. You have to take it for what it is. When the thoughts and the paranoia set in thats where the trouble will start. Your b/f will see this and not respond in the way that will stop it. Only YOU can stop it.


    Let this go and try to just enjoy your life and your b/f. Thinking that way can become such a nasty habit it can make life alot harder than what it should be.

  9. If he contacts you before and he asks if you have plans then mention it. Also you could email him to mention that you have a trip coming up. Go and have a good time. If he wants to get together with you he will. Go and not think if he will miss you. Enjoy your time away.

  10. First off twilight you are playing with fire here and could potentially torch yourself. You say you truly love your b/f but that in recent times he has gained some weight. That sometimes happens. Did you fall in love with his looks or with him as a whole (mentally/emotionally/physically?)


    This guy you are flirting with did you ever think this could be a game for him? I mean there are threads on this site where a gal has been in your position and actually played with the fire. They were burned!! They gave up what they had for infatuation and the guy they wanted so bad bolted.


    I would say turn and run.. Run as fast as you can to your BOYFRIEND! However, you are going to do what you are going to do. Just think about all the people you will hurt with this if you do partake in it.

  11. I think its great that you went to an appt. I think group can be a great experience. I think if you have attachment issues or anxiety about sharing perhaps you should start off with the one on one therapy first. Ease into it first off then add the group aspect when you have a focus on some of your issues.


    Good job on taking that first step.

  12. If you are consistent with taking your pills at the same time everyday you will be fine. There is that slight 2% chance you could become preggers but I wouldnt stress about it. You may just be a bit off clockwise.

  13. Oh Anti


    You are not alone my friend. At one time or another we all have had those thoughts. However, you can't continue to give them any power. You have to learn to let go of it all and just trust. For some that can be hard, especially if they have been hurt in the past. We think "is this person going to do the same thing?"


    As for loitering on break-up message boards. Don't loiter help out others. You are a smart girl and perhaps something you say to another might just might make a difference in their life.


    Believe in yourself. That is key. Believe that you are worth it. Believe that your relationship is in a good place.


    Bottom line is believe in yourself, let go, and trust..



  14. So again why are you with him??? I hope that you are strong enough to be able to be on your own. To have these sort of issues early on in a relationship is not a good thing. Especially if the trust is already gone and its only 4 months into it? YIKES!! You are better off walking away from this.

  15. Sorry your husband had the choice on whether what he was doing was right. Unless he had a labotomy he should know right from wrong. We all have our stories of growing up in not so great environments. He needs to own up to the fact that the reason he is sorry is that he got caught. I know you have 9 years with him and you are married with children. Perhaps counseling will help but I know for me that trust will always be marred. I don't think I could ever fully trust him again.

  16. Im sorry but details would be nice here.


    He broke that trust in the first month of you dating? Now it's at the 4 month mark. I don't know it sounds like the foundation of this relationship is very cracked. A cracked foundation = a house ready to implode.


    Is the reason that you don't want to break up really because he is "trying" or is it because you dont want to be alone?

  17. Fire,


    Seems like this is a running issue with you. I went back and read a few of your posts and it seems to come down to one thing. Confidence. In order for someone to be receptive to you it is imperative you show them confidence. If you read too much or not enough into something you will always be in this state.


    Take the "sure why not" as just that. She is going to go to drinks. Just enjoy the company of this person and have fun.

  18. Hun she is my age! Also you say she is on her 7th child, I would say she doesnt want you to go because of jealousy. You are young, have no ties, and CAN move she on the otherhand has 7 children and cant up and move.


    Time to start thinking for yourself my dear. A true friend will support you not dismiss your dreams.

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