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Posts posted by ElektraHere

  1. I never was trying to say what you do is right or wrong. I was giving my opinion and that is all it is. Take it or leave it. I dont want you to explain yourself to me. I am just going off of what you have said previously as do people here who actually read and follow posts of certain people.


    I want you to be happy and if you look back at your past posts and if I have answered them I have been nothing but supportive to you.


    I will abide by your wishes and stop posting on your threads. Accept my apologies if I offended. It was not my intention.

  2. SF,


    I think before bringing a child into the mix you should figure out what it is YOU want. I think when someone is confused to their sexual orientation and then trying to raise a child OH MY!! Talk about stress.. I say this because of your past posts of confusion and the issues your g/f has with her past.


    You really really need to look within yourself and figure what will work for you in your life? Don't bring a child into the mix thinking it may "fix" things. That isnt the case it only makes things harder.

  3. Leah,


    I have been where you were at and somedays still am there. I always thought like you if I were in an abusive realtionship I would get out....I stayed for 3 years. Like I mentioned to you yesterday you must must must clean that skeleton out of the closet now. If not it takes up too much space and the weight of trying to hold that door shut can paralyze a person.

    You once gave your power away but that doesn't mean you still have to. Take the power back and regain who you were prior. Its not easy and it is gonna hurt but growing pains tend to hurt.

  4. Sunny,


    Do you think that perhaps this opportunity has been laid out before you for a reason? From what you wrote changing schools, homes, and environments may do a world of good. This may inspire you more and make you more successful with school, friends, and relationship with your grandparents.

  5. Yvette,


    Have you seen a pattern lately??? I mean look over all your recent posts. You are starting to see the quirks that are already bothering you and you havent even met this person face to face. He is moving out to you and to live near you. If you are already seeing these little issues it only will get worse when he is there. This is probably who he is and you know that you CAN NOT change who he is.

    You may want to have him visit you first before he packs it all up and moves out your way.

  6. You know what? it doesnt matter if you are at a backyard bbq or a society event it comes down to one thing......Confidence. I have been to all sorts of parties talking with those who make minimum wage to the CEO they all are human. Yes money does separate worlds but you don't have to "study" on certain things. It makes one look fake and people who really know about those subjects will see right through you.

    Just be yourself and be how you would if you were around your friends. (dont get silly drunk and say silly things) but have a sense of humor. People who have gained status have come from somewhere too.

  7. RW


    Look at it as sort of a buffer for the moment. Kind of like bumper bowling. In order to get the swing right and the right feel of the bowling ball it takes practice. Trying to line up your throw to hit the right pins. Well if you keep ending up in the gutter you will never get the practice down. thats where Lexapro will act as a bumper. It will not let your bowling ball in the gutter it will bump it on down the lane.


    make sense?

  8. To the rest of you people, I DONT CRAVE DRAMA. Dealing with T most of the last 13 years of my life was drama enough and I used to want to run away from him.


    However you never did run away. That is what was meant by craving the drama.

  9. RW,


    Now look at it this way. How good are you as a partner when you aren't complete yourself?


    Read over your past post and look at them objectively. Dont react but rather reflect on them. Read them as if they were not your posts.

    You will see that you have some things to fix before you get out there on the dating speedway.Gotta make sure the engine, brakes, and all the other instruments work. If something is out of whack you will stall or crash and both are not good options.

  10. RW


    You CRAVE the drama. It has been a part of your life for so long you dont know what calm is.


    Look at this rationally. You are starting therapy and starting meds. Just like S2S said meds make you a bit wacky at first. Until you get on the right ones or dosage. Can you imagine being out on a first date and start crying or worse blow up at the person? Not good not good at all.


    If you do need a diversion make it a job rather than a date. You need a job for the money aspect and for the mental aspect. As my father so eloquently says " * * * * or get off the pot!"


    It has nothing to do with if you think your pretty or not it has to do if you are mentally stable and sure that you can handle things when they come at you. Reading your posts I dont see that you are at that level yet. You need to start with getting your boundaries set up and go from there and a man ain't gonna help you set those up for you. Only YOU and YOU alone can do that.

  11. Thats good you have gotten on some meds but sloooow down. Dont you think you should get yourself together before going out and finding a "replacement?" That is one of the things you have said you havea problem with is attaching to someone and becoming consumed with them. Dont yiou think it would better serve you to hold off on that for the time being? At least a month or two?

  12. Yes I think the same way. If only I had listened to my inner voice, if only I would have seen through his mask, if only if only if only. Well hun the if onlys can't change what happened. All you can do is vow to yourself it will NEVER happen again and move away from it. If your family brings him up ask them not to. My family did not like my ex and saw right through him so no one ever brings him up.


    Move past this and enjoy your life now. You will be glad you did.

  13. Hun,


    I was in an abusive relationship for 3 years and he beat me down till I was nothing. He took away me confidence, my strength, and my spirit. He drained me mentally, emotionally, and financially. I am still recovering from it. Yes for the first 2 years after we broke up I was depressed and wanted him back. Why??? I was conditioned to the abuse. It was my lot in life or so I thought. You will be able to get past this you just need to let go. I am still letting go of it all. I have been taking inventory of all the skeltons in my closet and he is one that has been in there long enough. Time for his crappy bones to be thrown out to the dogs.


    Why do they do it? I dont have an answer for you there. Perhaps lack of confidence in themselves, perhaps no conscience. Not sure just know that you can not I repeat you can not let him still have a hold over you. If so you will always be in this place that you want out of so bad.

  14. If I have learned anything in my foibles DO NOT TEXT and GOD FORBID NEVER TELL SOMEONE THEY ARE AN ADDICTION.


    As everyone else has urged you to do is sit back, breathe, and enjoy where the ride takes you. If not you may end up crashing into a wall and take it from me its pretty painful

  15. ScaredFawn


    I think what you really need to do is stop asking the question and seek out help from someone educated in gender/sexual confusion issues. You have posted on here prior about your craving to have sex with men. There are no answers I or anyone else here could give you that would help you. The only answer that i could suggest is talking with someone who specializes in that area.

  16. You are young and you have so much time to do all those things. Enjoy these carefree times. Dont worry about the girls and if you have kissed, touched, or gone out. It will happen when the time is right for you. If talking to this girl is comfortable keep it up. This way it makes you comfortable and you can sort of hone your skill of conversation.


    This girl probably just wants to be your friend. Let her be your friend and enjoy the friendship.

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