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Posts posted by ElektraHere

  1. Martha take it as a HUGE red flag! If he is saying this even during "good" times he is thinking about this when he isn't with you. I think he has FINALLY had enough of all of this and is drained by you. Why would he want that when he could either be on his own with no one to please or a g/f that is supportive of his space? All around the way you act you shouldn't be surprised if he breaks it off with you.

  2. Martha,


    I hate to say this but this could finally be the beggining of the end. I think this relationship is off balance and you expect waaaaay too much from your b/f. If he is verbalizing his frustrations at you calling you crazy then he must be thinking "is this all worth it?"


    Either you need to give him a break and some space or be prepared for him to leave you. Also you need to quit the excuse of "we only see each other on the weekends." Enough already.

  3. I think she is tired of your "running of the mouth." You may not see them as harmful or lasting but they are! You seem to want to give her the world and then when you get mad your like a little boy on the playground and stomp off in a huff. You tell her this is our house but when you get mad it's suddenly your house. If I were her I wouldn't feel comfortable either. You sem to pick at everything she does even to go as far as telling her she looks better without makeup. You seem to assume that she knows how you feel but the only time you verbalize it is to criticize and complain.


    I would be angry and tired of you too. If YOU don't straighten yourself out towards her she is going to leave and NEVER come back. Why stick around in that environment.

  4. RW,


    I think that the Ren Faires will have to be on hold until you can go w/o any feelings of "ah this is what we used to do." It's like a song or a place that one would experience with a S.O. Right after a breakup if you listen to that song or go to that place emotions are bound to come to the surface. As for your supposed "best friend" thats crap what he says! He also is treating you his "best friend" like crap.


    Suppressing feelings in order to move ahead will get you no where fast. In order to officially move on you need to experience the pain, sadness, fears, etc. If not you will be a ticking time bomb and then things like the Ren Faire will bring it all to the surface.


    The sense I get from your posts is that you let alot of people take you for granted. Even when they get you to the point of explosion you still feel it is wrong on your part. You need to step up and really respect yourself sister!! I don't care how nice the emails are I would say " I want my money!! If you dont pay me then I will take you to small claims court." As for the best friend I think that seems like a toxic relationship that will constantly dissappoint you. Perhaps you need some NC from him too.


    Create the life you want for yourself and only have you in mind and not the ex b/f or the best friend or hell even your family. We are only given one life to live so LIVE IT NOW!!!!!

  5. I guess I am the "other" women out there. I am 6'0" and I want someone who is at least my height or taller. It may be a picky thing but I don't want to be taller then my man. If some women can deal with someone shorter then more power to them. I just wouldnt feel comfortable with it.

  6. I too believe some people can be friends. I myself have a hard time with it. I seem to develop feelings and then I am the one dealing with the loss of a friend and a broken heart.

    The only way I have been able to be friends with a guy is they are either my friend's husband or boyfriends or they are gay. I know that they are taken and that would be a line I would never cross with them. However, if the guy is not taken and we are friends I seem to blur that line on friendliness and attraction.

  7. Well first off I think you are overeacting to your b/f not getting in touch with you. LDR's are very tough and they only survive when there is total honesty and trust. You have broken that now. You didnt trust that your b/f would call and then you broke that trust by doing whatever it is you did last night. So then that brings in the honesty factor you have now broken that too.


    I am sorry but when people say that they were drunk and that is their excuse for actions they did is B.S. I could sympathize if you were slipped something in your drink but you drank those shots.

    Alcohol lets the inhabitions fall to the way side and so we may have a little sliver of "this isnt right" but we go ahead and do it anyways.

    Even at my drunkest I may not remember everything I say but I do remember when it comes to my body and hooking up with another.

    That is a poor excuse and just like Belmontboy said you are obviously not happy or satisfied in this current relationship.

  8. Its all with well intentions but if you want it to go smoothly dont associate with him at all these functions. I am sure your class is bigger than say 30 people. If he wants to give you dirty looks well then why would you want to talk with him or even allow him 5 minutes of your time.


    Be honest are you still hoping that he will realize that this is it and ask you back out? Honestly now Your senior year should be filled with fun and no worries and you are wasting precious time on this dork!


    Move on sweets and enjoy the friends that you are in good standing with You should be very proud you have completed this phase of your life and there are more adventures for you to have.

  9. I think you are setting yourself up for big time hurt. I don't think texting was good at all or unblocking him. Unfortunately when one graduates they leave some of the friends they had in highschool behind. You may run into them in the years ahead but you dont sit everyday thinking of highschool. (if you do then we have a problem)

    I don't think you should text him anymore. Obviously by his response he could careless truly.

  10. I am sorry that you feel I am cutting on you. That is your perception and not my intentions. It seems to me that you want someone to tell you what you want to hear. I am sorry but I am direct and not one that dances around issues. I stand by what I say and you need some intensive therapy. If you choose to wallow you will never move forward and your decisions will constantly disappoint you.

  11. Aggie,


    What you need to do are these 3 steps.


    1. Turn off the computer

    2. Go experience life

    3. Make some decisions on your own


    If you follow these 3 steps your life will change gaurenteed!


    If you are indescisive in your real life as you are on these boards you will repel any great girl that comes in contact with you.

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