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Posts posted by ElektraHere

  1. Hey Libertine,


    I am sorry but I think that he just isn't in that same place as you. I totally understand. I had a friend who I fell in love with and I told him so. He unfortunately didn't share the same feelings for me. I then got a little well a lot attached to him. I wanted him so much that I was convinced he would change his mind. We used to speak every day and for hours I havent heard from him in about a month. It hurts and sucks I have tried calling, texting, emailing, PMing and he has not answered any. It hurts me but you can't make someone fall for you as much as we want it.


    Move on sweetie and perhaps with time you can have that friendship again.

  2. I wouldn't do it! Your lips will never be the same, plus people who do their lips it does NOT look real at all. Just be happy with what you have.

    I kind of feel a bit vindicated now. I was born with full lips and was teased all the time for them in school. HA now I have lips that people pay for...I digress sorry Lady Bugg. Your smile rocks don't change it with fake lips. NOT GOOD I TELL YA!

  3. If she is using a UTI to slow down the relationship then whats it going to be like if something serious comes up. You shouldn't feel bad that she got one thats ridiculous. Like RayKay said it has to do with her own hydration and feminine hygiene; especially if she does not go to the bathroom after sex.

    If you are finding faults this early then I hate to say that this may not be the relationship for you. She may just be your rebound from the last one you had.

  4. Glitter,


    There isn't much you can do for him right now other then be there for him. I feel for him I lost my grandmother a year ago of heart failure. Nothing anyone did really changed how I felt or still feel today. Just be there and if he needs to cry let him and if he needs alone time give him that too.

  5. Nope you are not living a reality and as for the new girl and giving her your all. No your not you are taking away from her. You should be thinking of her and not this fantasy land with cheater girl.


    Your last post was a bunch of running contradictions. And you need to let go or you will be miserable for the rest of your life. If I were your new gal and knew how you were feeling I would run faster than anything away from you and your baggage. (She has alot of baggage to, I hope she is getting help for hers)

  6. WOW! She must have alot of power of you. How does that make you feel to know there is a person out there that controls your thoughts, actions, feelings, how your day is going to go? Don't you ever get sick of that and want to take control over your life again?


    What happened with the gal you were seeing?

  7. I wrote this poem for my creative writing class and just wanted to share.


    The sounds call out like the mighty sirens of lore; the sights draw all, including the poor.

    The dream of riches only an arms length away, can make even the smartest over stay.

    Cocktails and cigarettes make it all a bit blurry; please lady luck come in a hurry.

    Loved and hated all in the same breath; capturing you like the strangle hold of death.

    The next spin is, for sure the one; perhaps it will or perhaps it is done.

    I wait with patience and without any doubt; that the next person to sit in front of me will be devout.

    Daily I am on the Vegas scene; for I am one of the many slot machines.

  8. Martha you are not seeing it because you are in denial about things. The others and I could talk till we were blue in the face and you still wouldnt get it.

    If everything were on the up and up there would be no need to post. So continue with the excuses, the denials, the irrationality. It seems that is what you like more than a healthy and happy relationship.

  9. 1.Whenever your b/f wants to be on his own you throw a fit and say "but we only see each other on weekends.

    2. He doesn't include you in his life.

    3. You are emotionally draining on him.

    4. Your highly emotional over the smallest of things.

    5. You are posting here about the same thing over and over asking if this is normal or if this seems right.

    6. If you were happy and confident you would have a job, you would have your own life, you would have said enough of this relationship.

    7. I think he is on auto-pilot and waiting until he can get out.


    Should I continue??

  10. Martha,


    Is that a healthy way to respond to people who are seeing what you so obviously are not? Like I said before why post if you don't want to hear the responses? All your posts have to do with exactly the same thing and all the responses respond the same way.


    You are living in lala land if you think your relationship is healthy. It's time to take the rose colored glasses off and start seeing it for what it is.....very dysfunctional and ready to implode any minute.

  11. Hun, I would hold on to your virginity. It's not a race to the grownup finish line. Take time and just enjoy being a teen.


    Although, if you feel this is something you HAVE to do then please use protection and know the risks you enter when going forth in this endeavor. STD's, pregnancy, emotional entaglements, etc. There is more to sex then just how good it can be it comes along with some baggage.

    Just be prepared in every way.

  12. BJ


    I wouldn't lay all the blame on the b/f here. If you go back and read Martha's post I would say this guy has had alot of patience with how she wants this relationship to be.


    I would say just like I did before this whole relationship and your actions Martha that have worn thin with him.


    I do agree with Billy in one regards when a person is not happy then they do compromise a part of themselves. Martha on the whole I would say this relationship is just limping along aren't you getting a bit tired of it all? It seems like your b/f has grown tired.

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