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Posts posted by ElektraHere

  1. Teacup,


    I agree with Hope what you said in your post makes no sense at all. In one breath your saying they are low class and uneducated. Then in the next breath your saying they are being mean and avoiding you. I would avoid you to if you sent that type of vibe out.


    As for the guy at work it sure seems that you run into alot of guys that have this fixation on it. Are you sure your not misreading them or that you are the instigator of the topic? I find it hard to believe that a guy a work would just start talking about sexual adventures if not prompted by the conversation taking place.


    Teacup you need to look back at your posts and there is a common thread with all of them....that everyone conspires against you and all people want to do is hurt you. I think you should turn the mirror around and see if you arent the one conspiring against yourself.

  2. Teacup,


    The only way to move forward in life is to do just that. Quit ruminating about the past and things you have done or have not done. If you want to accomplish certain goals than make them and quit the "whow is me" attitude. We have all had the pity parties for ourselves and we all have left that party because it is not very fun and you don't get much out of it.


    As my friends tell me and I tell people in return "Buck up!"

  3. Don't pick at your face. That only makes it worse and leads to permanent scarring. Also dont touch your face too much or if you do wash your hand first. The dirt from your hands can make your pores clog. If you have to rest your hand in your face put a tissue between your hand and face. Also how do you apply your makeup? Sponges, powder puff, brushes? They really need to be cleaned thoroughly if not the bacteria from open sores spreads causing more spots. If you use hair products sometimes if it gets on your face it can cause breakouts. Another thing is your pillowcase that should be changed because of all the products and oils from your hair.

    Just tips of things I can think of

  4. Blondy,


    Sorry to hear the ProActiv isn't working for you. The one thing that can make skin react terribly is stress. You are going through a major life change right now. You are graduating from high school and deciding what you want to do in the future.


    Do you pick at your skin? I know that does not help the healing process. I would also check with your DR about possible food allegeries. Are you drinking alot of soda pop? Sugar, wheat, or even dairy can be a bad culprit too. Also what about your makeup? What kind are you using? Cleansing how often do you wash your face? Sometimes too much washing makes skin even worse.

  5. Ok now you have added some fire into the mix. How long have you been with your b/f? I can tell you I would bet the farm that you have a better chance at happiness and long term with your b/f then with this guy at work. Attraction is great but if I were you I would not pursue this guy. You may lose out on everything in the end.

  6. I would play it very slow and cautiously. Divorce can be a tricky thing on a persons emotions, meaning they arent as free giving with them as before. All the men I have known that have gone through a divorce are not looking for anything serious. If you are ok with just hanging outwith no expectations then go for it.

  7. RW ~ I have highlighted some points you made about your prediciment. I think you should have stayed where you were. It seemed you had alot going on and were much happier. You dropped everything for a friend who isnt there for you.

    Your parents are doing you no favors by "supporting" or bailing you out of things. Even the money handouts why bother trying when you know the Mom and Dad ATM is open 24/7.

    As for your motivation to find a job like I said before why would you have that motivation if the M&D ATM is open 24/7?

  8. This is a habit that needs to be broken. Not to sound mean so please dont take it this way. Your 33 years old and you need to get a job. Its time to take control and quit the insanity of it all. Expecially relying on your parents to help you when your in a pinch at the last minute. I have had to rely on my parents at times but then sometimes I have went w/o because it was my problem and there money is only a quick fix.

  9. Scared ~ Your post have all been about this very thing. Perhaps your relationship with this woman is supposed to be a deep friendship and not a romantic one. You may have to come to the realization that she would be better as a friend then a lover. My friend was in that same place. She was in a relationship with a man whom she loved and cared for but the sex just wasnt there. The connection on that level was nil. She ended up breaking things off because even though sex isnt everything it does fit in the eqation of a healthy and successful relationship.

  10. RW ~ If you do choose to seek out a therapist do some due diligence. Usually you can go to websites and find out what their approach is. Sometimes you can google them or you can go to a website such as the American Pshychology Association, etc.



    Life in the chaos storm is tiring and it can get real old believe me I know.

  11. RW,


    I tend to agree with Nova that you are a major procrastinator. Reading many of your posts you hate confronting things head on. That can be good and bad. RW sometimes you have to grab the bull by the horns and just go for it. I tend to believe some people think that if there is no chaos or commotion in their life then they aren't living life. Its a bad way of thinking for sure. I know I have thought that way many a time. If things are too calm then there is something wrong and its time to create a bit of chaos.


    The first and foremost thing I have said to you is that you need to find a job. Not only will it help you financially but I think it will also help you emotionally. When a person isn't productive what are you left with? Too much time to sit and think or dwell on things.


    Your letting life pass you by.

  12. Keefy,


    Reading your posts is like reading my own words. I like you have lived so much in the past and the future I never really lived in the NOW. As much as it is hard you will come out on top.


    I also find that giving advice helps because you can turn that mirror around on yourself and think "why the heck am I not doing that?"


    Keep your head up, look straight ahead, and don't keep looking back.

  13. Gotta agree with Anti on this one. Someone that has no social network is not a good sign. Why is it they have no friends? why is it they only have 1 friend. The problem with people who don'th ave friends they seem to either be loners or not very good at holding on to relationships that well. Go with your gut instinct.

    Just my two cents.

  14. I have a friend who is a trumpet player and he was telling me he wanted to go over and "busk" in Amsterdam. Busking for those who don't know is playing music for $$$. He is the one who kind of fertilized the seed that has been dormant for too long. As for the $$$ I would have to plan that out for sure. I could have a major "Following my Dreams Sale." Sell my furniture, car, save some dough from my job now. Life is full of possibilities huh?!

  15. Boy Tyler you can put a damper on a 33 year old dreamer ;-)

    Even just an extended vacation of a few months? Who knows its just things I am listing out and seeing if I can still do them. I guess there is always Toronto ;-) lol

  16. Never been to Europe or out of the US. I am just coming to the point where i am tired of letting life pass me by waiting for "Mr Right" to come along. I have wasted too many years. Its time to do things for me. If Paris didnt work out there are many places that are on my list

  17. I am American, took French in H.S. but that would not help me over there, I am not vested in my job, I could not transfer my job. I have heard of people doing it and I just have never had the chutzpah to do it. I would need to brush up on some French, get a passport and visa. I couldnt just drop everything I would have to plan it. As for buying or building a house where I live that is just NOT financially possible. It would be cheaper to go to Europe if you can believe that.

  18. What is your take on when its too late to follow past dreams? Lately I have been thinking of doing something I thought of in my 20's. However, you hear everybody say "start a 401k," "buy a house," "ground yourself." I want stability sure but I also want to follow some dreams I let go by the wayside.

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