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Posts posted by ElektraHere

  1. Depends on why they still live at home. Is their mother very sick and needs a lot of help? Or are they living at home to save up enough money to put a down payment on a house?


    Well I think if they were helping their mother or father that is different. Obviously then it would be passable. Other than that no way.

  2. Soulmate?


    No. It's not a belief I suscribe to myself.


    But you may well be in love, and that IS good.


    I am with you Anti I find it hard to subscribe to that idea myself. I believe in kindered spirits but soulmates.....No.

  3. Ren Woman ~ Everyone says that "you don't understand." Hon we do understand we have all been there before. We all say our prediciment is different. In reality it is just the same but with different faces and names.


    Come on RW can you not rationally see the damage this is causing your psyche? Its like you are addicted to the abuse.

  4. Ren Woman ~ If you were on the other side of this and read what you have written thruthfully what would you tell that person???? You would tell them your life went on before they came into it and it will when they are out of it. This is truly NOT healthy. You ruminate over this constantly and it is stunting the rest of your life. Do you feel you don't deserve respect and happiness? Reading your posts are frustrating because you seem to think this guy walks on water. Like I said before friendship is the easiest of all relationships. This is the most convoluted and toxic relationship I have ever seen. It is like you need to be deprogrammed from him.

    Also have you read your past posts and how many you have posted about him since the start of this year? The # will probably astound you.


    Come on believe in yourself and believe that you will be ok and that the life you lead now will not be the life you lead in the future.

    You have to or else you will just wither away into nothing but an emotional void.



  5. Ren ~ Read your own words!!!! He has abused you physically, emotionally, and probably financially too. I am not trying to be mean here but time to stop the pity party of having no friends. You are choosing not to find a job or putting yourself in situations where you can encounter good people whom you could call friends. Quit hiding out with your parents and with this supposed "best friend"

  6. You are addicted to him. And he has gotten you in a "situation" that could impact your life. Good Christ woman!!!! You are sticking it out with him because you still have feelings for him and you hope he will revert from being homosexual to being straight.


    Why can't you cover your own * * * and not help him with this "situation." You know what the responses are going to be when you post on this subject matter. The thing is are you going to take in the advice you are seeking???

  7. I agree with Dako. I think the easiest relationships are with friends. They are your support team as well as a cheering section. This best friend is neither and his b/ definitely is not.


    Get out of this. If you still are undecided go back and read all your posts on the running issues and count how many have come up since you started to post here. I am sure if you saw it in numbers it would make more of an impact.

  8. Ren ~

    Forgive me but what is the situation? Also not knowing the whole deal but are you a glutton for punishment? What type of friend does this to a person over and over and over and over (catch breath) and over again?

    Come on sister get off the bus and walk on your own for awhile.

    If this guy was your true true friend do you really think all these "situations" and issues would be coming up?


    This is a toxic relationship and until you make some strides of either saying no, standing your ground, or even leaving it all together it will continue to be a toxic mess.

  9. Russo,


    I feel for you I do. Alot of us here on this board have been where you are right now. The one thing I can tell you is it will get better. I know right now you think there is no hope. There is and coming here is your first step towards that hope.


    I have a few questions for you. Do you have a job? If not is there something you can do during the day besides reading horoscopes? Do you have friends or family you can lean on a bit?


    Read the posts here and the one thing you will find is someone just like you. What else? You will find that they have moved past their pain and have found hope again.

  10. I think loving and respecting your mother is a great thing. Its impressive actually. However, when a mother gets in between her son and his S.O. thats when its time to cut the apron strings. Haven't you ever seen the Oprah or Dr Phil shows where the son always puts his mother before his own wife and kids? It can cause all sorts of problems. I love my family and my brothers love our mother but we have our separate lives from her and she also respects our boundaries too.

  11. SnoGirl ~


    I dated a "mommas boy." hence the word dated. He was very close with his mother, I believe she made most of his desicions. She never was rude to me but who knows she maybe would have done that the farther we went with our relationship? I was taking the time he used to spend with her away. She did not like this one bit.

    If we would have stayed together I never would of had him on my side. He would always go with his mom.

    I would say if he isnt willing to budge this long then sorry to say he will never budge. Especially if he doesnt talk to his mother about how rude she is to you. That is just NOT acceptable.

  12. Alone2much ~


    Do you happen to have any hobbies like knitting, hiking, sports, books? There are sooo many clubs nowadays. There is also volunteering at different events. IE fundraisers, beer fests, etc. The firends are out there you just have to open yourself up to them.

  13. I didnt mean how long I meant his width. I would either ask your doctor for advice or switch to a water based lube. Do you have much foreplay? Have you tried different positions to relieve the pressure?

  14. In your case, I would bet that building up your self-esteem would make your life more happy overall. And how to do that is by living your life in such a way that you see positivity as a result.


    Chai I think you are right about this one. I don't believe in myself and my attributes very much. When I do a good job and their is praise I say something negative about myself. If someone compiments me I always say oh my hair is awful today or something to downplay it. Don't get me wrong I like to hear it but when I do I downplay it. Make any sense???

    My friends tell me I have this natural presense when walking into a room. I always thought it was the height thing (6' tall) but they say that if I took command of it the world would be my oyster. I am oblivious to this "presense" they talk about.


    So ok lets morph this post into Self Esteem. We all have had issues with it at one time or another. What are some of the ways you boost yours?

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