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Posts posted by ElektraHere

  1. Hi WTBL,


    Why not play an instrument YOU want to play??? Playing is an enjoyment not a catcher of romantic interests. If you want to play the guitar wonderul. If you want to learn the kazoo do that too.


    Just learn for yourself and not for someone else.

  2. I can attest women CAN be "friendzoned." I was and it sucked. It eventually ruined the friendship and it has ended for good. I personally feel its tough to go back to the original friend feeling but that is just me. Men and women can have relationship that are plutonic. For friendships with males my most successful ones are that they are gay, married, or over 50.

  3. I was planning a night of movies and time to myself. Maybe a mani and pedi

    Then I was called to meet a guy for a drink. It was fun and unexpected. Now I am home and online and watching tv. Not all Saturdays need to have "action." Plus its a good way to save money

  4. I just think you need to cut the ties with the b/f. It does you no good to wait until he decides if the relationship is over. It sounds pretty much over to me.


    Girl you live in NYC there HAS to be something for you to get involved with. You say you have been alone for the longest time....is that 6 months? That really isnt very long in the grand scheme of things. How long have you been with this guy and were you with someone prior?


    Your own quote's say it all

    "The only people you need in your life; are the ones that need you in theirs."

    It seems your b/f only needs you when its convienent for him.


    "Believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."

  5. Being lonely sucks!! However, you are so young and have so much that you can do without someone. You live in NYC right? There is soooo much there for a person to get involved with. You will probably surprise yourself at some of the stuff you find and would enjoy.


    As for the b/f not saying your done, what is he waiting for? How can one know when a dead relationship is done? If you have been on a break for that long I would assume it is done.


    All my friends are married, having babies, or they have b/f's. I at first was soooo jealous and lonely. Then I thought they are envious of my life too. I have no responsibilities to anyone but myself. I enjoy my solitude as much as I enjoy going out with my friends.


    I believe that you can conquer your loneliness by yourself and not with a warm body next to you

  6. Bebe,


    Why do you need to get close to someone? You say that you and your b/f are on a break and you want to see what out there. Have fun with it and just go with the flow.

    Can I ask why is it so imperative that you are with someone? If you have been in a relationship for so long why not try it solo for awhile? Get to know what it is you want to do.

    Just my two cents

  7. "RayKay paging RayKay you are needed in the birth control forum"


    Seriously though all pills and women are different. I know there were a few I took that made me retain water and actually eat more. It depends on the hormone ratio. The belly pooch could be excess water or gas?


    Consult your DR sometimes it takes a few different brands to get the right combo. Don't just stop taking them.

  8. It depends some look up criminal background. Any sort of record that you may or may not have. So if you have had any altercations with the law they would see that. Then there are employers that check your credit. I don't know why they are able to do that. It is supposed to represent how responsible you are.

    I wouldnt sweat it if you have a clean criminal background.

  9. HI Iceman


    Welcome to the world of NC. We have a table set up for you near the stage. Stay for as long as you want ;-)


    Yes NC is hard believe me I know. However, it is imperative that you stick to it. I have fallen off the horse so many times but I think this last fall was the enough is enough fall. With each fall you think it wont hurt as much and eventually it does. Posting here is good when you are tempted to contact or calling a friend. I know my friends and family were and have been a godsend. There are also alot of great people here that offer up some pretty sound advice.


    Keep it up and take it an hour at a time for right now. Then increase to a day, then a week, and so on....


    YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  10. Hi guys,


    I don't understand why i feel like this i don't feel good at all. I feel ugly and unattractive i honestly don't like feeling this way. It really hurts me to feel like this. I love people and i a good person, it just feels like no one wants me and i'm so lonely. How can i make myself feel better?




    Hey Sky,


    I am sure your not ugly. I say the same things to myself but I know in my heart of hearts I am not. It can be that you are putting out the vibe of dont look at me and leave me alone. I know I have a tendency to do that where I get really shy but it comes off as aloofness or "stay away from me."

    The way you can make yourself better is to quit feeding into the attitude that you are ugly and unwanted. What is beauty anyway? It is totally subjective. Hold your head up high.

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