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Posts posted by ElektraHere

  1. I would say that if you havent had any arguments nor do you believe that there is another guy, then yes it is PMS. She may get to the point where she just doesnt want to be around anyone. PMS symptoms can be all over the board for women.


    Don't sweat it and when those times come just do your own thing until she comes back

  2. Ren,


    GO GO GO GO!!! To ChiTown. You will have a GREAT time and will be so busy with everything that T will not consume your time. Stick to your guns sister and you can do it. Its hard and yes it seems at night the feelings get worse. I hated the evenings but then it gets easier as each night goes by.


    Have fun at the Ren Faire and with your friends. Don't let someone who doesn't repsect you ruin the rest of your life.

  3. Ren


    What exactly are you waiting for?? Till you get yourself centered, perhaps getting a job will help with that. You need structure and something to do. A job and the people at that job can do that.


    I hope you now see how much this person took away from you. He seems to have done a number. Please don't read anymore of his emails it just isnt a good thing.

  4. Ren


    OK you have spent the past six months preoccupied with T's trials and tribulations. Get his name off your account or close yourself off it and get another one.


    Now that you have shed some dead weight it is time to start standing up straight. Its time to buck up, get your resume in order, and start researching companies. That will help you IMMENSELY!!


    Keep walking down the road Ren and don't look back. You can do it.

  5. Aggie I have taken a screen shot of your post and so modifying it over and over will not help. You stated you fooled around with a 13 year old girl and ENJOYED it. Your exact words. In my state you would be convicted of Child Molestation. Which is a minimum of 7 years. This is very reportable and should be!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. IT DOESNT MATTER!!!!!! Sharing your feelings about this could land you in some SERIOUS trouble with the law


    This is a serious matter Aggie, do you not realize this???? You can be reported for this. Especially if there was foreplay. Any contact with her genitals. This is a reportable matter.....

  7. Hey I was just sleeping on the floor and she got on me and it went from there.


    COME ON AGGIE!!! Give me a break!! You know what that sounds like??? The guys you see on tv getting busted for soliciting 13 year old online. They arent though they are cops they are talking to.


    You are old enough to know better. You are to blame on this one...

  8. Ok first off if she tells anyone you could get in alot of trouble with the law. It is called statutory rape.

    Second what does a 13 year old offer to a 19 year old? They are not even in the same hemisphere?

    Thirdly you need to gain some common sense, meaning you need to act like an adult and quit posting of what should I do about this what should I do about that.

    This is post however is REALLY DISTURBING!!!!

  9. reminds me of the time i put baby oil in my malteses' hair to help brush out the knots .... and well uh - it didn't work.


    they had oily matted hair just like your lil one - i think i tried everything from baby powder to peanut butter (j/k) to soak it up , washing and washing some more, etc. etc


    eventually, i had to shave them both bald ! j/k


    but really, it went away after i don't know how many washes


    just use a gentle shampoo and the oil will break down and wash away w/time


    They are referring to a baby not a puppy.

  10. The baby might have what is known as "cradles cap." It is like a baby dandruff that looks as though the skin is really flaky on top. There are special ointments you can put on the head to help aleviate it. If that is what is happening? Also like Vandgsmom mentioned Johnson & johnson Baby Shampoo is so mild that you can use it on babys hair.

  11. Ren


    Bravo! You have made one GIANT step towards finding yourself and your independence again. At first it will be hard but once you get going the rewards you will reap are just too many to list.


    Remember there are people here who will advise and listen.

  12. I stick by 100%. So if an abuser and his victim have history are they supposed to keep in contact just because of history? No the victim needs to get out and stay far away from the abuser. No one would say "well it wouldnt hurt if you talked to him a little bit." They would say "look forward and dont look back."

  13. No, I don't think you messed up. You guys were friends for a long time, it's not so easy to say goodbye.




    I do think that you should work on getting over him, and space will help you. As hope pointed out, he can never be the boyfriend you want him to be, as he's already involved with someone, and he's gay.


    I guess I am the only one that thinks you should cut him 100% out of your life. I think you should cut down contact to 5%, until you are over him and have moved on with your life, and maybe later on, you can still go out, get dinner with him, just like old times. but not now....


    I agree with Annie. I think you should cut him out 100%.


    RW I had a best friend who was a male and was gay. We met when we were 8 and were friends until I was 32. That is 24 years of history with one person. However, he was going one way and I was going another. We just never met in the middle anymore. I felt as though the friendship lost its strength. I have seen him here and there since then and it is always good to see him but we are not best friends as we were before.


    I like you also fell for him. It was when he came out of the closet. Subconsciously I wanted him to be only with me and not gay. I loved him but had that love confused with romantic love. He is still in my thoughts, heart , and a bit of him will always be in my soul. There are times I miss but that was then this is now.


    My friend was never cruel or manipulative as yours seems to be. You know the phrase "jump the shark?" Its a term they use in the TV industry. It means when a show has finally come to its end. The show doesnt have that power and strength as it once had. Perhaps your friendship with him has "jumped the shark?"

  14. I do believe that there is a happily ever after. I don't care what religion, faith, outerworld being, fate, destiny whatever you believe in there is a right place and a right time. I myself think that it is possible. I agree with RC that you cannot base your outcome on what your families have been through. You are not them and you are not in their circumstance.


    Do I believe people of divorce are a bit jaded? I mean no disrespect but yes I do. To base the rest of your future on a divorce and that nothing will ever be good again is a bit sad. You can and will find happiness if you allow your heart, mind, and soul to accept it.


    Just my two cents.

  15. This question is directed towards all women. You may take it as kind of a survey. But do women prefer a man with a high voice, normal voice, or deep voice?


    And what I mean by these, high would be like Chris Rock, normal would be like Johnny Depp and deep would be like Barry White...?




    Can I ask why its so important to know wether women like hairy chest or deep voices?? Do you have any of these qualities??? Just seems like a random question as with the hairy chest. Do you really find yourself sitting at home wondering if women care about these things. I can tell you your not ever gonna get the same answer. To many varinces that can sway it over her or over there.

  16. I disagree with some of the advice. Work is work. Yes it is nice to build relationships there but look outside of work. A job can last 5 years max nowadays. Do you have any g/f's outside of work?


    I have my close g/f's that I have known some since I was 5 years old. I dont think women are untrustworthy. When someone says they dont have close g/fs because of that reason, is because they need all the attention and that is why they cant have g/f's. They would have to share the spotlight so to speak. I had a friend who was like that. Flirted with anything that had a penis. Didnt matter if he was old, young, ugly, cute she was an attention wh0re She liked having male friends because then she could have the spotlight all on her. It was quite sickening and alot of the girls were turned off by that. (not saying you are doing this its just my example)


    At my work now I am friendly with the gals there. But really I am there to do my job and when I leave I leave the job and everything about it there. So what! If they want to have their "clique" let them. Its not anything against you or who you are as a person. Yes it sucks and sorry you have to work with those type gals but dont discount friendships with women because of a few gals at work.

  17. Mostly the men I have been with have had hair on their chest some more than others. I like it either way. When there is hair and they where cologne.. MMMM smells so good and like Scout said you can bury yourself into his chest. If he has no hair that is fine too.


    Hair is Hair right? Now whiskers are a different story. It scratches up my face and then I look like Bozo th clown. Red all around my mouth. OUCH!!

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