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Posts posted by ElektraHere

  1. Is this how he talks? If I were to receive an email like this I would be perplexed too. One question if he has the need and wants for a large family and you already have two kids; do you really think its wise to continue this? Wouldnt it make it harder down the road?

  2. I am 26 and dying to know what the men think about this...not that I don't appreciate your responses ElektraHere. I just don't want to lose my faith in men. His statements have shaken me a bit, honestly.


    Well they will probably say the same thing. There are some bad one as there are some good ones. YOU just have to be able to decipher the difference. Also if you put that much faith and credibility into 1 guy then you are going to be disappointed over and over. Its just his opinion just like it is yours, mine, or the other enotters.

  3. Not to sound like Debbie Downer but if this "quirk" of his already bothers you. What do you think it will be like when he moves and is with you live and in person? I have found that guys with the "sense of humor" always have it and never let it go. It can be a little tiring when one is trying to be serious.

  4. I know. I like that stuff too. I have that and 'secret crush' by the same company. But Love Spell is so distinct, you can smell it from quite a ways, too.


    Guys--what do you think of 'Beautiful'? What about 'Sunflowers'? Do you'all even know the names of the smelly stuff you like?


    I used to wear Beautiful in high school and Sunflowers right after. Ahhhh everytime I smell those it floods the memories back.

  5. Im sorry but to say that he knew you would find out is totally taking blame away from himself.


    If I found out that information not so much the porn but the dating site I would be livid. I would feel betrayed and I would probably make him stay elsewhere. Not in the same house.

  6. Email it then. That way if confronted you have an email confrontation rather than a live confrontation. Or just slowly fade off into the sunset. Let phone calls go and do short emails here and there with just a hello and hope all is well with you. With the little contact you give her eventually it will fade.

  7. Lady,


    If and I say if this were to evolve into something what makes you think it would survive? This relationship has been built on betrayal, lies, and broken promises. I think that him not telling you he loves you is a GIANT red flag. You should be thinking of your husband right now. The one you made vows and promises to.

    Head over heels in love? Perhaps its lust disguised as love. As to love is more of an action than a feeling. His actions speak clear to me he doesnt love you and like RayKay mentioned he may not love his wife either. He seems like an individual who has his cake and is eating it too.

    You know when you play with fire inevitably you WILL get burned.

  8. Hmmm. I have been told Im striking and beautiful.


    Cute a few times but I don't see myself as cute. Cute to me is someone who is petite and bubbly like Katie Couric. I however am 6'0" tall and not as bubbly as someone who is cute.

    I believe cute, beautiful, and striking are attitudes that can affect the physical.


    I would say

    cute = Katie Couric

    beautiful/striking = Angelina Jolie (not saying I look like AJ but I do have her lips)

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