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  1. Also, she said that she didnt tell me next day when it happened because she was far away and that she wanted to say to me when we will be together.
  2. I saw on her behaviour that something is strange, so I asked her but she was reluctant to talk about it. A little bit later, I saw text from him because she was sitting next to me so I pushed her to talk to me. She says that nothing happened, that she dont know what his intentions was when he came back to her room, but she knows that she didnt want anything with him, so he has not tried anything than talk.
  3. Yes, her colleague know about us. That's what bother me the most. Even though our relationship may have stagnated recently, I don't think that should be a reason to 'let' someone else into your heart. Especially not after 'something' has been wrong in the relationship for just a month. If you truly want to maintain the relationship, nothing can shake it. Am I right?
  4. In way that she was in love with me, but she is not sure what happened there. More so because her colleague teased her about him and told her that he smiles at her everytime he see her and that he could be good son-in-law in our hometown. ( This last part of sentence has a more sense in my language 😁).
  5. I saw her WhatsApp conversation with him, she called him a week ago, but he didnt answer. When I asked her why she called him, she told me that she had "I felt like it" for that and asked me why I bring that topic up.
  6. Also, she says that she did not fall in love with him, that they just connected on some special level at first sight.
  7. When we try to talk, she says that it was a month ago and why I ask her about that all the time. She says that that situation have nothing with me, that I should leave it because it would be easier to her to get over that. It was a month ago, but some days I'm ok, and some days I have osim in chest and stomach because of that.
  8. When I try talk to her, she always says that I made up that "cheating" situations in my mind because I dont trust her.
  9. My girlfriend went on a business trip, and over the weekend, she went out for drinks with a guy who works at the company she visited. She told me she finds him handsome. They got drunk, and later, he returned to her hotel room, and she let him in. She says she didn’t cheat on me and that they just talked. This happened a couple of weeks ago, and after that, she was messaging him and even called him. I told her that it bothers me, so she has stopped for now. We’ve talked about it several times, and she assures me that nothing happened, but she says her feelings are a little messed up. I’m unsure, and it keeps bothering me.
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