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  1. Thank you! Finally some real advice ^__^ I mean...I think this is what I'm doing already but yeah I like things that make me happy.
  2. It's not a secret. Did I say it was a secret? Its not. I must've worded my post poorly because you guys seem to be interpreting it incorrectly. Is this not how most people meet when you connect online?
  3. She's not going behind her BF's back. She told me he is aware that she is meeting people. It's not strictly a dating app, it's for meeting friends/activity partners/etc as well. And no, I mean friend, though you could say potential friend would be more accurate. I don't settle for at all, I am incredibly picky. Much to my detriment. She is the first person I've matched with in months who has spoken to me for more than a few days. And life is very busy, I certainly don't want to drive an hour to see someone after working all day. I appreciate that you seem well-intended, but I'm not sure it worked.
  4. I am a bisexual man in my late 30s who has very little relationship experience. I have never been in a long-term relationship and I don't date very often it's just something that has always evaded me. But I very much want to be in a relationship. Recently I matched with a girl on a dating app And we started a conversation. About a week into the conversation I was looking at her profile again and noticed that it said coupled. I asked her about this and she told me that she currently had a boyfriend. However, in her words, she was not mentally or emotionally invested in their relationship anymore and she wanted to break up. But at this current time they lived together and she didn't have the funds to move out into a new place so for the time being she had to stay there. She also said that even if she did break up with her boyfriend relatively soon she would not be ready to rush into a new relationship so quickly nor was she comfortable with cheating. I told her I understood and respected her decision and choice and was perfectly fine in taking our relationship slowly and getting to know each other. We have talked every day for the last 2 months. We have not had a chance to meet yet due to our conflicting work schedules and the fact that she lives about an hour away from me. We have a meeting day planned for later this month. From my perspective I feel we are very compatible we have a lot of things in common. She has remarked to me that she would definitely be interested in dating if I'm still available when she's ready. She has made several remarks to me such as "one day we should go on XYZ vacation together" or "I make this meal really well I'd love to cook for you sometime" These are confusing statements for me to hear because I certainly wouldn't say anything to anyone such as eating a meal together or going on a vacation unless I was seriously thinking about having that person in my life for the future I would make more low-key non-committal statements such as it might be fun to travel together or Let's go to a restaurant together sometime. Here's another dilemma I am having. Just weeks before I started talking to her I had decided that in 6-12 months I was going to move out of my current city. And now I'm not sure I want to move. I tell myself I will wait until December, see if we are still talking, still friends and how the relationship is going and figure out what to do then, figure out if I need to broach the subject of a relationship or not. We have actually discussed that we are both interested in moving to the same place. I am just worried about getting my feelings hurt again because this is not the first time I have met, someone made friends with them, developed feelings for them and then been very gently let down, Only to end up losing a friend in the long run. I want to respect her decision to take it slow I'm certainly not going to broach any subject about relationships while she is still With this other person. I guess I'm not even sure if I know what it would look like. I just don't want to make the wrong decision and lose out on what potentially could be a great relationship because I was impatient or try to make things happen too quickly. Let's be honest there is no such thing as ready for a relationship there will always be something else going on in your life work-family friends mental health etc if we keep waiting for the perfect time we will never ever find it. What's the best way to proceed? I hope this makes some kind of sense. TL,DR: Told my new friend we would take things slow but she's actually everything that I've been looking for and a partner and I'm worried that if I take it too slow something good will slip out of my fingers what do I do?
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