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  1. Yea it is the same guy. And things escalated to this after i showed him my phone. I never slept with either. Guy 1 and i only talked on the phone for 2 months, never met in life. Guy 2 and i have been dating and seeing each other. I just dropped Guy 1 after 2 months because things progressed with me and guy 2 and we became official and on the same page.
  2. Hi guys I was talking to a guy for 6 months since May. he got serious pretty fast, told his parents before we even first met, told me he loved me after a month. I had to be careful it wasnt just love bombing. So that time i was also talking to another guy and stopped with him end of June. This guy in July tells me he wants to get married soon and asked if i was talking to anyone else. I told him i was but have since stopped, tho he msgs n i have to just let him know I'm not interested anymore. I told this guy straight up and he was initally upset but later ok. Now for 4 months our relationship progressed so well, i met his parents, we discussed marriage plans etc. Few days ago, after a nice day he started questioning me on that guy and blew up saying everytime he asks me my story changes on when we last talked and that I played him and lied. He forced me to show my phone history with him and i did, which showed june was the last we talked. He started comparing our msgs from those days saying oh this was the day i came to see u , this day i got you choclate and u were talkin to him still and 1 hr phone call on this day n this day. Made me feel like garbage. I never even met that first guy in person. I said to him i told you i was talking to someone when u asked in July honestly but stopped months ago. It took time for me to be on the same pg as u. He was grilling me and calling me a liar. I started crying and i never cry. He said i dont care how this made him feel that he was in love and serious, whereas i was exploring other options..and now we have stopped talking. Honestly, was it wrong of me to have been talking to 2 guys at the same time in the beginning two months? i never claimed to be exclusive but he says titles dont matter. I should have known he was serious from the getgo and he already told me he loved me and all. I made a mistake even telling him i know. This is just so distressing. We are both divorced and in our 30s. I tried to explain thats how it is in the beginning with pple u meet on the apps but he disagrees and feels played. What do u guys think? Was i wrong and is he right to feel betrayed?
  3. My bf and i are very serious, met 6 months ago. 2 months ago, before we went exclusive, he had asked me if i was talking to anyone else. I said yea before u i was but me and that guy never even met, bc i found u but he still msgs me. I said now i need to let him down easy since we are moving forward. This made him so mad, and i understood why. I apologized and reassured him that we hadnt even met, and that I'll just end communication with him. And i did! I literally ghosted the guy which i felt bad about. Fast fwd to last week, he asked me randomly if i slept with my ex boyfriend (he knew i was dating someone last yr) I was so taken aback. I said im not answering this question. So he responds with ok so u guys banged. Im like ***! First question, how do u respond to this? If u say no, ur lying, and if u say yes, ur admitting. If u say i wont answer they'll know its a yes. We both come from religious backgrounds so generally speaking this isnt openly admitted. Then he says "my gut tells me youre still talking to that other guy too". I said im not, said swore to god, he asked if i can prove it i said yes. i hugged him and told him there is no one but him and im not talking to anyone.. we had a nice normal day together after. Then, later that night he texts me a super long msg how i didnt show him my phone to prove and now its too late as i woulda deleted stuff. He accused me of lying and that I'm keeping him as an option. I went off on him for falsely accusing me, questioning my character and integrity..to which he said i invalidated his feelings that its toxic way of communicating, but he still loves me and doesnt understand why im lying. I literally had a breakdown bc i really am not talking to anyone. I wrote him an equally long msg saying how hurt i am by his accusation, i didn't realize he wanted to see my phone right then, im so happy with him no reason ill be cheating and ended the msg saying i suggest you follow your gut no point continuing with someone if ur gut and heart tells u otherwise. Trust is everything. We havent spoken in a few days now no reply. I feel dumb for disclosing i dated and that i was talking to someone before him. Big mistake. I get he has trust issues. But, im not reaching out and begging for my innocence when i didnt do anything wrong! Everything was going so perfect between us, he treated me amazing this is out of the blue . I'm so hurt and confused but if this is to end, I'll have to let it? Opinions?
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