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  1. anyways my options are speak up/ ask the questions or politely dismiss myself?! Hmmm ok noted.
  2. Everyone else is giving me the correct answers but you quite frankly. Thanks for the advice, but something about you is rubbing me wrong!
  3. Oh so see I should have been bothered about the date thing then and I wasn't 🤷🏽‍♀️.
  4. Well his brother died literally like days after I asked him to take me to the movies his brother died on his bday, so no I'm not expecting him to reschedule a movie date , I was fine with him coming over that day 100% venting and needing a relief cool your brother just passed idk how people deal with grief I never dealt with death
  5. I never said I date people lol. I said I entertain, talk. I've dated 3 people in real commitment relationships ever. Everyone else yes we were sleeping together. That's why I asked what is dating to you? Because what me and him are doing is not dating and I don't want to date anytime soon, we've only been talking for a month like I said.
  6. Where did he decline on taking me on a date? lol wym? I asked him to take me to see bettlejucie the movie wasn't out yet he said okay , I asked him the week of or before his bday I don't recall, when we seen eachother again in person he asked if the movie I wanted too see came out yet and I said yes. I'm being mindful his brother just died so I wasn't trying to be all pressed like take me to my movie now
  7. Yes I would like to have a conversation but the way I am I'm fighting in between saying something about how I feel and my intentions, asking him about his bm, ghosting him, not giving him an explanation on why I want to walk away. But it's only been 1 month so do I have room to do this? I asked him lastnight what's the situation with you and your bm and he said nothing why and I just said "just a question", he said "You done asked 4 times" I said "Don't recall what was the conversation?" Cus i genuinely don't recall me ever asking about his bms 😂 so im genuinely confused and waiting for a response because ive never asked about that lady.
  8. I said I genuinely like our connection outside of sex. I just don't have these "real" conversations with people. Yall keep saying it's easy well if that was the case I wouldn't be here I struggle to have healthy relationships and I have had times where I have self sabotaged because of my unhealthy ways I date. So I'm trying to move forward here healthy. I like him, I would like for us to do more outside of sex and conversations, I just dk how to ask for that without feeling like idk how to explain it
  9. I act the way I act in an unhealthy way I never make bonds or have that part of after sex. It's always link *** and bye and never speaking again. So I'm trying to see how to move with this and just other things
  10. Well if you keep up you can see why I act the way I act and why I'm making a big deal out of it. I DONT DO THIS WITH PEOPLE EVER! And if he does this just casually then I'm good but idk how to explain that too and I get scared so I ghost people
  11. Sigh im quite frankly able to have sex with anyone. My bodycount is about 50, I'm very much 1 and done with people. The "affection" or whatever this is he is doing also with the sex is making me confused........... I like him I enjoy our connection outside of sex I've never been compatible with someone like this so it's making me just overthink everything.
  12. What's the correlation with that? I'm confused.
  13. Nah sadly it all doesn't work cus you are wrong here. If he's not love bombing cool but if there is no intentions of courting me and etc then yes let's keep the "bonding" out of the bed and keep it strictly sex and no sleepovers and things of that nature. I just don't know how to healthy communicate or say it or like have a conversation about all of this with him. I tend to jump around and can't express myself properly.
  14. I never got upset about anything regarding a date and he never said no to taking me on a date so what are you talking about?...... It does matter who initiates it to me lol 🤷🏽‍♀️.
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