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  1. Being disfigured in combat is probably quite appealing to some women. Being deformed due to crappy genetics is not.
  2. Unfortunately there is no solution. Seen numerous specialists, none of them will operate on me because they say the potential risks outweigh the benefits. They'd rather I just suffer like this, because it's not their life on the line.
  3. I am destined to be invisible and overlooked by women through factors beyond my control. There are some physical characteristics that simply cannot be changed. And you cannot change what women find attractive, so yeah. My life is over.
  4. Just because some women choose to settle for men below 6'3 doesn't mean that isn't what women are attracted to. It's becoming increasingly difficult to attract women if you're under 6'3. Men like me are completely invisible.
  5. I don't see your point? The average doesn't matter. Women want men in the top tier of height, which is 6'3 to 6'5.
  6. Most men I walk past are pretty much the same height as me. Being six foot is nothing. You need to be at least 6'3 to register on a woman's radar.
  7. There is nothing at all a therapist can tell me that I am not capable of formulating of my own accord. I can see through all of their tricks.
  8. As I said, you're living the dream. I don't blame you at all. But you can't admit to that and then try to offer advice to someone like me who has none of those qualities and never will do. It's not fair or healthy to do so. Also, a therapist can't change anything. Unless they're going to magic me up a new body, it's a waste of time and money.
  9. You went for a partner who was over six foot, goodlooking, and financially secure. That's a woman's dream. Congratulations! You don't need to say anything else. That speaks volumes. Don't preach to me about positivity and all that mumbo jumbo when you've shown what women prioritise. This thread was my last cry for help, and you've reaffirmed what I always suspected. There is no reason for me to prolong my suffering any longer in a world where I clearly don't belong.
  10. At least you are honest, which is less than I can say about a lot of people in advice circles. But the stuff about the attitude, hobbies, interests etc. That was where you let yourself down. You don't need to say all that on my account. You're saying what you think I want to hear or what you think sounds encouraging. You've already proven to me that none of that actually matters.
  11. It's interesting how the more I ask for advice, the more people confirm and compound my fears and anxieties. It's obvious to me that I don't belong and never should've been born. I know what I have to do next.
  12. Way to miss the point. Cherylyn said that her husband happened to be over six foot, like that was a coincidence and not part of the attraction.
  13. Your post would be like a man saying "my wife looked like a supermodel when I got with her... but it wouldn't have been a dealbreaker if she didn't".
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