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  1. I’ve just found he’s been on my mind most of the weekend. He’s not contacted me. I have been replaying events and there is chemistry there but I’m just so confused.
  2. I’m confused right now, I’ve not been able to stop thinking about him all weekend! 🤷🏻‍♀️
  3. We went on a date last weekend and I know he’s not for me and don’t want to see him again. I don’t know if I should just delete or block his number? I know I’ll have to see him at some point as he comes into my place of work. Also I’m not sure what to say when I do see him?
  4. Yes I will probably see him at some point but will definitely make it clear I am not interested
  5. Don’t actually want to see him again even as friends I actually get the feeling he’s only after one thing.
  6. We did kiss but I don’t want to go on another date
  7. I’m not sure I feel attracted to him in that way
  8. I’m not sure I feel attracted to him in that way
  9. So we went out for drinks and a bite to eat and we had a good time. Only thing is I’m not sure about it all I’m not sure if I’d go out again
  10. Thank you, we have arranged to meet up on Saturday. He called me this morning.
  11. Thank you, we have arranged to meet up on Saturday. He called me this morning.
  12. I would like to get to know him better I do feel as though we just ‘clicked’ I see him as a friend at the moment.
  13. I’ve been talking to a guy that comes into the shop where I work for some time now, last week he gave me his number and said here’s my number if you want to go for a drink or meet for a coffee, I would really like to but I’m to nervous to call him and not sure if I should text
  14. I have been sleeping with my male friend for a while now but he doesn’t want a relationship (we are both divorced) we had sex recently but that’s all it is and I feel like we can’t continue if it’s just about sex but at the same time I like the way I feel when I’m with him and I really enjoy the sex.
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