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The Shark101

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  1. Naaa, nothing to worry about; it's quite normal to moane colleagues name during dex; your wife only express her enthusiastic to her work place,,,,,, 🙄, you should be proud of her high dedication to her colleagues,,,,,
  2. 16 minutes ago, SophiaG said: Sounds great, OP! Nothing wrong with going slow. Be patient with each other and good luck! Everything is wrong going that slow, and patient has nothing to do with dating: it's working or it doesn't , you vibe or you not , the chemistry is there or not, the physical attraction there or not . No amount of patients and "talking" will change it. A woman know in the first 5 minutes of meeting the man if she's physically attracted to him, and in 1-3 dates to know if there's a future to this connection, short or long. Dragging this decision 6 dates and beyond is a waste of time for men and having another thirsty orbiter for a woman.
  3. 9 hours ago, Jiweirde said: So I matched with this girl about 10 days ago and everything was ok. Shes slightly thicker than what I normally like but still good. She seems normal, intelligent, and conservative, except in the bed. The first time I took my pants down, she got this huge smile on her face and screamed at me to "SHOVE IT IN DEEP" and then a few days later told me she wants me to "PUT IT IN", 'NO LUBE, NOT EVEN A COURTESY SPIT". Its just immature and she talks like a porn star, but otherwise comes off as completely normal and respectable. I honestly don't know what to make of it all, it would be almost funny if it wasn't just out of this world level weirdness. I don't know if I should say anything, I don;t want to spoil our sex life as I do enjoy having sex with her. From the beginning of time society conditioned women to put a "good girl" mask in order to protect her good name, otherwise she'll be called by insulting name and her reputation will be ruined. So , the only place women hoped they could remove the"good girl" mask and be themselves is in bed, hoping at least there they wouldn't be judged. But then came, an immature boy like Op, who called her weird and a porn star when the only thing she wanted was to express herself and be herself. Looks like women can't win whatever they do. Op, nothing is weird about her; move on if you can't cope with this woman's sexuality. Obviously, you're too vanilla for her.
  4. On 9/2/2024 at 3:02 PM, HappyHippie said: Am I wrong for feeling she cares less about me now? I feel things were different before You were wrong to marry her. But seeing the way you talking, you F**ed. Edit: now, after reading some of your comments - if you don't have kids, divorce her. She's not a relationship material.
  5. My God, man, This is a pure scam. Delete her number and block her everywhere. This is no brainer.
  6. 1 hour ago, ShySoul said: I have always been the nice guy and defended nice guys. I compliment women and am always there with a kind word and show of support. I am the shoulder to lean on, there when they are going through something and need help. I've helped them dry tears and made them smile and laugh. I give positive words of encouragement. Not once have I ever done this to manipulate or try to get anything in return. I am nice simply because being nice is the right thing to do. I want to make her happy for no other reason then because she deserves to be happy. I don't care what I get from it, if anything. The only thing on my mind is if she will feel better. I have done this for women I wasn't interested in and women I was. Didn't matter. I just wanted them to be happy. Funny thing, many women were attracted to me because of it. It wasn't the sole reason, as it is always a mixture of things. But being nice and complimenting then was something they told me they found attractive. The could sense the genuine compassion and understanding in my words. They saw the love and heart, the concern for people that was in my every word and action. They knew it wasn't a game or just words to say. The heart displayed let them see the good guy I was, someone they could trust and open themselves to. And they were more attracted to me because of it. Even if they have heard a million compliments, one more doesn't hurt. And it won't be just another compliment if it genuinely comes from a persons heart and soul And to assume compliments and sweet words are a manipulation by men is a gross oversimplification and generalization that really speaks negatively about men in general and denies the actual experiences and motivations of countless men and woman. I couldn't finished reading your post, it's so cringe. And after they finished crying on your shoulder and using you as an emotional tampon they are going and dating the men they are really desire. You sound like you're their best girlfriend. This is a dating forum and nothing you said will help anyone with their dating issues, if at all, it'll make their life harder.
  7. 3 hours ago, SophiaG said: 😂 Clearly I'm not a woman in shark's eyes I think those tricks might help you attract a certain type of women. But I generally think people should just be themselves on a date and not pretend to be someone else. The point is to understand why men compliment and say sweet things to a woman on a date. It's a type of conscious or unconscious manipulation done by men. The vast majority of men are very concerned with being liked by the woman they date. Therefore they will say things to appear Nice, Gentlemen, Sweet. The vast majority of men won't challenge or say things that come out as offensive because they are so worried about their image as not to intimidate or confront their date. What men do by complimenting and being sweet is to say: " I'll inflate your Ego, and in return, I hope you would like me ( more) and see me as a potential bf". You are saying: "just be you", and that is correct, but compliments and being sweet it's the opposite of being you. It's done for the sake of manipulation. No women find a man attractive just because he complained her. Women, especially pretty women , hearing compliments since preschool, they heard it a million of times , another time during date will not change anything in her opinion about the man . It'll be like " another one ? "
  8. This is an absolutely a gem of advice every man needs to read and internalize. Good on you Rainb'.
  9. 5 minutes ago, rainbowsandroses said: Fair enough, that's very true and see your point. @cooldude123stop trying so hard to impress. It can come off contrived, disingenuous and yes that can be a turn and thwart chemistry and the flow of positive energy between you. I agree with that.
  10. Yes, of course, but you didn't attracted to him because he said sweet things to you. If you attract to him, saying sweet things at that point won't make you lose your attraction.The timing is important here.
  11. And that is your problem.^^^ You're the man here so behave like one, Start Flirt and stop being too nice and saying sweet things. That's NOT attractive , and saying sweet things and compliments is not what attract women.( Regardless of what women say)
  12. 16 minutes ago, rainbowsandroses said: It's actually very rare when there is genuine chemistry, No it's not rare. And you missing the point. If Op is constantly rejected by women and does not attract women who want to be with him ( obviously not all women), regardless if there is an attraction on his side, then something he is doing is wrong. Sugar-coating it for Op won't solve his problem.
  13. 2 hours ago, cooldude123 said: Nothing I did wrong or anything like that, just wasn't her cup of tea. I run into this problem a lot. Maybe, we don't know if you didn't do anything wrong as you didn't provide enough information about your overall connection with her. If you say it's happening to you A LOT, you're the common denominator here and need to ask yourself what you're doing wrong; When YOU'RE the one who does most of the rejections because YOU'RE not feeling it and not vice versa, then you know you're doing it right., but if you're the one who constantly rejected, then you need to ask yourself 'Why?" Because something you're doing is wrong. I can tell you I never let the woman know if I got home safe, I'm a grown man, and it sounds lame. I get home after a date the same way I getting home all my life when going places, so why after date it's a different,? and if that is the overall vibe you have, it's weak.
  14. On 9/13/2024 at 5:24 AM, Elephiant said: "So do you miss me a bit already ;)". This is quite playful for her doing I think, she is quite calm. I messaged her back "Haha, yes I do miss you a bit 😉 Nothing to think about, she just wanted a boost to her Ego. Nothing more nothing less. Move on. Btw, it's not your job to bring the "talk", your job is to arrange a fun dated that'll leave her wanting more of it and more of you.
  15. Stop with this mind ma$trtbation, Just ask her out again and you'll have your answer.
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