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  1. @The Shark101 @rainbowsandroses @MissCanuck @ShySoul @Andrina @smackie9 @tattoobunnie @Kwothe28 @SophiaG @yogacat @HeartGoesOn Sorry for the delay in an update guys. I first want to say I really really appreciate everyone who took the time to comment and try and help. I messaged her back and we went on a walk to talk about this. We both talked about what we feel about eachother, what we expect and what we find confusing about our own feelings (since we are both new to this). It was a really warm conversation and I think it made it clearer for both of us what we feel and what we want further. We both agreed to actually go on further dates. I myself feel much better about this because we had a deep conversation about it and, judging on her verbal and non-verbal communication I think she does too. I know people make a lot of excuses to keep contact going and I know people also cut it off to early sometimes. I do very much weigh my own thoughts on those 2 things and am not an impulsive person, so I don't make choices easily or try to convince myself one way because it feels better short term. I just want to say for some commenters that the cases of wanting attention or being vulnerable in one way or another at that moment of her sending the message were really not the case here (and that's not me convincing myself). But I do really appreciate the view on my situation from that perspective. So keep it going and thanks all. Thank you all :).
  2. Yeah I'm wondering about that. I kinda feel like I want to see her more. I said so to her at our last date, but that I didn't want to keep her waiting because I find it harder to figure out what I feel. I would have liked it if she just said she wanted to keep going and we would see what's in it. I would kinda still like it, but I don't know if that makes it sophisticated, because we both said we weren't over the moon about eachother. After she said she wanted to stop seeing eachother I felt worse than i expected, considering I wasn't in love. I wonder, is it still possible to develop such feelings over a longer time? We already dated 6 times in 5 weeks. I don't know what I should feel or expect since I have barely any experience in this. My gut feeling is conflicted however. Mostly because I don't want to give wrong idea to her If i dont completely feel it. I'm not shure if that's my giant allergy for fake behavior speaking though...
  3. Hey people, I recently went on 6 dates with a girl. I enjoyed it and I think she did too. I felt warm feelings sometimes, but I didn't feel a big sparkle. I'm also doubting we have enough big interests in common. Our livestyle is pretty matching and big views on spending time and money or how to present ourselves where quite well matched. Wanting to be honest about this I talked about this with her and said I wanted to be honest, didn't want to keep her waiting, but would like to see what's there between us. She said she also didn't feel a big sparkle but we both expressed that we would like to keep seeing eachother to see what's there. We are both newish to dating and we also talked about not knowing how to feel or what exactly we seek (roughly we both seemed to know of course). This was a very nice conversation. Afterwards, just after the date, she messaged me that she thought about it well and decided that she wanted someone who goes for this completely and thought it better to stop seeing eachother. She thanked me for the nice time and send a really nice message. I answerred her with a similar message, thanking her. That was last Saturday. It's now Thursday and she sent me a message like "So do you miss me a bit already ;)". This is quite playful for her doing I think, she is quite calm. I messaged her back "Haha, yes I do miss you a bit ;), you?". She answerred "I also do miss you a bit :)". What does he mean with this? Does she want contact again or is this just casual talk? She's not the type of person to play with my feelings (far from it). My experience with dating is almost none, so I'm not that good at hints, but to me this seems like a big hint. On the other side, if she really wants to see me, she is also the type to just say so I think. What should I make of this? I'm mostly worried about making her uncomfortable if she doesn't mean anything with this. Thanks for the advice!
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