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  1. my previous irl relationship was x100 more abusive and I've been called way worse than an idiot. maybe thats why i don't see " idiot" as a big deal. its something i need to work on.
  2. i understand. and i meant criticizing online relationships not me. we were going to meet in real eventually. i wouldn't want to stay in an online relationship forever, there is no point in it. i ultimately want to be able to physically be with the person i love and share real life experiences with him not just stay online. if the thing was to stay online and never meet in real then i will be the first to check out of that relationship. people commented if we were to meet we would have done it by now, i wish it was that easy, but real stuff get in the way sometimes, and this is not an excuse. and like i just said we were going to meet eventually. honestly i dont think its fair to say he isn't a good person just because he called me an idiot. everyone has flaws. i have them too.
  3. because we have history. ive known him since a long time. and i stopped reaching out to him when he blocked me. but when he unblocked me i thought that was an open door. i have friends where i live yes.
  4. he called me a stupid idiot after listing what i did wrong in the relationship, then said "why did you go to such extremes to push me away you stupid f idiot" .. it wasnt because i reached out to him, it was more like he was frustrated and hurt, blaming me for what happened.
  5. 3 months post breakup and i still feel like its day 1 so i agree waiting for him is prolonging my suffering and idk how to stop waiting for him.. idk why i am still hopping he'd eventually change his mind and i know its not good for me holding onto that hope
  6. thank you it was too much for me to see how cold he was after the breakup, and asking me to act like a friend wasn't realistic, how was i supposed to act like nothing was wrong and be a "friend" with him right away.. i should have taken space but i couldnt do that either. i was starting to do better after no contact, but when he unblocked me only 49 days after he blocked me.. i started to overthink it and wait for him to reach out, it was torture. i waited one whole month and nothing from him.. so i had to reach out because i just couldnt keep wondering why did he unblock me. now i regret it... i should have never reached out, and i should have said "sorry for bothering you, bye" and deleted him when he was so cold in replying to me, but i kept talking to him.. he accepted the request and immediately typed "what do you want?" i asked him how he was and he replied "none of your business". if he wasnt ready why did he unblock me? he said he doesnt like having blocked accounts on any platform but i am still blocked on other platforms. why accepted my friend request when he can go back to blocking me or rejecting it in the first place without having to talk to me. maybe he needed to make it final for his own sake idk. its been 3 months already, and usually i am in a better place after 3 months almost over a breakup.. but with this one i feel like i am back to square 1
  7. people who are against online dating, i get it, i really do, its your opinion and its your right to think whatever you want. but can you please stop... i am in REAL pain here and the last thing i need is anyone criticizing it.
  8. I rather not to share them here. and i am not here to get lectured about online dating. it happened, feelings were real. ive known him for years. and there were plans to meet irl. but things happen. and not everyone online is a fraud. most of them are yes, but there are still good people too
  9. i know all their socials, his family and friends. he did not ask for money neither did i. and ofc we saw each others pics. we were planning on meeting in real. and there are reasons for the breakup, it wasnt because of any of the ones you mentioned
  10. like i said i couldn't stay a friend when he first broke up with me. i mean i stayed but i couldnt hid how hurt i was and i was talking about it for the next whole week post breakup which resulted in him blocking and ghosting me, we didnt talk ever since until few days ago. he was the one who wanted me to stay a friend back when we first broke up, and he wanted it a lot. now its been almost 3 months after the break up and i reached out to him and asked if we could be friends and he firmly refused etc of what i said in the post.
  11. Ive known him as a friend since 2016 and i know his real life friends as well. his family too.
  12. he used to call me names when he was angry, well, he caused me more hurt, way more when he blocked me while I was talking and ghosted me without saying a word.
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