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  1. dont condone the behaviour, but i can understand the two sides of the coin. yeah i am taking the time to reset and think. thanks
  2. well clearly i dont know that its self-destructive or i wouldnt be here :') "tis not enough your council still be true, blunt truths more mischief than wise falsehoods do"
  3. this is a cruel and unneccessary assumption of my character
  4. jesus internet, how many activities do you want me to do? im not a hermit and take part in lots of group activities. i dont consider myself to be "with" this guy, hes a very old friend whose been really good to me in the past and is the only person who didnt desert me when i got sick. i dont know the dynamics of their relationship but from what ive seen, its a little controlling and they are already in therapy together. the polyamory was driven by his gf and i am possibly a retaliation to that. none of you know how i conduct my life or who i am as a person so comments about my character are not appropriate
  5. im sorry but you should probably consider who is receiving the comments you make before you make them? im currently in a psychiatric hospital and being called desperate and having a bar that is "so low" is not particularly helpful (neither is it for anyone in any situation)
  6. hes my friend, i dont have many/im lonely. We dont like intend to sleep with each other it just always seems to happen...
  7. i personally dont feel like its my responsibility to tell her, i dont know her and weve only briefly met 3 times and it was very awkward. if i had her phone number, i would tell her. but that would mean giving up a close friend who (despite his obvious flaws) i deeply care for. i know im being played and hes just ***-thinking, but we do have a genuine friendship outside of that. i dont want to hurt him or her by telling her if you get what i mean and i also dont want to lose a friend...
  8. nah, so i want her to know ( i personally dont know her at all) but i think that would be the right thing to do he wont tell her because he doesnt want to be cut off from me if you get me im just enabling him i think...
  9. so ive been sleeping with a guy who ive known for ages for about a year now, every 2 weeks to every 3 months. weve known each other for years and we both had crushes on each other but were kinda scared to open pandoras box ive known he has a girlfriend throughout, but also that they are in an open relationship (on feeld etc. ) the wierd thing is though the guy hasnt slept with anyone else but me and the gf, and they dont talk about it at all (says he) ive met her and she does *not* like me, obviously trys to push me out of group convos/gatherings, "doesnt" hear me etc. i asked if he could tell her (id be hurt if my bf had been sleeping with a girl he used to like for over a year w?o saying) but said "if i tell her i know she wont let me see you again" idk it all seems f`*ing weird so, halp on the morality of the sitch pls!
  10. i would just be careful he doesnt take it as a slight on his ego or "manliness" or whatever peev some men have about women they are dating being in a higher financial bracket than they are. Some may be completely fine with it, but others maybe not so much, and it may not be immediately obvious if they are hiding true feelings. obviously dont let him "borrow" *any* money from you
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