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  1. My ex and I were in a long-distance relationship for 3 years; she’s from China, and I’m from Mexico. Trust was broken because I made false promises about going to China, but I didn’t have enough financial resources to do so without a student scholarship. For example, I told her I would go to a summer camp, but when summer came, I told her I couldn’t make it. After she broke up with me, I started doubting her as well, since I’m unsure if she has another Chinese boyfriend. Despite this, we decided to give our relationship a second chance, but since then, she’s been colder. Sometimes, she only replies with one-word answers and doesn’t show the same interest as before. However, she still shares 2-4 photos of her daily life almost every day, even though she doesn’t seem keen on having deep conversations. I’ve given her space when she asked for it, but I feel like we’re not connecting the way we used to, and I want to rebuild the trust between us. I’m unsure how to proceed. I’ve thought about suggesting something to help us reconnect slowly, like 5 minutes of focused conversation, but only 3 times a week to start. We’ve also played a video game together, which was her idea, but she still feels distant. Has anyone been through something similar? What strategies worked for you to rebuild trust in a long-distance relationship? How can I help her open up again without pushing too much?
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