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  1. Thank you I do appreciate your point of view I think communication is not being read very clearly with us and I think it’s definitely something I need to talk about
  2. Hello everyone I’m new but I wanted to use this form to see if I could get any help.. So my boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years, before we met he was hanging out with another girl she at the time had a boyfriend and at one point she completely blocked and stopped communicating with my so completely up until like a month ago. Her ex boyfriend dumped her and now she’s back talking with my so. I know I sound jealous and I’ve told myself this multiple times but something is just bugging me. She’s constantly sending him Tik Toks she calls him late at night and they’ll sit on the phone for awhile while I’m present. Our anniversary was in August and I had to text him just to get a happy anniversary from him but when she called late a night he answered right away. He’s told me countless times that he’s not into her and that he just can’t cut her off because of there history. Which I understand it just makes me feel shakey. He still has pictures of the two of them up on his facebook but none of him and I together. We’re friends on Facebook because I thought If I talked to her my feelings would calm down but they haven’t. She doesn’t like anything on my page unless I’ve tagged my boyfriend in it. I’ve tried to tell my boyfriend how I feel and I just get told not to worry about it. Normally I wouldn’t care but I was also in a relationship before with the “oh don’t worry she’s just a friend” speech before and caught them in bed together. im just looking for advice or something to help. Again I know this sounds like jealousy and I’m not afraid to say it is but I just want to know if maybe someone else is seeing it as I could be too. Thank you!
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