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  1. There were times I wanted to break up with him and I told him that during the arguments. He would respond with saying “I know you want to leave me anyways etc”. The reason why was because I was telling him the same thing over and over again and it seemed like he just didn’t care. a lot of arguments were petty and I started most of them so that’s all on me
  2. My point exactly. Then him asking me why I blocked him like he didn’t know.
  3. Are relationship was only for 3 months but it was deep on both ends. Are breakup ended because we argued too much and he ended up ghosting me on Valentine’s Day as a way to hurt me. That was the last straw. It was unhealthy at the time. I have lots of faults in it and so does he. When we got back in contact after are break up, after weeks of texting I asked him what his intentions were. He told me he would much rather discuss it in person. So we met up talked and of course shared lots of kisses. Then after that I heard nothing from him for a while. We ended up meeting up again a month and half later. We agreed that it was just to have s*x. I was in an emotional vulnerable state at the time, because I just lost someone that was close to me in my private life. So that’s why I decided to meet up with him and do that. about a month goes by and we started texting again. He responded to a quote of mine on social media, and confessed to me that he still liked me. So I told him to do something about it. He then proceeded to ask me to lunch and picked a day. I agreed on the day. After that it was crickets he never opened the message of me agreeing to the day. Serval days went by and I heard nothing. Him telling me that it was because he was at work etc(the first paragraph I posted from him) was bull. He was still viewing all my socials so he couldn’t have been that busy. During that conversation that I posted. I asked him a final question. “So what I’m getting is you just wanted to have sex with me, maybe hang out but you don’t/or haven’t wanted to commit to me”? he responded saying “yeah that’s what your getting, at most I wanted to be friends if anything”. That’s why he got blocked.
  4. These are the paragraphs he sent me word for word. 1- Don’t act like you didn’t want to.. and wym feeling myself? You buggin lol that was close to the time when I was going out of town and they scheduled me 6 days and I ended up working 7 in a row that Thursday happened to be my 7th day they asked can I come in I was pissed af I wasn’t on my phone the entire day. I went to text you I believe Saturday to apologize and explain the situation but you had blocked me so chill. 2- I’m not on no high horse I’m just saying. That’s what YOU think I’m thinking but it’s not the case lol but it wasn’t on purpose or anything I just had a long week that week and I could’ve reached out sooner thats on me but when I did go to reach out I was blocked 3-Cause you had me fu**d up so I blocked back. And as far as stalking your page is wild I viewed a single story nor am I playing little games but you got it I was just curious to why you blocked me I won’t bother you anymore 4-How did I play with your feelings? And how did I get an ego boost when I said I still had feelings for you at the time? Don’t make sense to me 5-An ego boost to what exactly!? I didn’t have an ego from none of that to begin with idk but I’m sorry if you felt I played with your feelings wasn’t my intentions and once again I won’t bother you anymore. Take care Taylor. 6-You talkin bout the first time we hung out after all that or the very last time we did? Bc when we went to lunch did I not say I still had feelings for you but don’t think it’s a good idea to be together? I’m confused it doesn’t matter but these were all his paragraphs that he sent me when we were having this conversation.
  5. So I can admit that I have been playing a little *** for tat with my ex. We broke up 6 months ago but have been in off and on contact since then, and hooked up some months ago. Anyways about a month and half ago he confess that he still liked me and wanted to take me out for food. So I agree he ends up basically ghosting me after I said I agreed. So I decided to block him on all platforms. He plays the *** for tat game and decided to do the same. He ends up unblocking me a month later and starts viewing my social media posts. He then sends me a text asking me “why did you block me weirdo”? I told him why. He then proceeded to send a long paragraph explaining how he had to work and he was going out of town etc, then he apologized for the communication. He then tells me that he was going to apologize but when he tried, he found out he was blocked so he decided to block me back because he said “I had him f*** up”. I then proceeded to tell him I’ve moved on and have healed from the situation and us in general. I did kinda let him have it basically explaining to him how I felt like he was and has been playing with my feelings etc. he starts sending me paragraphs asking me why I felt like that, especially since he confessed that he still had feelings for me as well. He then said “I always still had feelings for you but didn’t think we needed to be in a relationship again, and I’ve told you that”. Which by the way he never said that to me. I finally say “so what I’m getting from you is you wanted to be sexual with me, sometimes hangout but not commit to me again”? He replied saying “yup that’s what you’re getting from me, at most I only wanted to be friends, and I’ve been told you that”. I was in shock it was kinda a heartless statement. Not only shocked but confused cause why are you even texting me asking me why I blocked you and having a full on conversation with paragraphs with someone who you don’t care about like that anymore? I’m 23 this too shall pass but it kinda pushed me back a notch in my healing process. It was my fault for even giving him the time or day and even responding to him. Any advice ?
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