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  1. I guess it’s because it’s my first experience with a man, the first time I felt a romantic connection with somebody. I was always lonely as a teenager and never dated because I didn’t like anyone enough and refused to settle. This was the first time I felt an actual connection with a man, and I miss hugging/kissing talking to someone I feel an emotional connection with. It’s hard to go back to being lonely after feeling that
  2. Actually, he didn’t tell me. He lied about his age and said he was only 25. But I could tell that wasn’t true just because I thought his mannerisms were of someone that was older.. to confirm my suspicions without straight up accusing him of lying I asked what year he graduated school and the way he bounced around the question told me I was right that he lied. I guessed 29 and I could tell by the way he reacted that I was right, so that’s the only reason I know his age
  3. He would express interest and then not speak to me/ leave me on read for up to 2 weeks at a time. I told him I didn’t like this and he said something like “I am comfortable going x days without contact because I know the person I like likes me.”
  4. I made it clear I wasn’t going to have sex with him and undressing/ touching my breasts was a hard limit for me. He still did, and when I moved away he said sorry. He tried to do it again 10 minutes later and told me it’s no big deal. This is part of the reason I told him I didn’t wanna see him again
  5. I am 18 and the man in question is 29. For context, i am very inexperienced with boys/men but this is the first time i felt a real romantic connection with someone. I met him a month before i turned 18, but he only found out my age a week before my birthday. He looks very young and in the beginning refused to tell me his age so I assumed he was in his early 20s or a teenager around my age. I ended up blocking him a week after talking because of him leaving me on read for an extended period of time, and he showed up at my work and apologized and wrote me a letter of apology. I was practically swooning reading this letter and convinced myself that hes the one for me. So i gave him another chance. Almost 3 weeks later he was doing it again, so i said i was no longer interested because his nonchalant act was getting on my nerves. He writes me a very long text explaining how he was busy. Whatever. On our first date he was a perfect gentleman in every way. On our second date we went to his apartment and while we didnt have sex, we went further than i usually do considering that I’m a virgin. Lot of time passed between our second and third date because I was busy/ out of the country. We did text during this time and he mentioned that he sees me as a big commitment and wants to know as much about me as possible before he fully commits. Our third date was 2 days ago and i was very put off by him taking me to a coffee shop that was small, crowded, loud, filled with college kids and every girl wearing the same outfit. I was pretty shy in there because i wasn’t comfortable and we didn’t talk much. After, we went to his apartment and did pretty much the same thing we did last time. Afterwards when he dropped me off I told him I wasn’t gonna see him again. He asked why and I said because I didn’t feel like he’d ever be serious with me. He asked what type of commitment would make me consider staying and I said to call me when I get home and we can talk about it. He never called me. I sent him a text saying “I take it you don’t wanna talk about it. That’s okay. Goodbye” and he replied “I do, but I don’t think it’ll change things. I like you a lot. Goodbye.” I have no idea what he even meant… he’s the one that asked me the question and now he doesn’t even wanna talk about it. I have no idea what to make of it or what he even meant. I’m probably never gonna speak to him again. This hurts so much. I thought he was different. I feel cheap and used. I feel rejected. I cry all the time. I don’t know how to cope. I keep thinking it’s because of something I did. Or because im not attractive enough. I just feel so lonely now.
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