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  1. I just thought I'd be married and have kids by now but I stayed with the wrong man far to long. But I thank you for your advice
  2. She has me and my brother. I was the obedient child but she hates me whereas my brother made mistakes but he can do no wrong I don't understand why some parents hate one child over the other? But I should never have come back to my home state but I was told I have support and love but that was a lie. I appreciate everyone's advice. I truly do..
  3. I am sorry I haven't slept in 72 hours and my eyes hurt from crying but to EVERYONE thank you for the advice..
  4. Thing is my mom still is saying hateful things so how do I ignore the hateful things she says to me ? I don't think some of you understand. That's why I need to get away from her. That's why I need to move. My therapist told me she will never apologize and she will continue to hurt me , I need to either keep my distance or move away. Which I am going to move away
  5. We we were talking since March not only 2 months, but he didn't give me his number until June. But we've been talking since March. I don't know I just feel so much right now, I can't help it. I an one of those people who always wants to see good in people. It just hurts and I understand what you are saying but I wish some saw my pov I get attached to people easily and I was liking him way before he gave me his number but I was to shy to say anything until he sent his number
  6. I plan on moving to another state. My family is not a good support system. I should have stayed in Texas. But I didn't. My health isn't good when it comes to having a toxic narcissist mom
  7. I do see a therapist online . It is helping. She has said my mom was a narcissist to me all my life and she treated me bad even though I was obedient but my brother got all the love I do not have a lot of good support honestly. My Grandma passed away in 2010 the only one who hated how my family treated me It's hard somedays, when he call me sunshine or just reach out I felt someone truly cared. So I know some will say he never cared but I got attached, he made me feel like I was special and made me feel good to be Alive But I understand what you are saying but it's just hard I just don't know how to get over it I get to attached and he treated me better then the couple exs i ever had and we weren't even a couple. I'm not looking for any other men. My heart can't go through all this again
  8. Well I don't have many people in my life and he took the time to wish me a good morning and goodnight. I understand he's married. But I wish you understood more But thank you for your advice
  9. I still care for this man and his son I can't shut off my feelings but he hasn't contacted me so obviously he didn't care at all, not even as a friend and I think that hurts me worse. And he knew how much trauma I been through and yet... I'm just so upset but thank you
  10. I'm giving up on love. I'm tired. I do not want to get my hopes up again and be hurt again. But thank you I don't think I will be getting over this anytime soon because I thought at least he was my friend but obviously he never cared at all. Just lies
  11. No . He hasn't even texted to make sure I'm ok That hurts worse then anything and I'm not doing well My anxiety is bad but thank you
  12. What's really sad is I been abused by my mom, by my ex boyfriend, I Been through so much trauma yet he still went through with all this I been crying almost non stop and if he even thought of me even as a friend you'd think.he text make sure I was ok. Obviously I was nothing to him and that hurts me even worse
  13. Well I thought he was a good honest man. I was so wrong.
  14. He just sent me a text on Monday when I sent him money to take him and his so. Out to his favorite Mexican restaurant But at the beginning he stated he was single for the last 3 years and just wanted to be a good Dad. He knew how my mother treated me as a child he knew of all the trauma I been through and yet he still did this I actually overdosed a month or so ago and had to be hospitalized for awhile I been through a lot and now this My heart is broken, I thought at least he was a friend and cared but he hasn't even reached out to make sure i am OK that's what hurts the most I just feel so horrible
  15. Actually he wanted to get with me physically so it was more then just friendship He also was happy to receive the gift card I sent for his son and stuff I sent him for his birthday as well He wasn't just saying friendly stuff I just didn't add all that . He got some photos of me and he enjoyed them I feel like the biggest idiot in the world because I do not have a full time job and my money was limited and he knew this I am hurt. I know it's my fault for trusting another man but I'm hurting
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