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  1. @Teedee, thank you so much ,talked to my son in law I had to let go of the embarrassment and slide my pride to the side. He is in the legal world and knows some financial advisers. I just was stuck and safe although miserable in my bubble I will look into the sites you posted thank you. Again for taking time out of your day to chat
  2. Yes thank you. All. The site has become a poster board for me to just shout at instead of just talking to myself thank you. For the advice and positive outlooks
  3. I feel like I fumbled all my opportunities. And stuck myself in the bargain basement. I bet on the wrong horse. And now im old no nest egg just struggling to survive. My only pitiful saving grace is that I was nice am, nice so ppl help but I just feel like a charity case. I ve been working on myself. And in not a dumb person I just married young and started my family and neglected myself. Now my hubs is dead, kids are grown. And im left with memories. And bills i know i pray and feel i still have some fight in me one more act that will be just for me. In jealous of every one that figuredit out it was hard losing my mom at 13 marring at 16 and birthing a baby i did it. And now im fried lol and depresses and every da y life is hard I wake up SAD. How worried anxious. I just wanna live without this feeling of failure. I have 20 bucks to my name my life floats on 20 bucks lol I'm damn. Near 50 with no savings
  4. Just life, itself I'm in a bind and I'm poor and it sucks and I'm just even more sad that the ppl that would care aren't here That's it. I'm sad and alone and overwhelmed and too poor for therapy. AND I CAN feel.almost sense the freedom of saying duck it
  5. Life is ***inh me up right now and I'm ready to give in. I spent my life caring. And now that I need care I'd have too call a seance. And hope the spirts would come and they way I've been crying and begging the creator they have heard. I am mentally crushed. I have no one to talk to and no one who cares.i am venting to the void. And close to checking into a psych ward for a few.
  6. @TeeDee No I had no alcohol. Just danced a bit. And it was very warm in the court yard. I think its just my brain sadly.
  7. I am trying my best I've been in bed all day and work tomarrow . Physically hurting 😪
  8. I want to go. But I don't this weekend I went to party I didn't want to go to but had a good time sat night. But was drained Sunday..... did nothing barely folded my laundry. I cooked and just sat. And barely slept lol insomnia and anxiety!
  9. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=N3oKvbqkyQ0&si=sAWj2tx8f95Q-kCe
  10. Leave you both have ran the course of the relationship. And I agree with ya on the 19 yr old, if she wants a big man baby. Let them.be happy. She wants more and you don't want the whole package and that's fine
  11. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=ex7s-d7lClM&si=hxoMzASHFjV2KSaQ
  12. THIS rant is just my old cantankerous behind being over observant as a half century age lady.....ppl have become so wrapped up in openly judging ppl I over heard a man with a 9 month belly shaming a plump.woman a woman with fake hair shame another while adorned in a hair hat l!!!! Wth. It's crazy fake Influences ppl were going mad over a cup ???? I feel like I'm a spectator to the madness... thank yall for coming to my sad talk lol
  13. I know I should not even have answered. I don't even have his number saved but life is so dry I will admit it was nice to even decline lol
  14. I delt with a nice younger man 5 yrs after my husband's passing he was nice truck driver took me on trips. We talked for over a year. Finally met. And he just brought back alive my lust for love and companionship we would talk till our phones died about any and every thing it was nice. Untill it wasn't when he revealed he stayed with his kids mom, sometimes? Just flakey and sus. One night while high as a kite. He told me stories about how she dates and he gets mad but stays, and he does the same. It was like a soap opera 😐 so I asked why would you think I want to be part of the drama? Why date if you both still want to be together? He had no answers to that question. Claimed it was for the kids. Lol so I quietly backed out after missed dates and dropped convos. NO ONE DESERVES TO BE ON A ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS DRIVEN BY SELFISH NEEDS. NOW AFTER MONTHS HE HITS ME UP "hey sweetie how are ya" would ya like to go to the movies next week ? " I'm like I'm right, and I pass I don't care for ya flakey Ness
  15. Sorry that you are feeling so much stress. It was fine the way you approached your wife, though a bit open ended. Maybe you could lay out a budget. Together and lay out a saving plan? Can she work. Part time babysit or elder care?
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