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  1. Every time it happens i try to look at it realistically and I do think that it is too important to ignore,. And then it starts again. So loving, so giving, so tender and i think that it is only a matter of time. I know she is not faking it. We were dancing a song I like which she also does and she told me how happy and safe I make her feel and I could feel her tears on my shoulder. I didnt say anything because there was no need, You cannot fake certain things. And you certainly cannot fake the money she spent in travelling to come and see me or the presents she has been buying for me. Inspite of all this and although I am 56 I am very highly sexed and cannot see myself in a sexless relationship. I really like her and I think about her all the time but I have to tell her that I cannot do this indefinitely
  2. She is independantly well off financially, She is not rich but definitely is doing very well and she is an advisor to the pharmaceutical industry working for herself. She has paid all her airfares and accommodation and so far i have not contributed anything to her travel arrangements. Of course while she is here visiting me I have been paying for our dinners although she has picked up some of our bar bills without me knowing. I have seen her house through video calls at various different times of the day and it is very obvious it is where she lives as she often has me on video chat as she is getting ready to do things or when she is getting ready for bed etc. Regarding how we met she was staying at a hotel that I use frequently to host business clients of mine (I am in advertising) and she was in my city as a guest advisor of one of my clients. This is how we met - a business meeting. Next day we saw each other at the bar and got talking and it progressed from there,. First emails, then phone calls and then she said she would come for a weekend so we could go out. The rest you already know. I fully agree that it is not normal for someone to be dating but not be in a long term relationship for decades.
  3. Thank You!!!! We next meet in September when she is coming for 9 days near the end of the month. She will stay with me at my place. If by day 2 nothing happens again I will have that exact discussion. You can see though why it is so confusing? She is so affectionate and touchy feely but it stops in the bedroom
  4. Thank you for your input. I also have my suspicions regarding some type of sexual abuse although she has been open about physical abuse she suffered for a short time by her ex husband whom she divorced almost immediately (30 years ago). I dont think she is using me for any ulterior motive. If she did she could do it with less effort than now. She does not need to message me so much, she does not need to call me so much, she does not need to be on the phone every night until we sleep. She knows I am not that type of man that could be strung along. I am good looking as I am told, I have a great career, am dynamic and have a varied past with many relationship experiences. It is a very confusing situation
  5. Hi Andrina, thank you again for posting, And here is where it is also weird. We did not meet online, We met at my city and during her stay we saw each other every day at the hotel she was staying (i have a lot of my clients there) and there was intense flirting which progressed, We leave a 3 hour flight apart and no citizenship issues exist. I have seen where she lives, her house, spoke to many of her friends and even her sister will come with her for a short break on her next trip so she can also meet me in person. Her relationship history is varied, Married in her 20s to a man who became physically (although not sexually) abusive and whom she divorced without a second thought. Had a few relationships since but none lasted more than 2 years maximum. Regarding the future she has said right from the start even before we started dating that she wanted to move to my part of the world as she loves it
  6. Thank you for your advice. The thing that amazes me is that she has a life, a profession, many friends, family etc and yet she always takes time to message me 20 times a day minimum, call me at every possible moment she can, call me to make sure I got up in the morning and so much more. She talks about the future, about being old together, about our little odd habits and so much more. However, once we go to bed we cuddle and hold and she snuggles up to me and hold me tight, she does not respond to any kind of make out move. She does not say no but is totally unresponsive which is obviously a stop sign in itself. It is not the lack of sex because that is not a dealbreaker at this stage, but it is the lack of even the most basic make out that makes me wonder whether she actually does want me and I am not just a "nice guy" safe option to grow old with
  7. No she didn't ask for time. It was implied that she would make it known when she was certain / ready. Here lies the issue - I am really in love with her and I think she maybe the one. However, I cannot understand how when we are a couple we can sleep together but not even make out? No matter how much she wants to take it slow i cannot see why...
  8. We are both in our 50s and have been in a long distance dating situation since April. Every month she travels to see me and for the first 3 times she has been staying in a hotel and we were meeting for dates both day and night. The last time we stayed together for 1 night although nothing happened. We get on really well. We talk and laugh and have fun continuously staying up talking till 5am sometimes. She refers to me as her boyfriend and has spoken openly about me to her friends and family. She has met and spoken to some of my friends again referring to herself as my girlfriend. When we go for dinner or drinks we walk holding hands and she is tender and loving This time we have vacationed for 10 days and slept on the same bed. We slept cuddling and holding each other but she rejected my initial advances of making out. Considering how well we get on and that she considers us to be a couple I cannot understand why she does not want to be intimate. I am good looking apparently and have a very successful professional career which gives me a comfortable lifestyle. When we are not together and are at our separate cities we message maybe 20 times per day and we call at every opportunity,. Every night we talk on the phone until we are asleep. It is all romantic and nothing shows that i am being friend zoned What should I do? When I voiced my questions she said that because she is a very intense person she has very intense feelings and needs to be certain. However we are not kids and both have pasts
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