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  1. I'm at a crossroads and I can't figure this out for myself so I'm putting it out there to see what the public thinks..... I met a guy, we got close, I could tell pretty quickly he wasn't your typical man. He had issues with his head, the way he acted was strange - I subsequently discovered he had bad ADHD. In the beginning though things were good, he was almost the perfect gent with me, we had fun, we did things, sex was good (although infrequent) and gradually we fell in love. He would however not commit for a lot longer than I liked. Things turned however when he did a spell in jail. Once he came out he wasn't the same, he was upset a lot, his head was in pieces and he dealt with it by smoking large amounts of weed. I tried to help him, but there were many red flags, he took me for granted for months....I had many red flags but I was too insecure and blinded by love to leave. We had always spoke about moving abroad and it happened....too quickly. It didn't work out, not especially because of me and him, but events happened while abroad that meant I had to leave and come home, he chose to stay. He lasted another couple of months and then came back. We were together another 4 months before he decided he could not live in the UK and headed off back to Europe and the relationship ended. During this 4 month period his head was literally in pieces, there was no sex, no affection, nothing relationship like....I felt like a taxi to restaurants and not much else! Since then all had been quiet...but after 4 months, he's been in touch. He's been having therapy and still is, he says he still loves me and wants me back in the long term....however he needs to stay abroad to complete therapy and can't commit to me until it's all done. I don't know how long this would be, and I don't know if I even believe what he's saying. My head says I should run as fast as I can but unfortunately, I still love him. Part of me really wants to see him through his therapy and hope that he will go back to being the fun loving, good time enjoying guy I met and fell in love with. I fear that a lack of sex and arguments about living situations would arise pretty quickly unless he can deal with his demons properly. The other half thinks that I should say that he had his chance, ruined it and I'm worth more than the misery he gave me. Just wondering what people think I should do?
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