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  1. I am absolutely taking everyone's comments in mind. But like I said, I'm not one to give up on someone without giving them a chance. It's his choice to take that chance or drop it. If he works on his anger but then relapses just as quickly.. I will also leave! If he takes it out on me again,,, I'm gone! I just want to talk to him and see if there's any hope in this relationship before I cut it off. But before I have that talk,,, I need to know what to say and how to offer any possible help... without making any sacrifices on my part.
  2. That is what I'm trying to ask! I'm sorry if my wording in my post wasn't the best, English isn't my first language. I Am ready to leave if he doesn't work on himself/gets worse/ ect. Basically, what I was trying to ask in my post was.. "how do I suggest to my boyfriend to work on his anger? What are things I should say /shouldn't?" Or "Are there certain tips I can give him?" I'm not his therapist and all I can give him is tips ect. My problem is simply that I don't know how anger feels and simply have no experience with it. I don't want to come off as insensitive when I talk to him about it.. because I'm planning to have a serious conversation about his anger soon. Maybe everyone is right who comments in this post.. but I simply don't want to give up on him, you know? We have amazing memories together, have so much fun and laughs together. He helps me and supports me.. and I want to do the same for him. I simply don't know how. I don't know what to suggest. What tips to give.. ect. And yes, if it gets worse.. he doesn't change.. I will Leave. I've experienced my entire childhood being treated like *** and I refuse to have the same in my adulthood. I don't deserve that🙄 I just want to give him a chance to better himself before I make a decision like that. That's why I asked for advice on how to approach it
  3. I, in fact, never expected that of him and never asked him to. I am actively working on myself, take meds for my anxiety and I'm going to therapy. My anxiety has greatly improved over the past months and I continue to live life and not let my anxiety get in my way too much. I work on self improvement actively, and I never asked my boyfriend to treat me differently because of my anxiety. My anxiety is a me problem, I know that and I treat it like that. BUT, that does not change the fact that I Still have anxiety and it still gets bad for me sometimes. Yes, I didn't do as he said because my anxiety was peaking at that moment (multiple factors, his angry yelling, the car troubles, new environment, large crowd, a lot of different things at once).. but I kept that to myself! I didn't ask him to baby me or 'treat me with kid gloves', I didn't act dramatic, didn't take it out on anyone.. I just needed a breather and settle in. Get my emotions under control before I could continue with anything. (we just arrived when he took it out on me) This.. does Not give him the right to yell at me because I didn't do as he said. It was unfair of him. It was controlling.. just because he was angry didnt give him the right to control me, i didnt have to listen because he wasnt okay and was yelling. It had nothing to do with my anxiety. Nothing to do with treating me with kid gloves. I just didn't know what to do, and his yelling made it worse. Same for all the other outbursts. I don't expect him to baby me because of my trauma and anxiety, I simply warned him about it so he Knows what's up. But I still feel his anger outbursts is something that's getting out of hand
  4. I kind of freeze when he yells/ has his outbursts. Either that or I get scared. I do have a long childhood with abusive parents (no longer in that situation, luckily). He's aware of this, I have told him I get panic reactions when I hear yelling or angry tones. So it's not like he's unaware of the effects his yelling causes me. At first he always apologised after his outbursts, but lately not at all anymore. His recent outburst (the one that he ended up taking out on me) he briefly apologised for but it didn't sound sincere at all. He first said sorry, that he didn't mean it.. but then he followed it up with "I just wasn't feeling okay, had a lot to prepare for (for airsoft, which we were doing at the time of the outburst), I just needed you to listen to me" .. which kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth. He wants us to just forget and move on.. but yeah no that's obviously not how it works. The man literally keeps complaining about how his mom takes out her stress on people around her sometimes.. but then does the same to me??
  5. Basically, we went to go airsofting (basically going to a field with a big group and shoot each other with bb guns) I went for the first time while he's a regular there. It's a new place for me with a lot of people (around 150) and because of that my anxiety was pretty intense (I am diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, he knows this). Long story short, there was an info briefing happening for beginners. My boyfriend told me to go, but I didn't know where it was and I didn't want to go alone (again, anxiety was hitting a high point, I was also of course overwhelmed because of his anger earlier and the car breaking down.) So I told him I didn't know where this briefing is. He told me to just go walk to the right. He didn't specify where to go, what to do. Anything. He's familiar at this terrain, I'm not... but he wouldn't specify where to go. Yet kept angrily yelling at me to just listen and go. (He didn't come along because he had to prepare the airsoft guns.) I walked, couldn't find anything, went back because I was so overwhelmed. He got mad that i didn't do as he said, and gave me silent treatment after. So yeah,
  6. My (21F) boyfriend (27M) has anger outbursts, how do I help? So basically, we've been dating for about a year. And I've come to realize how often my boyfriend gets really angry when things go wrong. For example when he takes a wrong turn, when a device doesn't work, during gaming.. just if anything doesn't go his way. He yells and cusses really loudly and angrily and it has gotten worse over time. Today I decided to finally post about it because when we went out, his car broke down twice. He, of course, got really angry. Which is reasonable, but my issue is that he took it out on me later. He told me to go somewhere to get something and I didn't listen (because my anxiety was spiking and I didn't know where to go). He yelled angrily at me to just listen. He never got angry at me like that before. All and all, all of this made me question if all these anger outbursts are normal? I personally don't experience anger and I don't know what it's like, so I'm completely in the dark here. I want to emphasise this. I do Not know how anger feels and if its something you can learn to control. That's why I don't know how to approach my boyfriend about it. My question is: Do I talk to him about it, if yes, how? Do I help him, and how do I help him? His anger lasts mostly until the situation is resolved or passes. So long story short, how do I help my boyfriend (if at all) with his anger outbursts? Please don't just say break up with him, he's a loving and amazing boyfriend and breaking up is an easy way out.. I want to help him. I want to be there for him, I just don't know how because of my inexperience with anger as an emotion. Any advice is appreciated!
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