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  1. I met someone and we finally had amazing conversation. I feel fairly good with the person. So, I finally sort of discover why I feel the connection or spark with someone. After looking back, it is value. It is either me telling them something valuable which helps their lives or them telling me something valuable which helps my live. However, this happens so random. So, just to ask if anyone has a way to have valuable conversation consistently?
  2. So, the situation is you have a orientation with company 1 in a week and a fourth interview with company 2. In my opinion, it is more certain with company 1 because you are definitely going to be their employee for the next 90 days(that is normally the trial period unless you do something crazy and they fire you straight up). So, from what I see, the only thing may get you to be concern is company 2 seems to be a better offer(better company, better benefit, better people). Or maybe company 2 makes you feel better. But from the action point of view, I can see these actions available: 1. Decline the 4th interview and move on with the current situation 2. Accept the 4th interview and move on. There might be the 5th or 6th or 10th interview until you get the offer. 3. Work for company 1 until company 2 offer you a job 4. Look for company 3 What results do you see with the possible actions?
  3. Rejection and embarrassment That is bad What do you need to know to let it go?
  4. On the positive side, that is exactly what you're going to do when you're out with your partner. Well, go out there, work on yourself and get a partner. Use that as a motivation
  5. What results are you looking to achieve in this situation? A better manager, a better health, understanding from college, etc. What are you trying to focus on?
  6. I had a conversation with someone I thought I like. It really turns out that something is holding me back. Maybe I don't like them. To be honest, they are smart and beautiful so it should be pretty normal for someone to like them. So, I am not sure what it should feel like when liking someone. In your experience, what does it feel like when you like someone?
  7. Did he give you his number out of the blue?
  8. Where do you want to go? I mean what results are you looking for at the moment?
  9. If this continues, what is the consequences? I can see 3 things which can be the result 1. Everything continues the way it is 2. She is back to how she was 3. You move on with someone else I am not sure what is more likely to happen but everything continues the way it is seems to be very likely.
  10. Seems like a tough situation. To be able to give you advice, we may need to know what you want to achieve at the end first. So, what results are you looking for?
  11. Oh, so as I understand it, the problem is as a friend, she did not seem to care when you need it and not to care to include you in anything anymore. I feel like we are almost clear on the issue now. Just wonder, how long has this been an issue for you? Also, what do you want to focus on? (1. she does not seem to care to include you in anything anymore; 2. she did not seem to care when you need it)
  12. OK, just to confirm in case I get it wrong, the situation is you met a guy who is easy to talk to, and he showed interested. However, he moved 5 hours away for study. So, you feel obsessed with that. Is that the right case?
  13. So, last few months the money topic is more intense than ever, is that correct? Just to clarify, is the problem with her owning you money or she ditched you?
  14. Ok Is lack of touch the main problem in this situation?
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