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  1. Thanks for your answer @Batya33 I asked him about his job, and he only mentioned that he works for a company. I’m fine with enjoying regular dates or planning picnics and walks, but it feels strange that he always seems surprised by how much I spend which is tottaly normal. I'm also worried that he might bring his financial problems into our relationship at some point.
  2. Hello, everyone. I need your opinions about my situation. I met this guy on a dating app over a month ago, and we’ve been talking every day. I felt a really strong connection between us. We first met at a coffee shop to see how things would go in real life, and it was perfect. He is such a gentleman and a caring person. After our initial meeting, he told me that he likes me and we went on a second date. He lives an hour away, but that seems manageable for us. As I got to know him better, I noticed that he seems to be struggling financially. He never mentioned this directly, but I could tell when we were in our second date. I wanted to do some activities that I thought would bring us closer and be fun, but when we were about to buy tickets, he was surprised by the price, which wasn’t actually very high. I was a bit taken aback, so I said it was okay and that I’d cover the cost. For the rest of the date, he paid for the meal and also covered my Uber ride (I have a car, but I can’t drive due to some conditions, while he doesn’t own a car). Overall, from getting to know him, it seems he doesn’t spend a lot. I even asked him about his job, and he mentioned that he doesn’t get paid well but is okay with it. We’re both in our early 30s, and I’m unsure whether financial compatibility is a red flag or not. There was one instance when I went to a nice restaurant with a friend, and his reaction was, "Wow, that will be an expensive one." Since we’re still in the early stages of our relationship, I’m a bit concerned that this could become a significant issue for us. To give you some background, my ex was financially irresponsible and frequently borrowed money from me. I was so in love with him that I couldn’t say no, and it ended badly. I’m worried about financial matters now because of that past experience.
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